Continued from here.
11 of fall, 10th of Bell, 513AV
11 of fall, 10th of Bell, 513AV
After he had helped Roderick drag his game back, Sei had gone home and returned with his longsword. He pressed through the woods, sniffing occasionally to pick up a wiff of the bear he'd killed earlier. His leather boots sank into the mud, and he trudged through it with his long strides, unfazed by the sucking sound as he lifted his feet. He pushed away a low hung branch and ducked his head under it. He was used to the bronze and gold coloring of the tree leaves around him, but it never got old to inhale the smell of the wild. He adjusted the sheathed longsword across his back, and removed the dagger which was always hidden from view.
He fiddled with it, trying to imagine scalping a dead bear. He had never scalped, and usually ate the meat of his catches for supper. But not today. Today, he would skin a bear and sell it, along with two more game from Rod, and they would split the altogether profit. He eased slightly, not sure when he had tensed, and stared blankly at the dagger. He had always wondered what ot was like to scalp, and now, he would have to learn.
He hummed to himself, and kept the dagger in his hand as he walked toward Roderick - and more importantly - his bear. As he stepped on to solid ground, he scraped the mud from his boots, and continued up the path. He broke into a sprint, and tore through the woods, running as fast as his legs would allow, and heading for Rod. He closed the gap immensely, and began to push past the trees in a furry. He zipped through the trees, the constant thmp of his boots hitting the ground growing louder. He slowed to a jog when he smelled the bear more thoroughly. He then slowed to a walk, and calmed his breathing.
He walked up to see the game, and waited for Roderick to say something.
He fiddled with it, trying to imagine scalping a dead bear. He had never scalped, and usually ate the meat of his catches for supper. But not today. Today, he would skin a bear and sell it, along with two more game from Rod, and they would split the altogether profit. He eased slightly, not sure when he had tensed, and stared blankly at the dagger. He had always wondered what ot was like to scalp, and now, he would have to learn.
He hummed to himself, and kept the dagger in his hand as he walked toward Roderick - and more importantly - his bear. As he stepped on to solid ground, he scraped the mud from his boots, and continued up the path. He broke into a sprint, and tore through the woods, running as fast as his legs would allow, and heading for Rod. He closed the gap immensely, and began to push past the trees in a furry. He zipped through the trees, the constant thmp of his boots hitting the ground growing louder. He slowed to a jog when he smelled the bear more thoroughly. He then slowed to a walk, and calmed his breathing.
He walked up to see the game, and waited for Roderick to say something.