Closed Blooms Within the Fires (Radovan)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Blooms Within the Fires (Radovan)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on September 27th, 2013, 11:54 am

Timestamp: 25th of Autumn, 513AV

Somehow, someway Faryon found herself back in the city of Riverfall. Her original plan was to avoid the city as much as possible and indulge herself in her work at the Sanctuary but here she was. Tonight it seemed to be some Akalak festival of sorts, involving a lot of fire. Faryon was unsure of their customs and figured she might as well learn about them since she would be staying in the area indefinitely.

A cool breeze was slightly blowing across the beaches of Riverfall and on any other night one might have needed a coat, but all the bonfires that littered the sand kept its participates warm and toasty. Most were sitting around them laughing or nodding their heads at people telling stories. Even the women of the city were sharing stories as well.

The fire dancers were intoxicating to watch as Faryon found out. There smooth movements amongst the bonfires gave them an otherworldly aura about them, that one couldn't help but be mesmerize to the point of hypnosis. Few juggled while others did spectacles of fire eating and blowing, even walking across hot embers. Several times Faryon had caught herself just standing there staring at the dancers.

As she walked along the beach, catching glimpse of people's stories, the teen came across a deep purple hue Akalak who was sharing a story about his Rite of Passage. He was a very energetic storyteller getting into the story and acting out the parts as he told them. Faryon stopped to listen, hiding her amusement as he pretended to be sneaking.

"So there I was outside of a Zith colony, about to enter, when they ambushed me. They must have heard me coming. I was surrounded by five or six of the bloody thirsty beast with only my trusty spear as my weapon! I was ready for them though, showing no fear, only excitement for the battle at hand." The Akalak smirked now taking on a fighting stance with an imaginary spear.

Oh this getting good Faryon thought to herself as she sat down with the rest of the listeners, already engrossed in the story.
Last edited by Faryon Whiteflower on October 2nd, 2013, 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Blooms within the fires (Radovan)

Postby Radovan on September 27th, 2013, 6:53 pm

The Fire Festival was certainly one of Radovan’s favorite celebrations of the year. Like most Akalaks, Rad was hard working, and he liked to play hard as well – usually something very physical in nature, to let off steam and relax. But he also loved to hear stories. His Konti mother was a skilled weaver of tales, as well as a skilled artisan, and she could as equally bring to life vibrant, layered characters in one of her stories, as she could breathe life into a gem and find its beating heart deep within the cold mineral. So he made sure never to miss the festival that took place on the beaches of the city, descending from atop the cliff all the way to the ocean below, to wander about, and watch the fire dancers, and then sit, and listen to this raconteur or that one, letting them weave their spells about him, imagining the fierce battles, the gentle loves, the impassioned heartaches, or the fantastical occurrences that each would relate. He was not quite so enthralled with the ending ceremony – that of burning the effigy of the dark one. It was the storytelling he came for, and the chance to socialize with his friends, and oft times the meeting of new acquaintances.

And so it was that on this night, he wandered through the crowds, first with his older brother and mother, and then later on by himself, when they had stopped to listen to a tale that Rad had heard at least four times before. He had the desire to hear something new, so he walked on, the sand cool beneath his bare feet, the nighttime breeze off the ocean feeling refreshing but not yet chilly. His steps took him to a fire in front of which stood an adult Akalak, who bore a deep purplish hue to his skin – something like an eggplant in color – who was relating an account of his own rite of passage. His facial expressions and pantomime of the action were both fetching, and Rad quickly found himself hooked, wanting to hear more. Looking about, he saw an empty spot on the sand, next to a young woman with raven black hair and a rapt expression on her own face. She seemed to be well caught up in the tale, so Rad simply sank down in the sand beside her, not wishing to disturb her enjoyment of listening to the story.

Inwardly, Jozef piped up. "Six Ziths?! And he faced them all alone?! Oh please don't ask me to believe such twaddle!"

Without realizing that he was doing so, Rad murmured very quietly, "Oh be quiet. No-one wants to listen to you right now."
Radovan speaking : Jozef speaking
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Blooms within the fires (Radovan)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on September 27th, 2013, 9:31 pm

Faryon was deeply engrossed in the Akalak's story. She was somewhat familiar with the Zith since there were a few colonies dotting the Sea of Grass. Her father would always warn her where they were generally located. The Dryka knew the Akalak was over exaggerating but it was exciting all the same, Faryon could barely hold still.

The storyteller Akalak was going on about how he was fighting four of the ziths at once when someone sat down next to her. She initially paid the person no mind until he muttered something his breath.

"I'm sorry did you say something to me?" Faryon said while not looking at the newcomer.

When the person didnt answer right away she looked over. Faryon let out a sheepish mew when she realized it was a muscle mountain of a man. He was a deep green color that could be mistaken as black at night, only the bonfire in front of them gave away the true nature of color. Even though he was only sitting he still was much taller than her.

