by Karu on September 24th, 2013, 8:42 pm
Karu was walking until he remembered something important. That made him stop before he trip over the foot that Sei put to make him fall.
"Whoops! We dont have a map! Well, to learn the basics about Land Navigation, we dont need a map. Moreover, this will help you while exploring, when you wont have a map to guide yourself."
It was the first time Karu tried to teach something, and Sei looked angry. Trying to forget about that, Karu started the class.
"I think you know, as you lived in Syliras long before me, that this forest is placed Northward from Syliras torwards Taldera. That means that if you look in a map, you will find Bronze Forest Eastward from Syliras, so if we look a tree..."
Karu walked to the closest tree and turned around it, searching in the bark
"Here, can you see the moss? It points to the North, so if you are looking to the moss, Syliras is to your right. That is the first step, to know where is the north and where you come from. Next is to walk in a straight line from a point A to a point B through the forest and obstacles"
Text between " " is said by the character
Text between « » are thoughts of the character