Quest New Life in Kalinor

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

New Life in Kalinor

Postby Ensnare on September 19th, 2013, 9:38 am

Location: The Briar Web
Timestamp: Fall 73rd - Fall 91st

(Any date inbetween, its up to the player, read the OOC for more detail.)

Rovas was happy.


...and sad.

At the Briar web there were some interesting new sounds mewling in cacophonous harmony. His two feline companions had recently in the season had a litter of kittens, seven, to be precise. For a time things had been quiet, the newly borns suckled at their mothers many teets, slept, and grew into such troublemakers. The Symenestra needed to find owners for the kittens, there was no way he could take care of nine cats at once, even he found the idea to be a little crazy but he was sad because he had grown attached to the furballs just as he had to their parents. He would miss them.

So it was only meant to be, he had spread word around the city and its many inhabitants that there were kittens available; of many varying personalities. Up in person he didn't seem to have much luck advertising the furballs, but hopefully gossip would work its magic, it would bring the curious to him. Otherwise he wasn't sure what he was going to do with the kittens, dropping them off into the abyss tore at his heartstrings, but he didn't have as much room as he wished he did to comfortably fit all of them without any problems. It was also unhealthy.

Not just for him, but for all of them as well.

His eyes roamed over the kittens in question, he had kept from giving them names just in case potential owners did come by. Most of the kittens were calico in color, mostly white body, with black, brown, and orange spots and patches with the exception of two black kittens much like their father as opposed to their mother who was similar to the rest of the kittens. Three of the seven kittens had gold eyes, the rest had green, and nearly all of them had pretty pink noses and pretty pink padded paws with the exception of one calico kitten whos paws were speckled black.

All of them were active, and ready to be taken away from their parents now, most were playful, and some were just plain goofy. Some were more relaxed, they preferred Rovas' lap as opposed to cuddling with their other brothers or sisters. Another seemed to enjoy his shoulders and was constantly climbing up his back at the most inoppurtune times. Most of them were house trained by now, but there was the one kitten who seemed to keep thinking he could go anywheres he wanted. He was trying to give this one problematic kitten more attention to fix the problem.

Hopefully this small problem wouldn't scare away a potential owner..

His eyes flicked upwards to a knock on the door above, was that said potential owner? Excitement flared in his mind, and he eagerly climbed up the ladder in his home to open the door. Inviting the newcomer or newcomers, if there were multiple Symenestra, inside his little domain. Their ears would be greeted with meows of many feline voices, begging for attention.
"Welcome! Welcome!" He cheerfully exclaimed, showing them inside. "Are you here to adopt a kitten?"

To Adopt a KittenEveryone is welcome to adopt a kitten, but there is a limited amount of them, so once they're gone, they are all gone. First come, first serve. Check the list down below for whos claimed a kitten before making a selection, and try to be mindful of when these people came to pick up certain kittens otherwise its unfair to the person that got to the kitten first in-thread but did so at a later IC date... Trying to take the kitten at an earlier date IC but at a later date in thread, I will say no to you. :)

Kittens :
Kitten 1: Female, Calico, green eyes, she is quiet, and gentle, and loves to sleep on laps or in bundles of fabric.
Taken By: Vetari Violet

Kitten 2: Female, Calico, green eyes, she bites ankles and chases after wiggly things that look like fun to play with.
Taken By: N/A

Kitten 3: Female, Calico, green eyes, she climbs up peoples backs to sit on their shoulders. Meows to be picked up.
Taken By: Sosicly Magnolia

Kitten 4: Female, Calico, gold eyes, black patchy paw pads, she is energetic and needy but doesn't like being picked up.
Taken By: N/A

Kitten 5: Male, Calico, gold eyes, has urinary problems and is sterile, his personality is shy but calm. Not prone to violence.
Taken By: N/A

Kitten 6: Male, black, gold eyes, he nibbles hands if someone pets him for too long, but will sleep on your chest when you sleep.
Taken By: N/A

Kitten 7: Male, black, green eyes, he is a morning cat, he will wake you up in the morning for food, and he will rub against your legs for treats.
Taken By: N/A
Last edited by Ensnare on September 23rd, 2013, 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Dovinya on September 19th, 2013, 3:31 pm

80th of Fall, 513 AV

Am I really going to the Briar's? Dovinya thought to himself, and not for the first time as he crawled along the red strand. He'd heard from Daratur that the web had recently been blessed with a litter of kittens, and so he had gotten it in his head to see them for himself, as well as congratulate them on their new arrivals.

