Closed [Una Tanta] Wisdom is not exclusive to age.

In which the Jamoura are greeted jovially by a jackal.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[Una Tanta] Wisdom is not exclusive to age.

Postby Rysmarin on August 30th, 2013, 10:24 pm

¤ 88th day of Summer, 513 AV ¤

It was a good day in Avanthal. Nice, quiet, and even sunny! Yes, an absolutely perfect day for a stroll through the snow, which is exactly what Rysmarin found himself doing with a grin that told the world he relished the simple action. He'd considered staying near home and practicing upon his mother's ocarina, but that would require him to shift back into his human form and thus waste the chance to stretch his currently-canine legs under the sun.

Not to mention it gave him the chance to show off his lustrous golden fur, thoroughly and painstakingly groomed. No, with all things considered, there was absolutely no way this modestly vain kelvic could have stayed at home! He grinned to himself as he wandered, keeping his head high and his tail fanning the air behind him as he wandered down the snow path, prancing about like a pup with a bone.

Some of the local Vantha found it endearing, though there were also those few that inevitably ignored the childish display with a passion. The jackal hardly payed any of them any real mind, though, for something else had caught his attention. Something important.

He could smell frostfawn hold... or, more specifically, its animals.

Normally, the kelvic lad tried to avoid the hold for reasons of his own, but on occasion, he might find his way over there to tease the locale. He often got in a spot of trouble there, and wasn't exactly on the best of terms with the hold's branch of the icewatch. But today...? His grin turned impish. He was in the mood for a little...

That thought was interrupted as a new smell wafted to him on a breeze from beyond the icewall. The smell of pine trees, unfamiliar places... and fur? Curiosity got the better of him, and, with his original plan for mischief forgotten, he turned all of his thoughts upon the impending arrival of... whomever these travelers were. With his mind caught between curiosity and mischief, he altered his path to head towards the icegate.

As he walked, the scent grew stronger, and his mind found new questions about the travelers. Who were they? Why was their scent so... different from the usual travelers? How many of them were there? More just kept piling up, but one in particular had his mind in a vice. "How can I.. eheheh... "Greet" them?" As the words slipped from his lips, he quickly realized that speaking his intentions aloud was hardly the way to go, especially so close to the home of the Frost Fawn branch.

He stopped and quickly cast about to make sure no one had heard, and was relieved to find that none had. There were very few people on Rysmarin's chosen avenue, and he was glad for that fact as he trotted on, a spring in his step once more.

He arrived at the ice gate not minutes later, and caught his first glimpse of the strange creatures that had only just arrived. At a glance, there appeared to be three of them... each at least head and shoulders over the guards that stood watch over the gate. Their fur was dark and thick, and what little skin they showed through it appeared even thicker. One thing stood out about them more than anything, however... Rysmarin's wide, golden eyes and slack jaw nearly said it all, and his next, whispered statement wrapped it up nicely.

"Merciful Morwen, they are huge!" The jackal quickly regained his composure, however, and a smirk quickly cracked across his canine face. "N' the vantha think I'm tall..." He chuckled and shook his head, once more mulling over ideas in his head for pranks. Obviously, a few... might not work, considering his current lack of hands and tools, as well as his target's stature and unknown temperament...

But he quickly settled on an idea. An old, fairly simple, and relatively easy idea that, best of all, incorporated an absolutely terrible play on words. He grinned from ear to ear as he slung his cloak off from about his neck and set it out flat. Next, he basically frolicked about in the snow for a few minutes, having an absolute blast kicking snow onto it. Finally, he picked up his improvised sling full of snow and, well, slung it over his back. His preparations complete, he sprinted off towards the gate, howling like the fiercest of storms, punctuated by brief wines.

The completion of the vaguely musical cacaphony was only reached once his mad sprint came to an end before the visitors. He noticed they appeared to have added another member to their group, but he completely ignored this woman for the moment. Instead, he greeted his now rapt audience of tall, dark creatures gleefully. "Hiya and welcome to Avanthal from Snowsong's own laughing jackal!" He jumped about playfully as he spoke, his tail wagging so fast it was practically spinning. "Hope ya liked my song! And here..." He grabbed the massive sling of snow from his back, then spun once around and flung it at the visitors, catching the innocent woman they'd been speaking to in the resultant spray of loosely packed powder. That done, he dropped his cloak and grinned ear to ear. "... Is your snow!"

