Flashback (The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Turrin meet a Symenestra in the Courtyard of the Sky

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on September 10th, 2013, 4:27 am

Time Stamp: 81th of Fall 508AV
Location: Courtyard of the Sky
Who: Turrin and Drusilla

Shivering as he walked out into the cool morning air, Turrin knew the Courtyard of the Sky would be pretty empty because of the cold weather and snow on the ground. The Myrian arrived in Wind Reach earlier in the Fall, so he wasn't accustom to the snow or the cold weather yet, but he knew that if he wanted to conquer his fear of snow. He needed to train in the snow and let his body get accustom to it, so he walked out into the snow covered courtyard, took off his katinu, and tossed it on a ledge next to him. Standing in only his boots and his bryda, he bent down to touch his toes. He made it all the way down to his ankle, but he couldn't go any lower, so he inched a little lower to the top of his foot. He could feel the muscles in the lower back and his hamstring start to burn slightly as he held the position for thirty ticks. After the thirty seconds were over, he could feel his muscles start to protest, so he went back into a relaxed standing position. The Myrian started to stretch out his shoulder and arm muscles by putting his hand on a pillar and walking towards it. When he felt the muscle in the front part of the shoulder start to burn, he held it there for thirty ticks than he did the same stretch on the other shoulder. When he was finished, he started to move both his arms in a circular motion to loosen up the arms and shoulders. Turrin started to spread his legs and he continued spreading them till the muscles in the inside of the leg started to burn. He noticed that he was only halfway down, but he decided not to push it in the cool weather. He didn’t want to pull a muscle. Turrin held the position for five chimes till the muscles couldn't take it anymore, and he had to stop the exercise.

When Turrin was finished with his stretches, he started to squat facing the pillar. The Myrian placed his hands shoulder length on the ground in front of him with his fingers facing the pillar. Turrin placed his head down in front of hand, so his forehead touched the top of white snow. When he was in his tripod position, he tucked his legs close to his body and slowly started to move his feet up into the air. While he was moving his legs into the air, he was having trouble moving them up in one fluid motion. Since he would move up one leg faster than the other, this difficultly caused him to struggle keeping his balance. Turrin started to wobble to left to right in the air from his lack of balance, and he could feel the muscles in his arms start to strain, and he fell to his side into the snow. When he landed in the snow, he felt cold wet surface of the snow bite into his bare skin. He immediately jumped up and started to brush the white powder from his hair and body. Turrin felt the cool wind hit him again and wrapped the katinu around his shoulder for warmth. Bringing his hands to his mouth and breathing on them, he stood there shivering watching the pillar trying to decide how to proceed next with the handstand.
Last edited by Turrin on February 9th, 2014, 7:13 am, edited 7 times in total.
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on September 15th, 2013, 2:35 am

Drusilla had been running errands for her Avora mentors. Pick this up there, take that there. Trivial things too unimportant for they, themselves to do. Dru didn't mind mind. She had been here for a few Springs. The Inarta had thrown work her way, and that was good. If you didn't work you didn't eat. That along with being an outside race and not a pleasant one, Drusilla was being a busy bee. She worked past the required time and came in early.

She had just finished her final run. Tired and cold Drusilla made her way back to the gallery. She would pass through the Courtyard and make her way from there. From time to time she still got lost in the city, perhaps that's why they sent her out so often to learn it like the back of her hand.

The courtyard was covered with snow. Dru couldn't help wonder how something so pretty could be so cold! She shivered. In the all white of the snow Dru made out a shape a boy, shivering near a pillar. His hair wasn't red so speaking Nari was useless.. He would no doubt speak Common, right?