The doubts came on because he wasn't exactly sure how he would be received, since he had very little involvement with the web, but that only bolstered his resolve, because of late he'd decided that he wanted to get to know the other webs better. He just had one short stop to make.

* * * * *

Dropping down from the silken rope to the top of the abode, he rapt his knuckles on the door three concise times, before looking once more to the waterskin at his side. FIlled with mead from the Hunter's Gather, he wondered again if it was appropriate for the occasion when the door opened, and a cheerful symenestra welcomed him in.

"Of course, and to celebrate their arrival!." He asked hastily, still comprehending what he'd just agreed he'd be party to. Adopting? That was what the word was about these kittens, and certainly this man was not in the wrong in assuming such a thing, but why had he agreed? "My thanks for allowing me into your home, I am Dovinya of the Aconite Web" As he stripped himself of the burden of his waterskin, he eyed the kittens bounding about, mewling about something or another. They looked sweet enough, but could he take care of one?

"I brought some mead by the way, if your of a mind to drink" He added somewhat awkwardly, offering his waterskin before stooping down to pet one of the brave kittens that had come over to investigate him. Maybe having one of these around wouldn't be so bad he thought as he ran his pale fingers through the green eyed kitten's calico fur, right before she sank her teeth into his ankle.

Receipt: 2sm to fill his waterskin with a pitcher of mead from the Hunter's Gather. As for the kittens, I'm torn between the ankle biter and the shy guy with urinary problems so I make no claims yet! Glad to be apart of the thread Ensnare!

Last edited by Dovinya on September 19th, 2013, 4:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Vetari Violet on September 19th, 2013, 3:35 pm

Fall 75th, 513 AV

Vetari adored animals, and as soon as he’d heard that there was a new family of little feline munchkins dancing about the Briar Web, he’d thrown on his cloak and gone to investigate. It was relatively early in the morning, and as Vetari approached the web he hoped he wasn’t waking anyone with his attendance. As he got closer he realized that it was impossible that he was waking anyone. Even at this hour the kittens were loud enough to penetrate the walls of Rovas’s home. Vetari chuckles to himself as he rapped on the door, hoping he could be heard above the tiny voices.

He was greeted by Rovas, who he’d seen at a number of cultural events Daratur had hosted over the years at the temple. He was a reimancer, if Vetari remembered correctly. That gave him pause for only a moment before he wished to pay more attention to the paws. He smiled as he was greeted. "In fact, I am. Could you show me to them? I confess I know little about cats…perhaps you could teach me some while I decide? I’d like to know I was handling them and feeding them correctly…and you’re the closest thing to an expert we have here,” he said with a soft chuckle.

He blinked, suddenly remembering something. "Oh, forgive my manners. I'm Vetari of the Violet Web. You may have seen me at the mass for Viratas after the Masquerade? I was helping my father, Daratur, that day." It was no big secret that Daratur had adopted him, but still he introduced himself as his son to those who were unfamiliar with him. He'd found it often made people a bit more respectful, especially those that were more skeptical of his business. While they may not mind making a fortune teller angry, they really didn't want to make the high priest of Viratas angry. However, he did not wield his last name as a weapon, but mere information. It was something to be recognized by, and he thought Rovas might want to know who had his kittens after their departure.

OOCI got my eyes on kitten #1! So don't ya'll be sneakin' her out from under me! Hahaha
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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on September 22nd, 2013, 6:10 pm

74th of Autumn, 513AV

Sosicly didn't want one. She really didn't but it had been made into something grand, and she had never really seen any cats or kittens up close. She wasn't even she she liked animals.

But it was nice to have a distraction all things considered. Sosicly did not know the Briar Web well but she decided swiftly that it didn't matter. However, it was not until she dropped tiredly on top of said web did she realize she actually wanted a kitten.

Stepping into the Web, she was nearly bowled over by an overly cheerful Symenestra and the mewls of kittens. Her eyes twitched at the sudden appearance, and she quickly flitted through her book for proper response. Once found she held it out, and leaned down to stare at the nearest kitten. Thank you for having me, Krova. I am Sosicly of the Magnolia Web.