For a moment, it looked as if the young jackal had taken his joke just a smidge too far, as the visitors simply stood there in mute silence. However, slowly, the largest of their number started to crack a small smile. A low rumble that might have been a chuckle escaped the massive creature, though the noise itself forced Rysmarin's ears back. "Hah. Yes..." He wiped the snow from his face and shoulders with slow, sure movements, then smiled serenely down at the jackal. The creature's voice was deeper than the ocean and very masculine, and he spoke in a slow, contemplative manner. "It has been a good while since I have seen the tail end of a good joke, kelvic. Well done."

Rysmarin smiled at the praise, his ears slowly perking back up. "Any time! I got plenty more where that came from!" Truthfully, the kelvic was relieved that the big guy had a decent sense of humor... Standing right next to his massive frame in his tiny canine one made it seem like he was right next to a living mountain. "My name's Rysmarin Snowsong, by the way! Good to meet ya, sir...! Ohhh!" He chuckled after a brief pause. "Nice pun, by the way. Tail, hah!" The man's smile was as slow to spread further than a polite grin, but meaningful. "Well met to you, too, Rysmarin. I am Drosh." He waved to the two behind him. "These are my children, Shor and Renia. We thank you for the... "warm" welcome."

The larger of the two simply nodded silently, but the smaller, presumably Menia, chuckled at her father's joke before nodding to the kelvic, as well. "Charmed." She said. Her voice was no where near as deep as her fathers, but Rysmarin could still feel it in his bones. He nodded in turn, then glanced at their friend, whom he 'accidently' hit with his giant, impromptu snowball/flurry. "N'... um... who's our somewhat-unlucky friend?" He smiled appologetically at the woman, though the gesture was somewhat undermined by the mirth in his eye and the slow wag of his tail.
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[Una Tanta] Wisdom is not exclusive to age.

Postby Una Tanta on September 6th, 2013, 7:47 pm

Walking through the knee-high snowy steppes of Northern Taldera Una felt the glistening cold sun alight on her arms. Even when the sun miraculously shone through the often stormy skies Avanthal was experiencing terrible weather. It reflected off the icy sheen that covered the snow blinding onlookers, the sun begged to be enjoyed but provided no warmth. The sun was torture, reminding Una of the true warmth the sun gave in Thunder Bay.

It had been almost two seasons since she had thought about her mother and father but since her experience in the wastes north of Avanthal her love of the city had been challenged and she had realized her own listlessness in life. In her attempt to reconnect with Cy she had drowned in the waters of Thunder Bay, Been attached by a wind eagle, Been hooked by a fisherman, and Travelled the skies to Avanthal where she had been terrified by ghosts, almost died of exposure and now this most recent event. The thoughts made her stomach lurch. She had endured so much but felt no further along. The purposeless had begun to drive her mad.

Stumbling over a hole and jerked from her self antagonism Una reached out bracing her hands against the snow only to have them break through the icy top and end up shoulder length deep in the fluffy snow. Righting herself she bit her lip as she brushed the sharp ice from her cut palms and face. They were minor scratches but they were enough to make her want to sit down and cry. She was tired of being beat down by the wilderness of Avanthal.

Burying her face in her hands she wept openly, for the first time since her parents had died and she had left Thunder Bay completely alone. A large warm thumb ran across her cheek and she jumped up about to scream as the image of the ghost flashed before her eyes. Instead before her were two great apes. Gentle brown eyes gazed back into her startled ones.

"You know, tears can freeze out here. Tis better not to let yourself get this sad." He spoke slowly, each Common word rustled off his tongue. Rich and deep it held laughter and compassion in each syllable. Una marveled. She had never heard a voice so like deep rich soil. She wanted to roll in it, let its moisture press into her skin. Blushing, he held her eyes. The stare brought enormous embarrassment to Una but the ape seemed perfectly content to share souls.

She knew the creatures were Jamoura, the gentle and knowledgeable neighbors of Avanthal , but had read little literature regarding them or authored by them. He touched her arm gently and silently they walked toward Avanthal together. The Vantha liked to celebrate, they were a loud vivacious bunch that Una had at first loved, but their energy now grated on her skin. The atmosphere surrounding these two made Una close her eyes. They were grounded and their very presence grounded those around them.