Faryon was completely useless around the opposite sex having bouts of tongue tied, freezing up and/or blubbering of randomness. At the moment it was somewhere in between freezing up and blubbering, but unfortunately she wasn't saying anything so it looked like staring and moving her mouth like a fish.

Turning away from the green Akalak, Faryon tried to pay attention to the story again but couldn't she was highly conscious of the man next to her and she knew her whole face was a bright red from embarrassment.
Last edited by Faryon Whiteflower on September 28th, 2013, 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Blooms within the fires (Radovan)

Postby Radovan on September 28th, 2013, 12:01 pm

Radovan heard the young woman next to him speak, though her question was posed in a quiet voice, obviously so as to not disturb the ongoing narrative they were both listening to. And he would have replied more quickly, already a bit dismayed that he’d actually spoken, really without even realizing that he had. But Jozef, of course, heard her as well, and in his snarky way, he said internally to his lighter brother. Oh, there you go! A visitor to our city and now she’s sat here hearing all this ridiculous exaggeration and she’ll go back to her…wherever it is she’s from and think us the most boastful of races!

Impatiently, Radovan replied, this time only within himself, to his dark brother,”You don’t know that she’s not from Riverfall! She could be Nakivak, or someone’s wife! And if so we better be careful that we don’t insult her or we’ll end up with our nose busted. Now, butt out, please!”

The exchange didn’t take more than a couple of seconds, and just as soon as Rad had told his brother off, he turned to address the girl beside him. But already, her face was turned back to the fire, and the storyteller, so he didn’t catch her in her gawping fish moment. However, Rad, like all Akalaks, had excellent night vision, and as he looked at her, even so briefly, he could see the flustered expression on her face, even though she was not looking right at him. He could detect too the high color in her cheeks, and his brows came together in a small frown, as he quickly jumped to entirely the wrong conclusion.

”You see? he chastised Jozef internally. ”You went and made me offend this young lady by interrupting her listening!

There came in response a spluttering sound from Jozef, who began to protest that it was hardly his fault that Rad had spoken out loud, but Rad ignored his brother. Leaning over a bit, so he could speak quietly and not be more of a bother to those around him, he said to the girl, in little more than a whisper, “I apologize for interrupting. I wasn’t addressing you, just…thinking out loud. Sorry!”

He straightened up and resolved to sit as still as a mouse – well – as much like a mouse as a huge person like him could be. Drawing his long legs up to his chest, bare feet crossed at the ankle, he wrapped bulging biceps around his thighs and knees and then settled to sit as like a man carved of darkest jade.

OOCFeel free to fast forward to where the story teller is ending his tale, so they can speak to one another
Radovan speaking : Jozef speaking
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Blooms within the fires (Radovan)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on September 28th, 2013, 7:10 pm

The emerald Akalak had leaned over and whispered,“I apologize for interrupting. I wasn’t addressing you, just…thinking out loud. Sorry!”

Faryon freezed up again, when he leaned over but relaxed a bit when he was back in his respective spot. She watched him from the corner of her eye and almost giggled in how he situated himself. The giant mountain of muscle looked odd with his legs pulled to his chest and arms wrapped around him.

She could barely concentrate on the story and gave up on listening really. Apparently the purple Akalak had defeated the four Zith and was moving on the the last two of which he defeated swiftly. He was still acting out the scene and after defeating the last Zith, he let out a roar of a victory cry making the Dryka jump. Everyone began clapping and cheering for the well played story. Faryon clapped too even if she missed the ending.

The teen turned back to the green Akalak and was planning on addressing him but lost her nerve and got up to leave.

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Blooms within the fires (Radovan)

Postby Radovan on October 1st, 2013, 5:29 pm

Radovan had more success in listening to the rest of the tale, and he momentarily forgot about the girl beside him as he sat with rapt attention. Somewhere inside, Jozef was still muttering about how incredible the storyteller’s deeds were. But Rad ignored his brother and enjoyed the account all the same. At least it all sounded very splendid, and that was the point of a story, right? They were here to be entertained. Who cared if he had stretched the truth just a bit? The ending was dramatic and the flinching beside him made Rad aware once again of the dark haired girl. So as he added his own applause to that of the small crowd, he leapt to his feet with a surprising agility for such a large guy, and he extended his hand to the girl who was also standing up by that point.

“Need a hand?” he said, cordially. He gave her a smile and added, “Once again, I’m sorry if I interrupted earlier. I should learn not to talk to myself like that.” He smirked, thinking that that was much easier to say than to do, when one was an Akalak, and housed two separate beings inside one’s head.
Radovan speaking : Jozef speaking
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Blooms Within the Fires (Radovan)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on October 2nd, 2013, 6:30 am

Faryon brushed the sand from her pants in attempt to do something with her hands and try to will her anxiety away. The most she could muster was wiping the sweat from her palms. The unnamed jade Akalak had spoken to her again, apologizing if he had interrupted the story for her and started the new symptoms. Ug come on Faryon, get it together!

