Open For Love of the Art

Jorin Ertihan is an actor! An artist! An ... an unemployed bum. What's to become of him?

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

For Love of the Art

Postby Dust on August 13th, 2013, 10:49 pm

oocApologies for the delay... hopefully will do better from here forward!

Belatedly, Dust put two and two together and got a familiar face, at which she clapped her hands together. "Oh!" She also had enough breath back to actually converse with her companions. "It's good to see you again! I was hoping you were still around..." It seemed now that no one was in danger of falling off the edge, although at least two of the three here could have wings if they wanted them. She eyed the man, wondering if he might be Kelvic too...

...but the way he talked didn't seem to support that in Dust's mind. She couldn't have said why, but he just didn't sound like she expected a Kelvic to. So, they were two Kelvics and a human from Zeltiva. "I'm pleased to meet you too. Was that you singing earlier?" she immediately inquired, as that question was more or less what had brought her down in the first place.

He turned to face Rinya, and Dust did as well, grinning broadly as the man folded himself into a bow. "She's Rinya!" the raven Kelvic declared, as she had zero compunctions about answering questions, even ones addressed to someone else. "We went fishing --" If that was even the right word... "-- um... a while ago. Is it still fishing when you catch crabs or clams or things like that? Since they're shellfish and all?"
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For Love of the Art

Postby Rinya on August 14th, 2013, 2:34 am

Rinya was inwardly pleased to hear that Dust was happy to see her again. She hadn’t been sure if her first encounter with the Kelvic had made much of an impression. Rinya was just really getting used to Riverfall, and at that point had avoided unnecessary contact with people in general. Aside from Dust actually—Jorin was the first person she willingly talked to.

As Jorin once again asked for her name, she shouldn’t have been surprised when Dust spoke up from behind. Glancing at Dust, she gave her a sheepish smile before she looked back to Jorin, hooking a thumb over her shoulder at the woman behind her.

”She’s correct. I am Rinya…” Feeling her cheeks heat a little, she shrugged. Unable to help the grin from showing on her face, she tilted her head into Dust’s direction. ”Yes, it is still fishing Dust. At least I would say so. They certainly cannot live beyond the sea.” Rinya blinked before shrugging lightly. It was the simplest answer she could think of really.

”What brings you all the way out here Dust? Or even you for that matter Jorin. With those words shouldn’t you be training for some sort of show?”
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For Love of the Art

Postby Jorin Ertihan on August 14th, 2013, 2:51 am

Season of Summer, Day 57, 513 AV

Jorin laughed as red tinged his cheeks.

"Ah, well, I think singing might be more praise than my poetry deserves," he admitted to Dust. "Besides, my 'song' nearly drove me off this cliff! I could do without such music." He grinned good-naturedly. She seemed so ... bubbly! And happy! It certainly lifted Jorin's spirits, especially after the near-crushing despair he had felt the moment the stage master told him to leave. To have to leave a family for a second time...

Shaking his head to clear these uncomfortable thoughts, he instead concentrated on what Dust was saying. He laughed heartily when she blurted out the Kelvic girl's name. So she was Rinya! That was good to know. Dust and Rinya. Good, he could remember that much at least.

"Well, Rinya, it is a genuine pleasure to meet you," he smiled, as she confirmed her name. As to the question of shellfish...

"Uh, well, I don't know Rinya, maybe it'd be called crabbing! No, crabbing isn't right. Hmm, perhaps clamming? No, that's when you stop talking. How about shell ... fishing ...? Hmm, this is harder than it looks. Well, one thing's for sure, you go into the sea to get food, and you come out with it! Surely that counts as fishing?" He puffed up a bit, proud of his little analysis even though it basically amounted to the same thing Rinya just said, except with ten times the amount of words.

When Rinya asked what he was doing there, his smile faltered. When she mentioned a show, it fell completely.

"Uh, well ... yes I ..." Jorin was at one of those rare moments when he was at a loss for words. How to explain what happened, when he himself wasn't entirely sure?

"I was practicing for a show, but something ... happened, with my troupe. And now, I ... I suppose, I'm practicing for myself," Jorin explained lamely. Eager to change the subject, he turned to Dust.

"So what are you doing here, Dust? I haven't seen you before! Shall I compose a poem for you?"
Jorin's Thoughts | "Your speech" | "NPC Speech"

"Common" | "Pavi/Grassland Sign" | "Tukant"

"Written Text."