She knew nothing about kittens, and frowned a bit, tentatively holding out her hand towards one. What did they even eat? Looking back up at her host, she pulled out the rest of her supplies from her knapsack, and wrote out a few short words. At least, she tried to but ended up being stopped by the kittens trying to attack her feathers and another creeping along behind her and launching itself onto her back. Soft claws dug into her clothes, and she could feel the pricks along her back until the little ball of fur had settled comfortable over her shoulder. It peered down at her book as if it could read the words, and Sosicly smiled a bit.

OOCKitten numero 3 is the one for Sosicly :D
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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Ensnare on September 23rd, 2013, 1:47 am

Fall 80th, 513AV - Dovinya

Rovas took the waterskin without complaint, slapping Dovinya on the back to declare approval with a less than Symenestra like laugh. "Thankyou kindly! Thats very thoughtful of you" he chattered as he set it on the nearby table for drinking purposes later. "The kittens are finding homes nicely, I'm glad that you've considered as well" He turned around to see Dovinya stooping down to pet one of the kittens. The ankle-biter had gravitated to him, meowed, and did just exactly as her nickname suggested. Bit his ankle. Rovas chuckled, lighter than the previous laugh.
"She seems to like you!" He stated eagerly, sitting on the edge of the table watching him interact with the kittens. Grinning. Ever smiling.

There was silence for a moment, and then the sound of trickling liquid, and the smell of cat urine. Covering his nose, he let out a gasp of breath and hurridly climbed up the wall to grab cleaning supplies. The one male calico wasn't using the designated pee area, and he had been doing so good for the last few days.
"Oh no no no no" he repeated to himself, now moving to find the one problematic kitten. It wasn't hard, and clean up was quick, but the kitten in question had a jeapordized future- he worried that no one would take him. "Sorry about that, this one seems to need more one on one care and a lot of litter training still.. I've not been able to give him the latter need." He gestured to the calico trembling in a rounded corner.

"Just one moment." Rovas climbed up, and dissapeared for a few chimes to throw the mess into the abyss underneath.

Expenses :
-2sm from ledger for the mead, Rovas will have returned your waterskin some time on the 85th.

Fall 75th, 513AV - Vetari Violet

Nodding to Vetari respectfully, Rovas gestured to the kittens already hard at work, or should one say 'playing' instead? "No offence taken friend, I'm happy that Daratur's son has considered adopting a kitten." Upon the mere word of kitten, Rovas flashed his wide and cheery smile at the fortune teller. Dark circles rested underneath his eyelids, he had been woken up a bell earlier prior to Vetari's arrival and was quite exhausted. These kittens really knew how to tear his home apart, but the power to melt his heart, and others hearts as well.
"Well," he began, taking a deep breath and running a hand through his short and unruly hair, "pets in general need food, water, a place to take care of their business, and exercise, but cats are mellower than dogs, they don't require as much attention usually. You'd need to set aside some unsouped food for them since they eat solids, not liquids, fish is a common choice, milk even, especially when they're young. I don't suggest giving milk to older cats if they start to show signs of digestion problems."

He took another breath, and continued on, all fervor in helping these kittens find homes. "Since we live suspended in the air, the cats can't be let out to do their business, they might fall off, so you'd need to clear a spot in the wall and mark it as their litter area. You'd have to clean it frequently.. I'd suggest using dirt but thats somewhat hard to come by here in Kalinor.. I've been using springy moss found in the caverns near the pools." He made a pointing gesture as if to direct Vetari which pool he meant, he couldn't give a name, it fled him. He was all serious faced.

Some kittens were keeping their distance from him, and others were investigating him up close, wanting attention in their own special ways. One kitten in particular could be seen lounging in one of the holes in the wall bundled in fabric, purring out her contentment, she could have been considered asleep.

Fall 74th, 513AV - Sosicly Magnolia

The overly excited Symenestra lead the quiet one inside his home, taking a moment to read her words and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Please, please, take a seat then Sosicly, its good to have you- are you here considering to adopt a kitten?" His tone had went from merry to polite, he was a gentleman after all, a mind petched one due to extensive use of magic but a gentleman nonetheless. He gestured to a nearby seat that wasn't covered in papers of Symenestran house designs. The question was repeated, since she had not answered, but he eyed her quill and ink and waited for a response. One of the kittens was already attracted to the feather..
The other was a sneaky ball of stealthy fur, Rovas remained quiet, pulling a serious face as he watched that one kitten behind her make its move "seems you have company, Sosicly." He stated with an amused grin.

