Hi all
I'm new to this forum (and it's been several years since I was involved in RPG / PBP / collaborative story-telling). I have read the lore sections more than once, but I still have a few questions.
I am working on my character sheet (Inarta), and I was hoping someone would give me some feedback on the following:
1. Skills in botany and herbalism
These are not fleshed out on their respective pages, so the difference between these two seems to be the following: botany is a broad knowledge of plants, while herbalism is specific to knowledge about plants and healing. I am aiming for my character to (over time) develop strong skills in all uses of plants, including (but not limited to) knowledge about folk medicine as it relates to plants. If I only develop botany as a skill, is it acceptable to have my PC also then know about herbalism, as a component of this broader skill?
2. Employment
Are jobs essential? My initial thoughts were that my PC would be competent in bee-keeping, with novice skills in botany and gardening. She would grow things, and produce honey and honey comb, and trade for food etc. Is this acceptable, or should all PCs have a job?
3. Lore vs skills
Despite reading this section several times, the difference is still noodling my brain! If I have skills in Beekeeping, Botany and Gardening, and a mother that was a skilled tracker, could acceptable lores be the following: "Knowledge of how to heal bee stings with plant extract", or "Knowledge of how to find [specific creature in Wind Reach, or wild beehives]". Finally, as I play, can I just add lores as I see fit, or do they need to be approved?
4. Money and trade
I see we have a starting amount. If Inartas mostly trade, then presumably I will not be using my ledger on a daily basis for everyday needs. For each IC day, do I need to track trade or is it just assumed that I get my food etc. on a regular basis? In other words, if a particular story does not require me to mention trips to the shop and market, then do I need to mention these things or is it just assumed?
Thanks in advance for any feedback. I will shortly be posting a character sheet for feedback.