"No...y-you didn't..interrupt.." She stuttered, unable to look him in the eyes instead opted to look at everything else. Which wasn't too hard since the Akalak towered over her. She realized she could talk to him to a certain degree if she didn't.

Despite the story being exciting and interesting, it had brought up a few questions in her mind and before she could stop herself she asked, "Are all Rites of Passage so.. exhilarating? I.. mean I realize he was exaggerating at points but does fighting really excite the Akalaks' blood so?"

At first she was unsure where her sudden boldness came from but realized it probably had to do with her upbringing and Rak'keli her patron Goddess beliefs. Faryon being a healer she only could understand healing, helping others and fighting against brinks of death not intentionally harming someone or something thing for the sake of calling one self a man. She didn't mean to be rude about it she just couldn't grasp that way of thinking.

In an attempt to make amends for her ignorance she tried to change the subject. "I'm Faryon of the Whiteflower pavilion, bonded to Kachal, daughter of Tvarik bonded to Eyrion." She stated using the traditional method of introductions for her people even going as far as using grassland sign for their horses names. It was second nature to do so and just rolled off the tongue before she realized who she was talking to.

Losing the little courage she had worked up, Faryon blushed. "Um.. let me try that again. Hi, I'm Faryon." Now the one offering her hand out.
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Blooms Within the Fires (Radovan)

Postby Radovan on October 4th, 2013, 5:31 pm

The girl was, of course, much shorter than Rad – she barely came up to his sternum. But that was nothing unusual. The Akalaks tended to tower over most beings, and he was always having to look down to talk to females of any variety. So the fact that the dark haired girl seemed to be staring at his mid-drift didn’t strike him as odd. She deflected his apology, and then put a question to him, that made him pause for a moment, to think of an accurate answer – at least, more accurate than the puffed up version that the story teller had just related.

“Well, yes and no. We are a race of warriors, and any who follow Wysar find combat to be…stimulating. But though we are all trained in the art of war, we do not all feel the same passion for it. For some, perhaps many, it is just something we know we must master in order to take our place in the city – to become adults who can defend and protect what we have, in order to ensure our race survives. Many choose not to pursue being a warrior fulltime, like myself. I found the pull of the mines far more intriguing than running about the plains looking for Zith, or slavers.” Rad laughed at this imagery, knowing it was making light of a very, very serious business. Thank the gods there were plenty of his kind who were warriors and who did protect the city and its inhabitants. They allowed others, like himself, to pursue interests and jobs that otherwise would not even exist. Gems generated income for the city, but in the end, they were just luxuries. Men could live without them. But protection was vital to everyone’s survival.

The girl seemed satisfied with his answer, for the moment, and she introduced herself, in a way that wasn’t completely foreign to the Akalak but which he found amusing all the same.

“Well, good evening, Faryon Whiteflower, and …I’ve forgotten the rest already.” He was grinning as he gave her a wink and a tiny almost bow. “I’m Radovan Tadeas, but everyone calls me Rad, mostly. I’m not bonded to anyone, but I do have parents.” He chuckled. “I take it you're Drykas? Welcome to our festival, and our city. Or…do you live here?”

It was possible that she was perhaps even married to one of his kind, but if that was the case, he doubted that she’d be asking a stranger about the coming of age ritual.

“Are you enjoying the story telling so far?” He had been looking down at her, but now lifted his head and looked about, as the crowd was dispersing to the other bonfires set all up and down the beach. “Um, do you want to go listen to another?”
Radovan speaking : Jozef speaking
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Blooms Within the Fires (Radovan)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on October 12th, 2013, 12:32 am

The Drykas was surprised that this huge mass of muscle chose a simple job as a miner but then again he didn't seem to have the demeanor of a warrior either. For that she was glad, it was hard enough to talk to him. Faryon didn't know how she would fair if he had been, probably faint she concluded.

"Nice to meet you Rad and yes I'm Drykas what gave it away?" she joked lightly. "I kinda live here.. I live about two miles north of Riverfall, at the Sanctuary. Either way I still new to the city and its customs, so forgive me if I say anything out of hand." thinking back to her question about the rite of passage.

"Are you enjoying the story telling so far? Um..want to go listen to another?” Faryon hadn't expected Rad to ask her to accompany him to another bonfire. She thought they would exchange a few pleasantries they go their separate ways.

"To be honest that was my first story of the night, spent most of the night watching the fire dancers, never quite seeing anything like them, but yes I would like to hear another story. Lead the way?" Looking up at Rad finally and smiled.

OOCSorry this took so long, had a CS issue that needed to be handled first before I could resume posting.
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