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For Love of the Art

Postby Dust on August 25th, 2013, 11:59 am

Dust found the nearest bench on the outlook and perched on one corner of it, her hands resting loosely in her lap. "Oh, I come out to Riverfall a lot. I like seeing all the people and parks and things. I like Sanctuary too, of course, but it's much smaller." Much smaller. Not to mention partially underground; while the Kelvic didn't mind that as such... it just seemed a little confined from time to time. "What about you? Do you fish out here too?"

As Jorin spoke of his 'not-singing', Dust tipped her head and considered him, then looked towards the edge of the platform. She leaned forward a bit, the better to peer down past its limit. If she fell, she'd just shift and fly... "Mmm... if you like singing, I think you should sing. Maybe you just need wings!"

Or to not sing on cliff edges, but that pragmatism wasn't the raven Kelvic's first thought, second, or even last.

He and Rinya both went on to discuss the semantics of collecting shellfish... and both arrived at fishing. Dust grinned, and bobbed her head in agreement: fishing it was! Her grin dimmed as Jorin continued, and she tipped her head the other way. "What kind of a show?" she asked curiously. And... "You mean make a new one? Okay. How do you go about that?" she prompted, folding her arms over her knees and leaning forward interestedly.
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For Love of the Art

Postby Rinya on August 27th, 2013, 11:42 pm


Day 57, Season Summer, 513 AV

Rinya tilted her head a little. Jorin seemed embarrassed about the idea of singing if the red in his cheeks gave anything away. Grinning slightly she moved to the bench Dust had taken residency on. As Dust looked over the edge, Rinya did so too. Her eyesight easily caught small fish swimming in place close to the cliffs. Wrinkling her nose a little she shook her head. Definitely not a good spot to hunt, she would probably smear herself against the cliff.

”No I don’t fish here, the cliffs are a little too dangerous for my taste. The beaches around the bay are much better.” Drowning in a current didn’t seem like a good idea either, judging by the waves breaking against the cliffs. Glancing back at Jorin, she grinned a little.

”Singing isn’t something you do? It would be right up your alley wouldn’t it?” Rinya settled herself onto the bench a little more comfortably, adjusting the cape around her. ”Maybe we should just rope him into singing. I’ve always wanted to sing.” Rinya teased, elbowing Dust gently with a smirk.

With Jorin’s offer for yet another poem, Rinya leaned back on the bench using her hands to support her from behind. It was Dust’s turn to learn of Jorin’s talent. She figured out of anyone, Dust would probably love them as much as she did.

OOCSorry for the short post xD

Last edited by Rinya on September 10th, 2013, 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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For Love of the Art

Postby Jorin Ertihan on August 28th, 2013, 4:02 am


Season of Summer, Day 18, 513 AV

Jorin gave Dust his best smile when she asked what kind of show it was.

"A fun show!" he replied brightly. Then he realized he should probably give her a bit more detail than that. "Well, it's a play about a really depressed man who wants to meet his beloved, except she's being held by this really nasty man who, well I'm not really sure why exactly, but he kidnapped her. One thing leads to another and the depressed man ends up saving her and then they kiss. Or was that backwards? I can never remember. Anyway afterwards they all go home."

Jorin shrugged. "There are a lot of details in between of course, but that's the general idea behind the play. It's lots of fun! You should see it, they're playing it at the Knirin Gardens if you're interested." Jorin's smile threatened to crack. They were not going to see him there, he wanted to say. But the words died in his throat, leaving only a coppery, bitter taste.

Jorin nodded when Rinya noted the dangers for her to fish in these waters. Prudent of her. He liked that, the girl had a head on her shoulders. Not that Dust didn't, but Jorin had the distinct impression she was a lot more of a "jump first, check if there's water on the way down" kind of girl. He smiled at them both. They were so different! And yet for some reason that Jorin couldn't put his finger on, they also seemed so similar.

He chuckled good-naturedly when Rinya suggested roping him into singing.

"Trust me, ladies, you do not want to hear me sing," he grinned mischievously. He was half-tempted to sing right then and there to show them why, but thought better of it. No need to traumatize them on the first day that they met. First impressions were everything, after all.

"Dogs have been known to howl. I think I curdled milk once," he joked.

Jorin grinned at Dust's serious face. Somehow even though dust wasn't smiling, instead looking at him intently, she still seemed to be grinning ear-to-ear. Perhaps it was the laughter in her eyes, or the almost palpable aura of excitement she exuded. Regardless, Jorin couldn't help but give a small chuckle.

