Season of Fall, Day 23, 513 AV
When Rinya had asked him about whether the word "mate" bothered him, Jorin was strangely mute. His mind was still trying to put the pieces together, his sometimes infuriating need to have things make sense. In his hesitation he missed his moment, and had moved on to the strange interview he'd experienced.
Because he was so absorbed in his own thoughts, he'd missed Rinya's muttered words when she'd pulled ahead of him, but he lifted his head when she said,
”I’d like to read it either way. Plus at some point, I’ll actually be able to read your poems.”Jorin paused for a moment. He just needed to get a proper hold of his thoughts. Put them in neat, orderly piles. Why
did the word bother him?
Did it even bother him?
"Of course, Rinya," Jorin replied, as he walked up to her slowly.
"My poems are your poems but ... I think I would like to talk about that word. 'Mate'. I don't have a problem with it, it's just ... foreign to me, is all. I was trying to think what exactly we were. I mean, I know that I am in love with you, and that you are in love with me ... if we were both human that would make us partners, but I'm not sure if that term's appropriate for us."Jorin cleared his throat and flushed a bit more, but this time didn't look away from Rinya.
"There's a human tradition ... the exchange of vows, at which point you'd be my wife, but I don't know if you'd be interested. The word 'mate' was the only one that seemed to work but I wasn't sure if even that was correct... or if you'd even approve of my using it..."Jorin swallowed and shook his head a bit.
"Rinya, when you said that you were in love with me, and when I said it back to you, I promised myself, no secrets from you. Not even accidental ones, if I can help it."Jorin took a deep breath.
"I don't want you to ever think I love you any less than I do," Jorin insisted.
"I've said it before, Rinya. You're the brightest star in my sky. You're the only star in my sky."Oh petch it. Words were all well and good, but Jorin knew there was a much easier way to convey what he was saying. He couldn't do it like they did it in the hospital, or they'd collapse onto the side of the road. But he could at least give Rinya a taste.
He trotted up to her and smiled down, reaching around her waist to pull her close. The kiss on the bed had been somewhat awkward. The pain from his ribs and arm meant he couldn't do what he wanted to do. His shoulder wasn't
completely healed, it was true, but it was healed enough.
Jorin clasped his hands around Rinya's waist, arms loose, so as to give Rinya the freedom to put her arms around his neck if she chose. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. It wasn't the fiery, intense kiss of the hospital, but instead a firm, loving one, filled with his passion for her and his desire for them to be together.
He could feel her emotions wash over him too, such intensity that he knew she must understand now, that no single word could ever define who they were. Right then, in that moment,
that was their love.
As much as Jorin loved kissing Rinya, and could do it all day if allowed, he realized that if he permitted it, the kiss would inevitably become too intense. Despite his regret that it couldn't last longer, Jorin pulled away, but before he did he kissed her lightly a few more times as assurance that it wasn't by choice.
After a few moments, when the tingle from their kiss died down, Jorin smiled softly and told her,
"Rinya I want - no. I need you to understand ... to me our relationship isn't defined by a word. 'Mate' is just a word, in the end it's no more important than any other word. Our relationship is so much more than that."Jorin's eyes took on a faraway look.
"Moments like that day at Rookery Park when we first met. Or that night after our disastrous 'dinner' with Rhys, when we first kissed. That day at the hospital when we first admitted we were in love with each other. The kiss we just shared - moments like that, define who we are."Jorin's arm came up from behind Rinya's waist and stroked her cheek, tucking an errant hair from her face behind her ear.
"You and I, we cannot be defined so easily as just one word. Partner, wife, mate. None of them say everything that you are to me. And I'm fine with that, as long as you are."