~ The Plotnotes of Amolina Moletta ~ ![]() Amolina Moletta is an actress from Ravok. Ambitious but unknown she leads a commoner life in her small apartment in an NHC block. Rhysol doesn’t seem to take any interest in her and her prayers about success has so far not been answered. Summary of Amolina's Summer 513 AV Threads :
Hired by a Black Sun agent under cover Amolina robbed the posion shop Ino Vations, was poisoned in the process and made an adeversary/enemy, the shop owner “Nolan Parnell”. The Plot Thickens and On The Books
Other people thought Amolina had a disease and in order to prevent it from spreading in Ravok she was isolated in KRI, where Doctor Gaius Alzelin happened to save her life when he was actually just taking the opportunity to experiment on her, as he thought she was going to die anyway. Insidious Injury Being forced to work off her debt for this medical treatment as volunteer worker in KRI Amolina met Valerius Nitrozian, the head researchers Nephew. After first being caught searching Alzelin’s desk for information on her case, she may perhaps have managed to persuade Valerius to join her, find Alzelin’s notes and copy them and start a secret research project of their own. Perhaps. Attempted Assistance at KRI Still not perfectly healthy, but well enough to work again, she was hired to spy, by a man working in The House of Immortal Pleasures. This time she gathered information about a man named Marcus Ahysen. Not knowing the purpose, or the person she was spying on, and not asking any questions, she just gathered some hearsay and left her report. Sudden Spy Now she felt like she could afford an antidote. As she didn’t know that the owner of the robbed shop knew it was she who had robbed it, she tried to buy an antidote of him. A fatal mistake ! After a few scary threats Amolina was desperate and told “Parnell” she believed she was sent by Rhysol, who wanted her to be cured. “Parnell” decided this must mean she was sent to be his “tool”, so he sent her to gather materials from a mage named Clyde Sullins – she would get the antidote in return for the materials. Return & Get Back and A Hair of Clyde But the mage was dangerous, made her speak, armed himself to the teeth with magic scrolls and went to the poison shop for a direct confrontation. Confrontation On the obscure and mystical side of reality, she had a lucid dream about many odd things that she remembered afterwards. And she had her fortune told by a mystical fortune teller who fascinated Amolina so much that she is set on impersonating the woman. Thirst and The Happy Ever After In the theater and acting part of her life, Amolina strived on with her actress ambitions. She found and bought a pile of place that caught her attention, the Ascontine plays. She also prepared an audition and performed in the hope of getting a role in a new play. She met the director Seymor Essing (NPC) and the Décor and Costume Specialist Aydury Hines (NPC)A Pile of Plays and Preparing for Audition and The Audition A few brief random meetings in the crowd with people passing by were quickly over, but Amolina made a few observations and there was room for short pieces of character development...Returning to Ravok and Unknown Stars Summary of Amolina's Fall 513 AV Threads :
Amolina and Valerius started a new and secret research project. Valerius has found a possible location and they inspected it, while deciding a few things about how to run their new venture. A Suitable Place for Secret Science (Valerius Nitrozian) a sequel to Attempted Assistance at KRI
One evening Amolina and Inodadar witnessed a sudden Ebonstryfe raid in The Docks. People that happen to be around were seen as suspect just because of being there. Ebonstryfe soldiers started to ask questions. Inoadar and Amolina wanted to avoid being questioned and try to sneak away, fled togehter, and ended up not being adversaries anymore, just neutral.Getaway After this Amolina introcuded Inoadar to Valerius Nitrozian and he was added to the new research team. Unexpected Business Amolina spent some time alone and cleaned up in the abandoned boathouse her mother used to rent of NHC and where she and Parnell had been hiding a few days earlier. She thought about her life and her future. Boathouse Clean Up And for the rest of fall everything just went on as usual. She did her own things and minded her own business. Not much is know about her during this period of time. Summary of Amolina's Winter 513 AV threads :
On the first day of winter Amolina went for an evening out, in The Spot. The Dastard of The DocksThere she met and befriended the vantha girl Vanari. They had a great time drinking drinks and telling each other amazing stories. Deepwater Theater Group turned up, the actor group Amolina has done several auditions for in order to try to get a role in one of their plays. Vanari and Amolina was drawn into the play as replacements for performers that didn't turn up and a spectacular show followed.