The other Jamoura seemed much younger than the man but her presence was equally as slow and quiet. They were both so dark brown they were almost black. Not the piercing black of the Avanthal sky but the deep wet black of soil. Their eyes were solid and unchanging. Una unconsciously leaned into their fur as she walked between them, red hood pulled over her eyes to hide the tear stained cheeks. Their coat was faintly rough but beneath it was thick and warm. Unlike the rabbit fur that was abound in Avanthal it was fuller and held her in its embrace more than the slick rabbit coat.

The younger Jamoura entered Avanthal with her and they stood silently gazing at each other as the elder spoke in hushed tones to the guards. Una tried not to stare, she knew how it felt to be stared at. Watching the females face she offered her hand, "Una." "Renia. And my father is Drosh. That's my brother Shor." She added pointing to the slightly lighter form beside her father.

The two males rejoined them and Una introduced herself to both watching the new Jamoura carefully, admiring the slow stumbling grace with which they paced through the snow. Her reverie once again interrupted by the snow she saw it arrive before she felt herself once again drenched by the cold substance. I hate snow. I hate hate snow. She thought remaining completely still as she felt it slide with agonizing slowness down the curve of her back and along her breasts.

Turning to gaze at the creature with intense venom for his disrespect she was met with the glowing golden eyes of a Jackal Kelvic. Jackals were not native to Avanthal, at least Una had certainly never seen one around, so she was startled by the glimmering presence.

She hadn't noticed him introduce himself too caught up in her reverie. About to slam open her mouth and emit a torrent of obscenities and anger she was interrupted by the slow rumbling laugh of Drosh. It made the snow slide ever quicker to her waist and navel making her shiver.

"Hah. Yes..." He wiped the snow from his face and shoulders with slow, sure movements, then smiled serenely down at the jackal. "It has been a good while since I have seen the tail end of a good joke, kelvic. Well done." Una wrinkled her nose. Was he joking? That was hardly a good joke it was a childishly improper way to meet such marvelously scholarly guests.

Rysmarin smiled at the praise, his ears slowly perking back up making Una want to slap them down "Any time! I got plenty more where that came from! My name's Rysmarin Snowsong, by the way! Good to meet ya, sir...! Ohhh!" He chuckled after a brief pause. "Nice pun, by the way. Tail, hah!" Una raised her eye ridges. Not only was he rude he was slow."Well met to you, too, Rysmarin. I am Drosh." He waved to the two behind him. "These are my children, Shor and Renia. We thank you for the... "warm" welcome."

The larger of the two simply nodded silently, but the smaller, presumably Menia, chuckled at her father's joke before nodding to the kelvic, as well. "Charmed." She said. Shor said nothing and Una could gleefully she the discontent in her own eyes reflected in his. The Jackal glanced at her "N'... um... who's our somewhat-unlucky friend?" Though he smiled the friendly wag of his tail betrayed his insincere apologetic smile.

"Una. Una Tanta." She replied shortly. His lack of manners did not mean she should lose control of hers. She smiled politely but coldly as she slid off her hood the snow he had attacked them with having wiped the tear lines away. Tentacles moving gently with annoyance and her body shivering with the cold she had little to say to the impertinent brat.

"Are you staying somewhere?" She asked, blatantly turning her back on the Jackal. "If not I can show you to the Savitar Warrens?"
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Una Tanta
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[Una Tanta] Wisdom is not exclusive to age.

Postby Rysmarin on September 7th, 2013, 2:18 am

The woman's cold attitude, while obvious as the wind was cold, was lost on Rysmarin in favor of her appearance... 'Another new race... a lady-fish-thing!' He thought excitedly as his eyes darted across her form then back up to her face in a mere instant. "Well then, 's a pleasure ta meet ya, too, Una..." He grinned mischievously, showing his canines as he sighed wistfully and shook his head. "If only it was every day that I got ta meet people half as interestin'... or even a fraction as strikin'ly good lookin' as anyone one of our group!"

He'd meant it as a humorous jab, but quickly realized he more or less meant it. None of the gathered were remotely unpleasant to look at in the eyes of the kelvic. Dosh, beyond being large, had kind green eyes and a strong jaw that spoke of a man of substance. Renia seemed sweet and perhaps more than a little motherly, and her brother held a cool, proud air wrapped about him like a white winter's cloak... despite his lack of any such attire.

