Flashback Life with a Flower

A little colt chooses Faryon

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Life with a Flower

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on September 30th, 2013, 10:13 pm

Timestamp: 30th of Spring, 509AV

It was a relatively cool morning with a few lazy clouds milling across the sky. The Whiteflower pavilion was situated somewhere between the middle and outskirts of the moving city. Easily accessible for those in need of healing, herbs, medicines and/or potions. Today however the only daughter of the Ankal Tvarik Whiteflower was no where to be seen.

Faryon made her way out to the Whiteflower's little herd of striders. One of the mares had given birth to a colt last season, which was odd in itself because usually Striders foal in the spring. Faryon considered it a good sign of sort instead of an oddity like the rest of her pavilion.
Endrykas was in its spring location a weeks time away from Riverfall. The seasonal move had been hard on the already weak colt and many didnt think it would survive much longer, it was a miracle within itself that the little lanky dun strider have so far.

Unfortunately the colt's mother had recently abandoning it so Faryon has taken it upon herself to care for it. Every eight hours or so she applied a thin layer of hista balm to its knobby legs. The balm worked to increase the blood flow and encourage the strength back to the colt and its legs. So far its been working.

Originally Faryon had tried to make the balm herself but she was still a novice when it came to philtering. The mechanics of it was still fuzzy and the end result was a pile of purple gloop. So the young Drykas had to bribe her older brother, to make some for her. A weeks worth of his chores for a weeks worth of the balm, fair trade in her mind, despite what others would think otherwise. Faryon was known for her stubbornness put that with her strong will to help/ heal who and whatever she can to her ability, she wasn't giving up on the colt.

She greeted the little Strider who was lazily munching on the sweet grass,"Good morning. How are you feeling? Kinda cool today huh?" She enjoyed talking to the colt even though she knew he really paid her no mind.

The colt only tolerated Faryon because he liked when she gently massaged the balm into his legs. He briefly acknowledged her presence before lowering his head to eat again. Faryon sits on the dew covered ground, opens the canister of hista balm and begins with is right foreleg.

Starting at the colt's elbow she worked the thick balm into its coat. The Dryka tapped her gnosis that graced her brow to call forth her healing power and using her thumbs, made small circles and massaged his legs. From results already she found mixing the properties of the medicine, 'gnosis massage' and light physical therapy to be strengthening the colts legs. The teen examined the foal's legs as she worked, his legs were starting to build their proper mass and even his 'zebra stripes', which are common to dun color horses, were coming in. All good signs she happily thought to herself.

Half a bell later, Faryon finished her treatment and decided to stay with the colt a bit longer. That and she was exausted from using her gnosis magic while massaging its legs. She layed down in the grass, arms behind her head and watched the clouds form miscellaneous shapes. Staying like that for a few chimes before breaking the silence.

"In two days, its my birthday. I'm not sure if I should be excited or not. I guess a mixture of both. Father, announced that I'm not to be betrothed so that's something to be excited about. However I wish mother was here to see me.." Faryon trailed off. She thought about her mother constantly but talking about her out loud brought back mixed memories.

The colt made his way over to the crying teen, laid down next to her and muzzled her as if to comfort her. The teen was surprised by this sudden contact and closeness from the young colt, especially the level of trust for him to lay down. Normally he would have nothing to do with her other than let her apply the medicine and massage his legs.

"Are you choosing me? Faryon asked, for she was rather dumbfounded at the moment. Her family all have told her their bond stories and granted each was different, she just never expected a Strider to choose her at a moment so pivotal in her life. Old tears temporarily forgotten for new tears that flowed down her face and now onto the little colt she was hugging.

"Thank you for choosing me.. Kachal." the name had randomly come to her and it seemed to fit the head strong colt. Letting go of Kachal, Faryon watched him get up with little struggle and trot off to a pile of grass he deemed yummy. She couldn't wait until his legs got stronger and she could ride him across the Sea of Grass, he was going to be a fast one, Faryon was sure of it.
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Faryon Whiteflower
Healer/ Herbalist in training
Posts: 95
Words: 52395
Joined roleplay: September 23rd, 2013, 2:08 am
Location: Riverfall- The Sanctuary
Race: Human, Drykas
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