Rovas moved to pick the one kitten up trying to play with the feather and held her gently, wiggling his finger at her to keep the kitten distracted from the feather. "That should help, should it not?" He was curious, and a tad worried about her since she could not speak.
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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Scorn on September 24th, 2013, 2:06 am

82nd Fall, 513

Scorn sauntered into Rovas's house like she owned the place. She sniffed, wrinkling her nose at the smell of cats leaving their mark on whatever they could find. Their tiny heartbeats were quiet enough to be rodents, but they beat like predator, not prey. Not that this prevented them from being food. Scorn often hunted predators, if not for better meat, then for the more worthy challenge. She had to keep her skills sharp after all, if she was ever going to raise a colony.

She picked up one of the scrawny furballs at random and studied it with a bored sort of curiosity. The kitten instantly froze into a half-curled ball. Scorn stared at its eyes, trying to detect fear, but the kitten merely stared tensely back at her.

The creature was too small to be considered a meal, but on the other hand Scorn didn't have to chase them. "Word is, you have free snacks," she drawled, not looking at Rovas.
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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Vetari Violet on September 24th, 2013, 4:09 am

Vetari laughed, crouching to play with the various kittens, listening to Rovas intently. One of the kittens seemed more interested in pouncing and gnawing on his hand than actually getting pet, and another, if pet for too long, would get annoyed and nip. The rest seemed either far too loud or too frightened to approach him. He looked around from one to the next and on and on. Even with all their behavioral quirks, he wanted every single one! But he knew he could not care for them all…

He heard content purring from the other side of the room, and noticed a sixth kitten he had not seen before. She was curled up in a tiny alcove, cocooned in a silk wrapping she had seemed to construct around herself. He quietly crept over to her, running a finger behind her ears and under her chin. She was even softer than her silken wraps, and though her eyes did not open she acknowledged him by simply purring more loudly and extending her neck for more.

Vetari chuckles a cooed “Well aren’t you just a sweetheart? Have you named any of them yet?” He now only barely paid attention to Rovas, sucked in by the tiny bundle of lazy, purring warmth. Ever so gently he scooped her out of her hiding place and held her in his arms, close to his chest. He could feel her tiny paws kneading the fabric. “I think I may have found my own little friend…”
Last edited by Vetari Violet on October 20th, 2013, 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Normal font in quotation marks is speech in Common."
"Italic font in quotation marks is speech in Symenos."
Italic font on it's own in internal dialogue.
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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on September 24th, 2013, 4:58 pm

Sosicly gave him a quick smile of thanks for taking the playful kitten, she herself only turned her head to glance at the one creeping on her shoulder. Deciding it was mostly safe she adjusted her shoulder a bit so if it did fall it fell to the table. Then she wrote again, starching out the previous words. Do they have names? How do you care for them? I have never had a…thing to care for.

She handed the book to Rovas, and realized it would be nice to have something depend on her for once. While her companion read she finally moved to take the small thing from her shoulder. Brining it to her face she stared at the kitten. It squirmed a bit, its tiny paws flying at the disturbance in being held like a small doll while she inspected it. It had green eyes with orange and black patched fur, as if it couldn’t decide which color it would rather be.

This was the one she wanted, setting the small bundle down finally, she grabbed her book to write again, This is the one I would like. Is it a boy or girl? This time she purposely dangled her quill, amused when a snapped at the quill, and rolled around trying to attack it.
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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Dovinya on October 3rd, 2013, 2:59 pm


It's tiny teeth clamped uncomfortably the soft flesh of his ankle, but looking at the kitten, he could only smile. The calico ball of fur was so brave for something so small,, and when its green eyes flashed up to look at him, he couldn't help but to reach down to scratch it behind it's ears. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad..

He nose crinkled as he caught a pungent whiff of something that he couldn't quite place, and looking up, he saw Rovas running over to handle whatever it was by a trembling kitten. "Don't concern yourself to much over it, do the kittens do that much?" It was certainly something he hadn't considered yet, the messes that cats might tend to make. "Is there anything specific you could tell me about taking care of them?" He added rather hastily when Rovas got back from depositing the waste, still following that train of thought.

The kitten gnawing at his ankle drew another surprised flinch from him, and to that his attention went back to the little creature, scratching gently the underside of its fury chin. It was a rather cute little thing..

