by Karu on September 24th, 2013, 9:23 pm
The Isur dissapeared in the forge to bring the Sai, while Karu was thinking how it will look now that it was real.
"This is the rough version of the weapon which I made to your size. If the fit is correct for both of your hands then I will make it's twin, then finish and polish them for you. Otherwise I will adjust this one and then proceed." said the smith as he unwrapped the Sai.
"Alright, lets see"
Karu pointed the Sai blades to his elbow, so he could check the lenght. The tip was right at the end of his elbow, so if he hit somebody with his elbow you couldnt be able to see if the Sai was used or not.
Then he checked that the guard pointing down would be able to protect his knuckles but also would let him move his hand and the fingers. All was alright, but then...
"All seems to be alright, but as I dont know about weapons, I cant tell you if the weight is ok too. The less they weight, the better. And as you say, it will change when finished, so I think it is Ok."
Karu tossed the Sai to check the balance. "Hmn, could you change the center of gravity? I want it around the point where the guards joins the blade, if that helps so I can flip the Sai quickly. What do you think?"
Said Karu as he give the Sai to the expert smith, waiting for his opinion
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