It appeared that his initial defensive maneuvering had succeeded in protecting him, at least from the being's initial attacks. Before it could come in and rend him open, a wave of flames spurted across it, likely leaving the scent of burnt flesh in the air afterward. It tried once more, preparing to knock him with its tail, but Clyde sent another spurt of flame to roast the thing before it had the chance. It once more retreated to a tree, staring back at Clyde. Clyde who simply took in a deep calming breath, and replaced the bits of res he had transmuted into flame. He Also added an attractive force to the outer layer of the cloud of res, and sucked the magical flame back to him, not letting the leftovers go to waste. With a sideways tilt of his hand, and a quick circular motion repeated a few times, he sent off a unique motion of his res, churning up the middle of the outer layer, while also using attraction on it. This would end up creating a small ring of fire about waist height on the outskirts of the gas cloud, which was slowly rotating like a spinning ring around him. He would leave the res deeper in and closer to him alone, after all not wanting to get the flame to close to himself. The flame ring was soaked with gaseous res which was also attracting it and holding it in place, along with causing its revolutions, ready to send off a spurt of flame from any point should the thing come at him. However, he did have a overall theory behind his method of defense, which could also be used defensively. The bubble of gaseous res around and above him would work as a deterrent and protection system, one that was mainly djed based. However, the earth below him that was soaked in liquid res, would work better for direct assaults, as it would allow for him to attract the mundane earth, and to mix it with transmuted res to create attacks to strike at it, with a decreased djed expenditure than completely djed based attacks. He turned to face it in its new roost in the tree, moving the ball of djed to stay in front of him, and between himself and the creature. Now that his main defenses were done he was slowly adding a trickle of res to the ball on each exhale, making the balls gaseous res ever more densely packed, in preparation for its intended usage. Clyde watched as it changed shape, blocking itself so it could not be seen within a haze, and then morphed into another shape, that of a large Zith, a creature he had combated before. But still with the black eyes and lack of a mouth. He also noted the burns his prior attacks had left slowly disappearing as the thing healed, and undid his damage. Clearly this thing was not going to get tired out, or succumb to damage over time like other foes might. As it took off, Clyde readied his ground res, embracing the earth below him, feeling it, feeling the grind of the soil through his body of res, as if it brushed across his being, felt himself united with the ground like it was a part of him, married as one flesh to him in a mating on a primal level. He was the dirt, the rocks, the earth, at least for the circular portion of ground that was soaked in his res. As the Zith/beast flew at him, he threw his left palm upward, sending another burst of flame at the thing, this time out of the res directly above his head. Then he arched his back, and saw as his body of res/earth did likewise, imitating himself in the other iteration, felt a small tremble in the ground as his body readied to fight and to do its own bidding, as a few small patches around him rose into small tents of earth 6 inches high with a blunt yet somewhat pointed tip, four in all, around him, peaking out of his body/res/the earth. Losing the distinction as he knew they were utterly the same in this moment. Responding to his need and desire, and seeing himself in danger, his other self in the res bristled and tore itself loose, mating with the minerals and dirt and rocks to form into small spears from the earlier tents of dirt, one of the four shooting up and expanding outward as a stoney spear, rushing upwards fueled and fed by the dirt and earth below it, along with a portion of the res inside of it, acting as a glue and shaping hand to turn it as hard as rock. There was a moments pause, and then it thrust itself upward out of the ground/res/body and arched its limb up to smack at the threat, to thrust at it, to skewer it. A 6 foot spear of earth mixed with res created stone and soaked with more res issued force, birthed from the res soaked ground, leaving its earthbound enclosure to propel away from the main mass of res and to go directly at the thing attempting to claw Clyde's/his own neck open. If his aim was true, which it usually was, the giant earthen spear would punch right through its chest and skewer it. And whether or not that worked, Clyde would send out another spurt of res as a flame attack to sweep across the things chest, trying to roast it to the bone for the audacity of trying to kill him/Clyde. He could feel a sweet tang in his mouth of djed, and it was delicious. Though since that often happened even with smaller spells, there was a good chance it was not overgiving related, but simply a pleasant experience caused by the magic which could not be gained by mundane means... But whether it was overgiving related or not, it was still addictive, and faded all to soon leaving a sour taste in his mouth, leaving him wanting more, to exude more res, to do more... Which was worse though, Clyde thought to himself for a half moment, if it was related to overgiving, or if it was not?.. Magic in all its forms, was addictive, and sweater than any mundanely derived pleasure... But which was worse, if it was, or was not?... |