"Well," he began, "You typically start with a subject, that you want to base your poem around. Most poems follow certain rules. Like, every two lines should rhyme, or every other line should rhyme. There's even meter, which is the cadence of the poem. The most common of which is called iambic pentameter."

Realizing he needed to explain in words non-poets would understand, he specified, "Well, basically what that means is that there's a ... beat, to poetry. Almost like music! So I guess you were right about the singing." Jorin grinned at Dust. She was clearly more observant than he'd given her credit for.

"And the poem's supposed to follow that beat while rhyming! Now the subject can be anything. It could be the sky, the birds, even a rock! In fact, rocks are fascinating subjects, sometimes." Jorin picked up a small pebble from the ground. It was smooth, brightly colored but otherwise more or less unremarkable. He shrugged. It would serve.

Jorin removed his book from the bench and began writing, his pen flying over the page as he wrote down line after line. Occasionally, he crossed out a word that he did not feel truly fit, and he glanced up sheepishly at how long the poem was taking to write.

"The process isn't as fast as you'd always like it to be," he explained as he scribbled away another line. "I mean, I'd love it if I could come up with perfect lines every time, but a lot of times you need to think of the right word for the right lines. Otherwise, your poem might have the right beat, but all the notes are wrong, you know what I mean?"

Finally finished, Jorin wrote down the last word with a dramatic flourish of his pen. He grinned at the two women and read his new creation.

"Observe this tiny rock,
here on this lonely shore
Where many will come to stand,
and many have stood before

Here on this rocky cliff
Across the Suvan sea
The rock stood watch
Over all that came to be

What wonders this rock could tell
If only it could speak
What histories it could relate
Of sea and lofty peak

For rock though it may be
And humble in its mien
Yet few have ever bore
Witness to what it's seen

From wars to loves to stars
That twilight sky do crawl
Princes and kings and gods
This rock has seen them all..."

Jorin smiled at Dust, as he handed the rock to her, and spoke the last lines of the poem.

"Art is everywhere
For those who see, it's true
Look past the obvious
And see the world anew."

Jorin was silent for a moment. Then he shrugged.

"Well alright, that was definitely not my best work, but still better than some of the really bad ones," he admitted, with a self-deprecating grin. "But hopefully it gave you a general idea of my thought process. I tend to go with the flow, so to speak, and seek words that match my generally desired meaning." Jorin shrugged.

"And sometimes I really can't. In those circumstances, I leave an 'NC' note on a poem, denoting not complete. Sometimes I come back to it." Jorin's smile fell a bit. "Sometimes I don't ... well. Anyway! So how do you two know each other?"

Jorin's Thoughts | "Your speech" | "NPC Speech"

"Common" | "Pavi/Grassland Sign" | "Tukant"

"Written Text."

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Jorin Ertihan
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For Love of the Art

Postby Dust on September 5th, 2013, 7:40 am

Dust tipped her head as Jorin described the play his troupe was putting on. It wasn't the clearest of explanations... "It does sound like a good story!" she responded... though she wasn't sure why it mattered that the one guy was 'really depressed'. Oh well. Surely it wasn't important.

Jorin protested with an inability to sing, to which Dust only looked skeptical. She glanced over at Rinya, and smiled just a little -- yes, they should absolutely rope him into singing, the raven Kelvic concurred with this. Only how did she convince him...

He went on to talk about poetry -- the subject, the rules, the... what? Meter, cadence, beat, that all almost fit together in her head, but the really foreign phrase set the Kelvic's half-formed understanding all awry. "Iam... bic... iambic... pentameter?" Hmm. "That's a neat word -- but what does it mean?" She'd never encountered the phrase before... or even any close relatives of it, Dust was pretty sure.

Dust fell quiet as Jorin went on to scribble in his book, eventually looking over to Rinya as she became a little bored with his preoccupation. Not bored enough to lose interest, just to take more notice of time's passing. "Hawks don't sing, do they?" she commented to Rinya. And maybe just a bit towards Jorin as well. "I don't really know very much about it either." But Jorin obviously did, if he was able to talk about music things and poem things and compare them. "Maybe he can teach us both," Dust added, not quite as offhandedly as she tried to make it sound.

Then Jorin came back to the present with a completed poem, which immediately recentered Dust's attention. The words were surprisingly compelling, for being so few -- like an entire story, but contained in only about three breaths. It was like a song, too -- Jorin proved correct about that -- but... seemed starker, in a way. Dust applauded cheerily once he had finished. "That's really neat!" she declared.