Quickly reminded of his own by a freezing breeze gusting tickling his fur. He quickly gathered his cloak up in his mouth and, with somewhat awkward but effective flick, cast it back around his neck like a scarf. Of course, even cold as he was, he couldn't forget the exotic, pale-skinned woman before him... especially not with her hood down and... where those tentacles? His grin widened as he stared blatantly, wonder obvious in his eyes.

So distracted was he that he didn't hear her pose her question to Drosh... though it was physically impossible avoid feeling his response, let alone hearing it. "No, we have not yet found lodging, Una. Thank you for offering-..."

Rysmarin nearly yipped an interuption in his surprise and curiosity, but controlled himself enough to speak common. "Offer? What offer? Sorry, totally got lost in our friend's... erm. Eyes. Yep, going with eyes." He cast a playful glance at Una. Shor sighed impatiently, but Dosh spoke with near infinite patience. "Una offered to take us to the wards, Rys Mar Rin Snow Song..." The way he drew out his name made the kelvic wince. "Um... Just Rys 'll do, if ya don't mind! But... the warrens? Nah, I couldn't live with myself if I let new friends sleep out in those breezy shacks like that!"

He smiled broadly and stood up on his hind legs in a somewhat comical approximation of an "arms wide" gesture. "Yer all welcome to stay in my Arvinta, if ya like! Tha quiet, lonesome nights kinda get ta me since m-..." He winced slightly settling back onto his paws, but recovered almost instantly, leaving no trace of the slip on his features. "Since I moved in, anyway. It isn't particularly big, but it'll keep ya outa the cold better 'n those wooden shacks."

Shor's brow furrowed, and he looked at his father, who was clearly considering the offer. "Surely you are not considering this..." He paused and glanced first at Una, then at Rys, obviously mentally correcting himself for the sake of the lady present. "... this Jackal's offer?" Drosh cocked an eyebrow at his son. "I am. And it seems to me to be quite a generous offer." The very well veiled threat was completely lost on the kelvic, but not on the younger Jamoura. "... That it is." He said simply, and left it at that.

Drosh turned back to Rysmarin and gave a small smile. "If you are sure, then I see no reason to decline your offer, Rys. Thank you." He nodded vigorously, still smiling quite brightly. "'M sure! Ya can stay as long as ya like. Ain't got a whole lot, but your welcome to what I do!" He paused slightly. "But... I'll have ta admit an ulterior motive."

He cocked his head to the side in a gesture that was infinitely curious and innocent. "I have absolutely no idea what any of ya are, and it's killing me!" Drosh looked taken aback for a moment, but a rumbling laugh, slightly louder than his earlier chuckle, rumbled from deep inside his chest. "Oh? Then I shall offer the knowledge freely, kelvic..." His serene smile was unreadable, but it was easy to catch the humor still trembling in his deep tones. "However, I think I will wait to answer until after we arrive, lest the offer should disappear along with that curiosity."

Rysmarin chuckled and nodded, completely unoffended by the playful jibe. "Alright, alright... Ya drive a hard bargain, Mr Drosh..." He was about to start off before he seemingly remembered something very important very suddenly and wheeled back on Una. "Um..." His smile was gone, vanished only to be replaced with a sheepish, slightly remorseful expression. "Ya look pretty cold, too, n' I feel bad about contributin' ta that with the snow thing... My offer extends ta you as well, if ya want a place ta dry off 'n warm up a bit." He smiled slightly up at her, a small, hopeful gleam in his eye. "Ya can think of it as an apology of sorts if it helps... so... What do ya say?" His smile was sincere, as was the one of gentle encouragement Renia wore and directed at her newest acquaintance.
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[Una Tanta] Wisdom is not exclusive to age.

Postby Una Tanta on September 9th, 2013, 1:53 am

"No, we have not yet found lodging, Una. Thank you for offering-..." Una bowed her head politely. If she could bring them to the warrens she might be rewarded with more time with them. More time with them away from the Jackal to be specific she thought glancing at the glistening fur ball.

"Offer? What offer? Sorry, totally got lost in our friend's... erm. Eyes. Yep, going with eyes." Una frowned in response to his poorly disguised racist comment. Shor sighed impatiently making Una smile, but Dosh spoke with near infinite patience leaving her feeling almost ashamed of her lack of.