"Hey!" She shouted, "You'r gonna freeze your fingers off!"
Last edited by Drusilla on March 21st, 2014, 10:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on September 15th, 2013, 6:35 am

Feeling the cold on his arm, Turrin started to rub his arm to keep them warm, Suddenly, the Myrian heard a girls voice shouting at him and turned around to look a girl with long white with deep purple eyes standing in the snow. Turrin tilted his head at her warning in confusion, so he started to walk over to her rubbing his bare shoulders. When he got closer to her, he noticed her arms and legs were elongated and her skin was almost as pale as the snow around her. The hunter looked her over and said softly in common, “What do you mean 'freeze my fingers off'? Can the snow do it?” Being raised in a tropical climate made him unfamiliar with dangers of the cold. At the moment, the hunter could feel a discomfort from the cold, but loosing a limb from the weather was something foreign to him. Wrapping his arms around his chest, he shivered in the cold wind and said with a smile, “My name is Turrin of the Twist Vine. I just arrived in Wind Reach from Taloba.” The boy felt kind of embarrassed and said with a blush on his face, “I never seen snow before, so it kind of scared me. I thought training in it would help me conquer my fear of it, but maybe I should be more weary if it decides to take one or all my fingers.” Turrin looked at the pretty girl and asked with a smile, “Are you new to Wind Reach too?”

Turrin started to look at her a little closer, and he was astonished that her skin was almost translucent, but she had a strange beauty that he couldn't ignore. The Myrian boy realized he was staring at her and looked to the ground and started to shift his feet in embarrassment. When he looked up again, he decided to ask with a small smile, “I am not trying to be rude, but can I ask? Are you a konti? I heard from my mother stories about the beautiful pale woman who lived in Riverfall. They all are really pretty with white hair and scales.” He couldn't tell if she had scales because of her long coat, but he figure that she matched the description of one, so he continued shyly, “Sorry, I shouldn't have asked your race. I hope you forgive me.” Turrin knew that he should change the subject, so he asked with a smile, “Do you know how to do hand stands or somersaults? I am trying training, so if you don't, I can teach you how to do them.” Turrin gave her another boyish grin and asked with smirk, “What is your name?”
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on September 29th, 2013, 12:40 am

Drusilla stared at the boy with confusion, she had been raised underground but she had been taught the dangers of the cold. "Yeah, it's called frostbite. Your fingers or toes or anything else freeze black! Then you gotta cut them off or they rot when they thaw!"

Dru stopped to think. Taloba, Taloba, it had a familiar note to it. But what was it? Something her Papa had told her about the women back before she had realized why people knew so much about women from different parts. What had it been? It hadn't been anything good, she remembered that much.... It slowly hit her. Myrians! They came from Taloba! This boy could be dangerous.... But, she could be dangerous too if needed.

Drusilla cleared her mind and throat, "I came in the early spring of 504, so yes I'm fairly new here. His next questions caught her off guard. "M-Me a Konti?! N-no no no, although I'm sure if I were my arrival here would of been much more accepting. I'm a Symenestra, from Kalinor and you're a Myrian! You bite me, I'll bite back." In an attempt to seem ferocious she bared her fangs. It came off as a failed effort, leaving her embarrassed. She covered her embarrassment up with aloofness.

"Yeah, I can do hand stands and somersaults. Heck, I can scale walls if I want to. But, out here in the snow isn't the best place for them. Look I have one more stop to make back to the gallery and you call follow along and we can errm 'hang out' in the warrens, it's much warmer there." She turned to show she intended to get going out of the cold, she gave a look over here shoulder with a toothy smirk, "Oh, and Drusilla Aster. That's my name."
Last edited by Drusilla on March 21st, 2014, 10:49 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on October 3rd, 2013, 4:44 am

Crossing his arms to keep his chest warm, Turrin listened to the strange white hair girl warn him about frostbite. The Myrian raised his eyebrow in confusion and said to himself, “I didn't know the cold can bite up here in Kalea. Maybe I should cover up...” Turrin grabbed his katinu and put it over him shoulders and smiled at long limb girl. As the Myrian looked at her, she must have been a few years younger than him at the most, but she had a exotic beauty about her the young teenage boy couldn't mistake. Turrin listened to her speak about not being a Konti. He was surprised because she had the beauty of one, but he didn't see any scales on her. However, when she mentioned that she was a Symenestra, the Myrian wasn't sure what to do since he was standing in front Taloba ancient enemies. Turrin fidgeted uncomfortably when she displayed her teeth in a threatening manner. He knew in Falyndar the Symenestra were hunted and drove almost to extinction by the Myrian. He just hoped for her sake that she didn't hold a grudge for the wars of their ancestors.

