21 Summer 510 AV Evening (Location details subject to moderator discretion)
The dining hall of the great Syliran Knights lay bare within the second tier of the citadel known formally as Stormhold castle, yet the knight who ripped his bread callously open and did not dip it into the spiced soup nicknamed it something a tad less spectacular but matched evenly in color. The lanky and humming blue eyed squire who sat across from the uniformed man watched this event unfold with a snickering air of amusement.
“Tell me, good master Frost.. why it is .. You .. cannot eat both the soup and the bread.. At the same time.”
The redhead in question glanced up with a breath through the nose as he swallowed, mulling over his chalice of water as if ignoring the feint. He finally nudged the knight next to him with a sparkle in the eye lit from the flame of the hanging chandelier.
“See this squire over here, 'hasn’t figured out the secret to the soup yet. The breezy oak will definitely pass him over again this year. Shame that.”
Nearly smiling, Carrick Frost returned to his meal with a flourish, finishing the stew to the last spoon filled drop. “Damn good mutton. I can see it now.. Squire Pantagruel.” He raised his hands into the air dramatically glum as if imagining the fancy title. “Quest for a dash of hot Soup..” Frost looked down like a napping titan. “Now be a good lad and get us another.”
Snide snickers lifted from left and right of him but the boy’s ego was only gently squashed.
“You know, Sir Griffin I hear is a much more honorable sire, a real gentleman. You could learn a thing or three about duty from him.”
Carrick laughed, stretching the skin around the curve of his mouth.
“Don’t forget the tripe, now avaunt to the front Sir Anthony 'unt.”
The men and women of the mighty Oak returned to their discourse with the clang of cutlery and the laughter of a few who should need it before a night out on patrol.