"Una offered to take us to the wards, Rys Mar Rin Snow Song..." "Um... Just Rys 'll do, if ya don't mind! But... the warrens? Nah, I couldn't live with myself if I let new friends sleep out in those breezy shacks like that!" He pranced on his back legs excitedly, Una fidgeted in response. Her tolerance for the Vantha antics was growing thin by the day. She turned to Dosh as she anticipated the rest of the sentence, "Yer all welcome to stay in my Arvinta, if ya like! Tha quiet, lonesome nights kinda get ta me since m-...Since I moved in, anyway. It isn't particularly big, but it'll keep ya outa the cold better 'n those wooden shacks." "I am sure you have plenty-" Shor matched her impatience with his own remark,
"Surely you are not considering this... this Jackal's offer?"

Drosh cocked an eyebrow at his son his serene face giving way to disappointment "I am. And it seems to me to be quite a generous offer.""... That it is." He said simply, and left it at that. Una matched his downcast smothering of content for the Jackal.

Drosh turned back to Rysmarin and gave a small smile. "If you are sure, then I see no reason to decline your offer, Rys. Thank you." He nodded emphatically and Una felt her excitement plummet. She had been so excited for the long drawn out conversation that she had concocted in her mind should she have been asked to stay with them in the warrens for a bit. She had imagined long lively debates on literature. Now instead, if she were invited it would be hours of entertaining the child.

"'M sure! Ya can stay as long as ya like. Ain't got a whole lot, but your welcome to what I do!..."But... I'll have ta admit an ulterior motive. I have absolutely no idea what any of ya are, and it's killing me!" All three of the Jamoura giggled at this remark, making Una smile slightly. Certainly many Vantha had been rude because of this exact situation but none had phrased it quite so frankly.

"Oh? Then I shall offer the knowledge freely, kelvic...However, I think I will wait to answer until after we arrive, lest the offer should disappear along with that curiosity."

"Alright, alright... Ya drive a hard bargain, Mr Drosh..."

Una glanced between them. Her earlier sadness had disappeared with the presence of the distracting creatures but cast out once again from memory and conversation the loneliness crept in around her toes again. She could be right beside someone in Avanthal but without a last name of a hold she was ineffably alone.

"Um...Ya look pretty cold, too, n' I feel bad about contributin' ta that with the snow thing... My offer extends ta you as well, if ya want a place ta dry off 'n warm up a bit. Ya can think of it as an apology of sorts if it helps... so... What do ya say?" She glanced among the smiles directed at her blushing suddenly at the attention. "T-that would only be the polite thing to do after all." She stuttered in reply and smiled weakly. Her attempt to join in on the easy banter between the two had fallen short and she only hoped Rysmarin wouldn't take offense and retract the offer.
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[Una Tanta] Wisdom is not exclusive to age.

Postby Rysmarin on September 9th, 2013, 9:09 pm

Rysmarin grinned and yipped excitedly, once again completely oblivious to Una's inner turmoil... though at least one of the Jamoura expected it was just an act to help assuage the Charoda's guilt. The kelvic turned and bolted swiftly down the snow-lined path, only to remember his own speed born of four legs a moment later and turn back towards his bipedal companions. "Er, sorry. C'mon, my Arvinta's this way."

He started off at a more sedate pace, Drosh shaking his head behind him as he and his children followed him with varying levels of enthusiasm. Rania eyed him curiously. "Rys... I mean no disrespect, but your mannerisms confuse me..." Rys glanced back at her with a massive grin on his canine face. "Yep! I get that a lot... Can't sa-..." He stumbled slightly as he found the edge of the path... and himself falling face first into the snow. He paused like that for a moment, his previously wagging tail coming slowly to a halt as if he were trying to comprehend why all but his rear was suddenly surrounded by cold and white. It didn't take long, and once he did, he slowly righted himself and started off down the side path he'd attempted to take as if nothing had happened.

If it were possible to do so through his fur, he might have blushed a truly brilliant shade of red in his embarrassment, but as it stood he simply shook the snow piled upon his head and ingrained in his fur away as he payed just a little more attention to where he was going. "Er... Yeah. Let's just pretend that didn't happen, okay?" Rania giggled, (if you could call the oddly girlish, throbbing bass of her laughter that,) and even Shor smirked slightly in spite of himself.

Once Rania recovered, she nodded to the kelvic. "That is what I mean. You just act so... childishly, despite seeming to be physically mature." Rysmarin chuckled slightly, though he kept his eyes on the path this time. "Heh... I get that a lot, too. I still Can't say I know exactly what ya mean, though. Actually took me a while to realize that's what they were sayin', though... Kept callin' me 'na-eev', and I didn't know what that meant." He shrugged, an impressive feat of coordination in his current form. "I suppose it fits, but I just do what I think's right. If someone looks bored or lonely, I play with them. Ta me, it's just like tryin' ta save someone that's in danger... I couldn't just stand by an' let it happen, y'know?" He quietly added something under his breath, but it was lost to the wind.