Turrin looked at her shyly and said softly in common, “I am not my ancestors, and we aren't in Falyndar, so you don't have to worry about me hurting you.” Turrin looked into her purple eyes and said with a weak smile, “I was told stories by my Myrian Father and Grandmother about the 'monsters' that used to live in the trees long ago, but I have to say you aren't anything like the monsters in the legends..to be honest, you are beau..ahh never mind.” Blushing for a moment,Turrin was glad when the Symenestra changed the from their peoples ancient blood feud and started talking about acrobatics. The Myrian teenager heard stories of the Symenestra dexterity in the tree tops in the wars with her race, so he wasn't surprised that she could already do some moves that have been giving him trouble for a long time. When she said that she could climb walls, Turrin's eyes perked up and asked with smile, “Really? Do you use rope and stakes when climbing a wall?” When she suggested that he follow her and practicing acrobatics inside. Turrin rubbed his hands together and said with a laugh, “Yes, I rather not have the cold bite me. Not if I lose a finger or hand.”

Turrin hastened his steps to follow her and with a smile when she introduced her name as Drusilla. The half breed returned her grin and said softly, “Drusilla Aster. I like it. Can I call you Dru for short? If not, I will just call you Drusilla.” When he followed her, he noticed the girls movement was graceful like she just glided across the rocky surface. His Grandmother always thought they were more spirit than mortal, but Narla was always a superstitious old hag. Turrin walked up next to her and said softly, “ 'Hang out' is that a Symenestra word for spending time together?” The Myrian heard they could suspend themselves from trees literally, so 'hanging out' might be a way for them to have a conversation. Turrin knew that he was having a hard time adjusting to Inarta culture, but he knew nothing about the Symenestra other than his father's people hated them. Turrin smiled over at her and asked, “Did you come to Wind Reach with your mother and father?"
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on October 4th, 2013, 3:54 am

"It doesn't really bite you. It's just an expression. Maybe because you lose feeling like they've been bitten off...." Drusilla hadn't ever really thought about it. Frostbite. Why not Froststing? Before you went numb it tingled and stung. Or Frostrot? Your flesh did rot... "Yes, covering up would be most effective for you right now."

She turned and looked at the boy,Turrin. He had said. "I didn't mean it in an ancestral way," Drusilla had forgotten that part, "I just know some Myrians.. you know... eat people. That's all I meant. Although Symenestra are poisonous so... that might not be a good idea... Besides coming to Wind Reach mean surrendering any other culture you may have." She walked along in silance for a moment,"I never paid attention to the history of the blood fuead. It happened long before I was born. I do wish I could of grown up in the treetops, I bet it would of been beautiful compared to living in a cave..." She stopped short, "No, Symenestra ARE indeed monsters. To the point I can't stand my own race."

There was more silence as they walked. Until Turrin's next question made her give him a weird look, "No.. I just...climb? We don't need that kind of stuff, we have little hairs everywhere that let us climb." She held out her hand for him to take. "Here, feel for yourself."

"Dru is fine by me. Hang out just means to spend time together." His last question hit home, "No, my mother is dead and my father has no idea I'm here. I ran away."


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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on October 9th, 2013, 3:10 am

On the other hand, Turrin frowned to himself when she told him that he had to surrender his father's culture to live in Wind Reach. He would die before he gave up his allegiance to the Queen-Goddess, so he politely told her, “No offense Dru, but I will not surrender one part of my soul to appease the other half of my soul. Yes, I will need to learn the culture of my mother's people, but I would dishonor my dead father's name and the Queen-Goddess if I abandoned the ways of Myri.” Still walking, Turrin looked at the white haired girl and said softly, “On the other hand, I grew up on tales from my Inarta mother's homeland, and I fell in love with them too, so I won't do anything to jeopardize the only home that I have now.” The Symenestra started to tell him about her thoughts on living in the trees like the ancient Symenestra. Turrin started to hear her get melancholy when she talked about home. Suddenly, she called her people monsters and the burgundy haired boy glanced at her. By the sound of her statement, she was pretty adamant on not liking her people, and he was about to ask why, but no words came out, so he stayed silent. He looked over at the strange looking girl wondered if she was truly a monster as she claimed to be. However, he had his doubts that she was actually a monster from the ancient legends.