No, the Kelvic wasn't a particularly critical audience at all.

At least, not when it came to poetry. As Jorin asked how the two women knew one another, Dust glanced to Rinya... then back to him. "We went fishing together," she reminded him. And that truly did sum up their prior encounter.
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For Love of the Art

Postby Rinya on September 10th, 2013, 11:02 pm


Day 57, Season Summer, 513 AV

Rinya stared almost dumbly at Jorin as she spouted off words that she wasn’t even sure were common. At least, they didn’t sound common. With a quick glance at Dust as she tried to pronounce the words herself, Rinya figured it might be better if she did not understand at all. This seemed to be something Jorin understood, and she had no problem leaving it that way. Shaking her head a little, she watched Jorin start to scribble yet another poem. Was this something he did often?

"Hawks don't sing, do they? Rinya blinked before she laughed slightly.

”Well I don’t that’s for sure. In fact I don’t think most people consider any kind of raptor good singers—at least not in bird form.” Rinya inwardly winced; she could only imagine trying to sing in her bird form. Ospreys were all whistles and chirps, not at all really capable of putting a song together in hawk form. She vaguely wondered if she tried to sing in her human form, if it would be just as terrible. ”If he makes dogs howl, I’m not sure he would be the best teacher.”

Though if Rinya was completely honest she was growing very partial to his poems. He made the rock sound as though it lived a whole life like they were. Roaming and conversing with the rest of the world. But apparently the question of how they met came back up and Dust just looked between her and Jorin.

"We went fishing together,"

”This is only the second time I’ve seen Dust… though I did rather have fun fishing with her.” Rinya added in a rather matter of fact tone. Generally making friends was not something she lived up to, but it seemed like the right thing to say. Standing up from the bench, Rinya glanced between the two before she shrugged.

”So we know Jorin can put words to just about anything. And singing is clearly out of the question… not to mention the gulls are just plain rude today,” Rinya groused as she rubbed at her skin from underneath the cloak, from the dull sting settled in her skin. ” What to do from here?”

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For Love of the Art

Postby Jorin Ertihan on September 18th, 2013, 8:06 pm

Season of Fall, Day 57, 513 AV

When Dust asked about Iambic Pentameter, Jorin just shrugged and replied, "It's just a fancy way of saying that the poem's got to have a certain beat. We poets like to make up big words to make ourselves sound smart," he joked, with a little wink.

Jorin laughed self-deprecatingly when Dust mentioned that they'd gone fishing. Yes, the woman had mentioned that before. Jorin guessed he just thought there'd be more to their previous encounter than just that, but now that he saw Dust's carefree nature he realized, she really could make a friend by simply just fishing with them. "I guess that was a pretty stupid question, wasn't it?" he remarked with a grin.

Both women seemed unsure where to go next from here. Jorin just shrugged. "Well," Jorin suggested in answer to Rinya's question, "I could always teach you guys some acting! That could be fun, right?"

Jorin shrugged. "Or we could always just watch the gulls fly past." Jorin suggested. "Speaking of which, that reminds me! Do you come down here often, Rinya? I mean, since you're a bird and all..."
Jorin's Thoughts | "Your speech" | "NPC Speech"

"Common" | "Pavi/Grassland Sign" | "Tukant"

"Written Text."

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Jorin Ertihan
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For Love of the Art

Postby Dust on September 24th, 2013, 9:50 am

Rinya didn't seem to share Dust's opinion that Jorin singing would be fun. Or that he should sing in the first place, if he wanted to, whether he was 'good' at it or not. Or even that he should teach the Kelvics about music. The pale-haired woman pursed her lips in mild disappointment at her fellow Kelvic, then shrugged good-naturedly. "All right, then." So much for that!

Jorin talked about making up big words and sounding smart. That was... odd. Tipping her head to one side, Dust blinked at him, mulling over the thought. "What do big words have to do with being smart? Isn't smart like... being clever with things? People like to say ravens are smart, and that's what they really mean. Though I guess... making up big words is like being clever with words," she allowed, as her train of thought went on and connections were made. "But I think the poem is more clever," Dust concluded.

Which left her free to contemplate Jorin's proposals. She glanced over at the pale-blue gulls in their gliding, scavenging, and squabbling... "Gulls do all the same things, all the time," Dust asserted, glancing over to Rinya for corroboration. "We can watch them anytime. It can be fun to play with them when there aren't too many, but... they're mean, too. Acting is like... like... stories, right? Telling stories? I'd much rather do that!"
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