Still, Drosh nodded. "That is an admirable world view, Rysmarin... if indeed a little bit naïve." The two shared a short laugh as they entered Snowsong hold. "Well then... If'n we're just statin' the obvious, then yeah, I'm a na-eev young jackle..." He flicked his tail at the jamoura in lieu of a digit to point with. "You, Rania, 'n Shor are pretty well composed and petching huge," His tail flicked again, this time towards the Charoda. "an' Una's kinda pretty, quiet, and has tentacle-hair." He shrugged again as he led the group up to one of many doors, this one belonging to a somewhat quaint little arvinta. He turned to face his friends with a massive smile. "They're just facets o' who we are, right? Not good or bad by themselves... just li'l tidbits that help ta define us 's people."

He kicked the door to his arvinta open with his hind paw with a practiced ease, then nodded inwards at his companions. "N' this is where we'll all get ta know each other a li'l better while you're here. Welcome ta my home." He trotted inside, promptly unfurling his cloak from around his neck, then spreading it out over his form so he could shift and retain some semblance of modesty in front of the two women present. What few things he possessed were scattered about with little care, save for an ocarina that held prominence on his table. His bed looked more like a nest than any civilized form of sleeping area, though its sheer size seemed like it would fit Drosh comfortably at the very least.

Once everyone was inside, it quickly felt much warmer... and perhaps just a little crowded. With the influx of guests, Rys had somehow managed to locate and don his pants unnoticed. "I guess it might be a bit... small, but it's n' warm n' will let ya mingle easily with what are, in my opinion, some a' the nicest people in all of Avanthal." He chuckled, flashing a brilliant, toothy grin as he tossed his cloak into his wooden chest. "Not ta mention it's got good entertainment, a unique host, and, best of all, 's totally free."

Drosh smirked down at the now grown, but still comparatively short kelvic. "Not totally free, if I remember correctly." Rys glanced at him in confusion, then nodded once the revelation came to him. "Oh, right! Yeah... Better make that second best after the host, then!" He flashed a mischievous smile that had an obvious attempt at being seductive that, of course, fell somewhere closer to humorous than alluring. "Anyway, first thing's first... I really want ta know what all of ya are! Never seen anyone as big as you guys or... well, at all like you, Una!" He paused, then glanced at his shirtless skin. "Well... 'cept for the pale 's ice skin, maybe, but that's beside the point!"

He paused slightly, then remembered his original reason for bringing the aquatic woman with him. "Oh. No, first thing, lemme find somethin' clean and dry for ya real quick..." It only took a brief pause and a little maneuvering around the crowd gathered in his humble abode to find a clean shirt, which he then presented to Una with a small smile. It was presumably his own, but it looked as though it would fit Shor better than he or Una. "Here, ya can wear this if ya want." He smiled at her innocently. "'S kinda hard for me ta find comfortable stuff that fits me here, though, so I'd appreciate it if ya got it back ta me eventually, y'know?"
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The Laughing Jackal
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[Una Tanta] Wisdom is not exclusive to age.

Postby Catastrophe on May 6th, 2014, 12:53 am

Rysmarin :
Okay, there's a few things I need to clarify before proceeding. The first thing is the fact that whilst you're in Kelvic form in no way should you be able to communicate with someone. I noticed that you were in your animal form throughout the entire thread and this stirred some confused on my part. Whilst in your animal form you are only allowed to communicate with animals of the same breed be it other jackals or other animals from the same kingdom whether it's wild dogs or whatever. You were communicating to Una throughout this thread as well as to the various Jamoura NPCs and this is not acceptable. For future use, please keep this in mind.

If you decide to return, please send me a private message so that I can reveal your grade.

Una Tanta :

  • Observation: 2 XP
  • Socialization: 2 XP


  • Rysmarin: An Immature but Happy Jackal


  • N/A

Notes :
Too bad this was cut short. I gave what I could!
Also Una, you cannot be communicating with a Kelvic whilst they are in their animal form. This is just something to keep in mind if you ever chose to encounter a Kelvic again.

Questions? Concerns? PM me!
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