Turrin noticed the weird look on her face when he asked her about her climbing abilities. She seem almost insulted that he suggested that she used ropes to climb. When she stuck out her palm to feel her hands, he stopped looked at her a moment, reached out with his left hand, and put his hand on her long delicate fingers. He started to gently run his finger tips up and down her fingers, and he could feel tiny hairs along her white fingers. He took his hand and gave her a smile,“Now I am actually excited to see you climb, Dru. Honestly, I not a vary good climber, so maybe you can give me some pointers.” Turrin was stunned and shock that she ran away from Kalinor and came all the way to Wind Reach. He wasn't sure how she survived the journey through the Unforgiving because his family barely made it out of Falyndar and the Unforgiving alive, and she did it by herself. If she was here in the city, the Symenestra must be incredibly lonely. Turrin gave her sideways glance and said timidly, “Since I arrived in Wind Reach, I have been treated by the rest of the yasi like a outsider, so if you want someone to talk too, I could be there for you.” The Myrian wasn't good at making friend since Taloba never really welcome him either, so he wasn't quite sure what to say to Drusilla. Turrin looked up at her and said with a smile, “I could always introduce you to my mother Ceela and my twin sister Kaya. My mom is a musician who loves to tell stories, and my sister is a artist. I think she doing her apprenticeship as a glassblower. They are nice people. My sister is really opinionated, so if you can get passed her bluntness, she is really a sweet girl. What do you think? Wanna meet them?”
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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on October 10th, 2013, 3:47 am

"I didn't mean it like that, more like keep that other side a little quieter than when you were in Taloba and embrace the Inarta way as well.... and don't kill birds. They love their birds."

They were nearing the Craft Gallery all Drusilla had to do was run in report she had finished her errands and she would be free to go about her way.

She smiled at Turrin, "I'm not sure if I can teach you anything, as only Symenestra can climb like I do. But I'll try my best to help."

Finally reaching the gallery Dru stopped and turned to Turrin, "I'll be right back, just have to let them know I did the errands and I'll be right out!" With that she slipped inside and quickly returned to Turrin. "There, I'm free to go now." As they began to walk again and talk Turrin took her by surprise and she stopped in her tracks trying to make sense of what he had just said I could be there for you. Deep down it made her want to cry and just bear everything she had been through, her reasons for running away from Kalinor, everything. She quickly looked away in an aloof manner, "Y-yes I'd, I'd like that. So we'll promise that to each other. To be there". Drusilla turned to him now composed, "But a promise more than just a pinky promise. We'll make a blood promise, and our ancestors will gasp in horror. Deal?"

There was silence for a bit as they walked until Turrin spoke of his family, Dru listened intently. "They won't hate me? You're sure? Symenestra and Inarta aren't on friendly terms normally. But if you are sure, I'll meet them."

For perhaps the first time in many years Drusilla smiled. An honest to God smile from the bottom of her heart. She let Turrin take lead to his family.


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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on October 14th, 2013, 3:42 am

Waiting outside the Craft Gallery, Turrin couldn't believe that he was having a friendly conversation with a Symenestra. Drusilla seemed different from the Symenestra from the stories. She wasn't a monster that hunted Myrians from the trees. No, she was just like him alone in a strange land with even stranger customs. However, the white haired girl was brave since she traversed the Unforgiving alone to get to Wind Reach. It was no small feat for anyone let alone a child like him. When she emerged from the craft gallery, Turrin smiled over at Drusilla and said softly in common, “Well if everything is settled lets be on our way.” He pushed himself off the wall, walked next to her, and glanced over at her. He noticed the Symenestra girl had longer arms and legs, and her skin was as white as marble. He had to admit that it was strange at first when he first encountered her, but he started to grow accustom to it.

Turrin wasn't regretting the decision to say that he would be there for her. He didn't have any friends in Wind Reach since the Yasi seemed to shun him because of his size. However, Drusilla had nobody to call family in Wind Reach, so it seemed like the right thing to do. Suddenly, Drusilla said something that he wasn't expecting. She wanted to seal their promise in a blood pact. Being a Myrian, Turrin didn't take blood oaths lightly, so he thought about it for a chime. Turrin looked into her purple eyes and said with a smile, “Alright Drusilla Aster. I will make the blood promise with you. We can do it after you meet my family. We will make the blood oath with my family sword.” The mongrel didn't want to make his Goddess angry by making a blood pact with a ancient enemy, but he didn't want to make his new friend sad by denying her either since she seemed happy with him. Turrin noticed the smile that she gave him and his heart fluttered slightly. Turrin smiled back, took her hand in his hand, and lead her to the Darniva Common rooms.