It was a success, but a double edged success, as it ended with Amolina being carried away by a stryfer that suddenly turned up to act a role at the end of the play. The Saviour in Distress This man, Xavier, turned out to perhaps or perhaps not be an Ebonstryfe, but definitely aiming to blackmail her. He knows she and Nolan Parnell ran from the stryfe in fall, and in return for not turning her in he wants business information about the research project she is starting with Valerius and Parnell, and "other intelligence missions". Amolina agreed to this, in order to save her own skin. Next day, as planned Amolina, Valerius and Inodar went to the new location in order to meet an administrator that would give them the key and in order to pay their shares and the bill for the works and equipment they have bought. The opening of The New Research Location Everybody had expected this to be a quick and easy thing, but no - after her agreement with the blackmailer the previous evening, Amolina made trouble and tried to leave the project, but as her negotiation tactics backfired she ended up owning 1/3 each of the project, more than she had originally signed up for. Amolina witnesses the public execution of the leader of the Rising Dawn. This I Have Seen There was some trouble in the upset crowd and somebody protected her against the turbulence. She didn’t turn around to see who it was, but at the end of the event she was told to go to Yae Varone’s on the evening of Day 41. And so she did, and found herself having a job to do.Amazing Art After all these upsetting things she wanted to relax and took her ravonsala out on the canals for a trip through ravok.Under The Bridges of Ravok When she passed under a bridge with her boat she found a stranger hiding there, for reasons unknown to her. She picked him up and learnt it was Rheon Blueheart. As he was soaked after falling into the water she took him to The Spot, where they parted ways. One of the worst days of the season Amolina went to the Healing Hand she stumbled into Nolan Parnells activites. Cutting Cornersand they discovered that somebody had a business with fake medicines. Parnell figured his enemy Barton was behind it and in the evening same day, new complications started and two thugs attacked her.Unsavoury Assault It was a near thing, but Parnell intervened and stopped them. But winter also offered less dramatical events, though not less interesting. Doctor Valerius Nitrozian and Nurse Amolina Moletta recieved a patient at the Nitrozian-Moletta Sanitary Station and gave Verin Rush a medical treatment at the top of Valerius' competence as physician and the top of Amolina's acting. patientTender Care. The three colleagues in the NMSS project also did everyday work and tried to invent counter-flu medicines (they were a bit ill themselves, which was greatly motivating). Business As Usual One night during winter Amolina had a new weird dream In The Kitchen of The Ravokian Fish about the translucent being she had dreamt about one time before. Uleru. The Dream seemed full of ominous forebodings. Summary of Amolina's Spring 514 AV Threads :
Day 2 of Spring 514 AV Kill Bill
It's time for Verin Rush to pay his debt for the medical treatment he was given in fall, by Valerius and Amolina. The bill is shockingly high and his helpful childhood friend Amolina offers him to work it off - Verin signs a test subject contract with NMSS and becomes available for science ... Day 4 of Spring 514 AV Mother of Pearl Amolina took on a Spot Job : "A young woman of a well known family is expecting a mixed-blood child and wants help from a person with medical knowledge to do an abortion." Day 10 of Spring 514 AV Citizen Registration of Pearl(Ravok Location Thread) Done. Day 21 of Spring 514 AV An Investigation Valerius is going to visit a few places around the Plaza of Dark Delight to look for clues to who was behind the attack on his grandfather last year. He asks Amolina to come with him. Day 50 of Spring 514 AV The Happy Stryfer & The New Dancer Deepwater Theater performs at the spring fair. The new kelvic in town, Artur, is suddenly involved as dancer. Amolina learns to know the bear kelvic and his situation. Day 55 of Spring 514 AV Gaius' Gambit Amolina was "volunteer" working at KRI to pay off the debt to doctor Alzelin, who wanted to keep her there for his research ... now, one year later, the debt is paid and the doctor makes a new deal with her. Day 60 of Spring 514 AV Dinner Date Xavier puts more pressure on Amolina. Her situation is getting untenable and she starts to realize she may need to leave Ravok for a while. Day 63 of Spring 514 AV Out Of The Silent City[url][/url] Amolina takes the ferry from Ravok with the blackmailer Xavier. She brings with her the baby pearl and the things they need for the journey to Nyka. |