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New Life in Kalinor

Postby Ensnare on October 13th, 2013, 6:08 am


Rovas stiffened uncomfortably at the entrance of the Zith, how brash, how rude! His lower lip curled into a tight frown as he followed the female Zith with his eyes, observing her carefully, he didn't trust Zith. It was in their nature to be headstrong, and, unfortuantly an impressionable lot. The Symenestra breathed with a methodical rhythem as magenta colored res misted from the palms of his ashened hands, the process would have taken no more than a chime or so, and the amount wouldn't be enough to incinerate the creature but maybe singe it. Surprise it enough to get out.

The kitten being held, and reffered to, blinked at Scorn and began squirming in her grasp. Meowing pitifully as he tryed to wiggle away. The Zith would be distracted by the kitten for a moment, before Rovas placed a firm hand on her shoulder, squeezing his blackened claws into her flesh lightly.
"Set the kitten down, take a step back, and get out... The creature you're holding right now is not food for you... Now before I'm forced to hurt you, I'll let you know now..." The tone to Rovas' voice was dark, and he leered down at her from behind feeling a particular protective emotion for the kitten, it needed a hero, him, his help! "Your hair will be set on fire if you don't do as I ask... This is you're only warning."

He was coersing her into doing as he said, and he wasn't kidding when he said he would set Scorn's hair on fire. The res in question had floated behind him to travel up his back, hidden from view, to mingle with the strands of electric blue hair. Ready at a moments notice to burst into a mini firey inferno.


"None of the kittens have names, as much as I wanted to give them some.. But no, no, the only ones named here are Traulin and Missifi." Rovas responded as he gestured to two older looking cats, the mother was watching intently from one of the higher cubby holes, and the father was sprawled out lazily on the floor where one of the kittens was attempting to play with him. "Proud parents those two. I envy them." There was a hint of regret, maybe even sorrow, that lingered in his voice before being replaced with a hearty chuckle. Slapping his knee, Rovas clapped, almost ecstatically in a maniac action. Wolf whistling.

The kittens around stopped what they were doing and looked towards Rovas before edging away from the strange Symenestra making loud noises. Said Symenestra calmed almost immediately as he jumped up from his sitting place to pat Vetari on the back, not too hard, but definitely with a bit of force.
"That one's a beauty! She's such a gentle and easy to handle kitten.. You'll absolutely love her!" Rovas grinned at Vetari, unaware of any particular looks directed his way. "Remember what I said about taking care of her... I'll come by in seven days to check on you two. Right? It'll be two? Not one?"


"Nope! No names, just their parents Traulin and Missifi." Rovas said after a moment of reading, handing her the book once finished. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he wondered if giving Sosicly a kitten would be a good idea, the kittens did have an almost theraputical aura about them- despite their mischief.
He gestured to a lower cubby hole that appeared to have moss inside it, a cloth set next to it, and a small bucket of water. "Well you can't let them out of your home, or they'll fall to their deaths, so you need to clear an area in your house for them to wee and poo in. You'll need to clean the area every day... as for finding something to absorb the wee... I use moss found in some of the caverns near the pools."

He thought for a moment, pointing in the appropriate direction as to where to find the moss before letting the kitten that he was holding down. "You'll need to also love them every day.. feed them.. don't give them any souped up foods unless its a natural liquid like milk, but not too much of that!" He folded his hands in his lap, casual like, watching her with interest "solid foods like fish are a good idea.. You can fish 'em out of the pools.." Next he pointed at his teeth, as if to give an example "They're carnivores, so that means they eat meat."


Rovas climbed back in with a sheepish grin, not entirely sure how to answer Dovinya, the Symenestra certainly didn't want to lie but he also hated jeapordizing that one kitten's chance at finding a home.
"Just the one, the others are fine, the little guy with pee-troubles needs more attention than the others, but I haven't been able to meet that need.." He glanced at the male calico kitten, worridly, and then towards the rest of the kittens. "There are just so many to take care of, its really hard to make sure that all of the kittens are happy, which is why I need them to find homes."

Tilting his head to the problematic kitten, he gave Dovinya a sincerely concerned expression. "This little guy hasn't so much as been looked at when I've been honest with other Symenstra.. I'm afraid of the little guys future if this keeps up, he needs one on one love and care. I already have two cats that are mine, personally, so even if all the other kittens did find homes.. I'd still have difficulty taking care of three at a time."
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