During the trip to the common rooms, Turrin made small chit-chat with her. Mainly about trivial things like favorite color, the weather, and her job in Wind Reach. He wanted to pass the time without any uncomfortable silence. Eventually, he got to his mother's apartment and turned to Drusilla and said soft, “My mother might not be home at the moment. She works in the Cedar Amphitheater, and she might have a late practice today, but my sister, Kaya, should be home.” Turrin took out his key and opened the door. He walked into a twenty by twenty room with a twin size bed in the far right corner and two cots in the left corner. Besides each of the cots was a small chests. However, the cot closest to the wall had a weapons rack next to it that was holding a short bow, quiver, and talon sword. The other cot closest to the main bed had a book shelf covered with misshaped glass work that vaguely resembled animals. The middle of the apartment had a round wooden table with four chairs around it, and by the fireplace had to comfy leather lounge chairs. It was a simple home, but it was enough for the small family of three.

In one of the lounge by the fireplace, a young teenage with long auburn girl sat reading a book. Turrin looked over at his sister and said in common, “Kaya, I want you to meet a friend of mine her name is Drusilla.” The half-inarta girl closed her book, stood up, and looked at the two standing by the door. Turrin was amazed at how much the young teenage girl looked like his mother. She had tan skin like his Myrian father, but she had long auburn hair down to the middle of her back and the young girl decided to weave feathers and glass beads into it like the other Inarta girls. Turrin knew that he was going to have to protect his sister from the Inarta boys in a few years even though, she was already able to defend herself. Kaya tilted her head at Drusilla and said nothing for a chime, but she turned and looked at Turrin and said with a giggle, “Turrin, she is way to pretty for you...” The half breed girl walked over Drusilla and said with a smile, “Welcome to the home of Ceela. My name is Kaya. Why don't you sit, Drusilla.” Turrin smiled at his sister and watched as Kaya gently took her hand and led her to one of the chairs. Kaya motioned Drusilla to sit and said with a smile, “Wow, I have never met a Symenestra before. Are you from Kalinor?” Turrin walked over and took a seat on the ground by the fireplace and said with a smile to Drusilla, “My sister got all the creativity and the brains in the family. She spends most of her free time in a book or drawing.” Kaya looked at her brother and said plainly, “You can be as smart as me if you put down your sword and read Turrin.” Turrin pouted jokingly to Kaya, “But...I might get a paper cut..” Kaya rolled her eyes and said to Drusilla, “You see what I have to put up with on a daily bias, Drusilla.”
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on October 20th, 2013, 2:32 am

Drusilla smiled at Turrin's agreement, blood was not taken lightly by Symenestra. Blood gave life, kept family ties. When her hand was taken by Turrin, Drusilla was tempted to pull back. But she didn't and found herself glad she hadn't. Drusilla found holding his hand quite pleasant. As they walked common chatter filled the air...

"My favorite color? Purple! Just like my eyes..."

"It's been insanely cold lately. I hope it warms up some soon."

"I'm a seamstress in training."

Drusilla nodded as Turrin took out his house key and opened the door. She brushed off her dress, if she was meeting some one new she may as well try and look nice. Entering in a girl was seated reading a book, Turrin introduced her as his twin. Kaya. With the mention of her being 'too cute' she was tempted to protest but instead just looked away quickly from the twins. After gaining her composure and feeling the flushing blood to her cheeks subside, she introduced herself, "Hello, It's nice to meet you Kaya, my names Drusilla Aster and yeah I'm from Kalinor or rather I was from Kalinor." She followed Turrin to the fireplace, only now looking around the family's dwelling. It was cozy. Drusilla rolled her eyes in Kaya's direction at Turrin's whining, "Yes, because losing a finger compared to a paper cut is a horrifying idea!" The girls giggled.


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