The Lance Of A God

In Which Elements Obey

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

The Lance Of A God

Postby Kit Rowan on September 29th, 2013, 8:21 am

Day 74, Season of Summer, 507 AV

In the face of Kit's father's condition, and knowing she intended to spend more time with him, it made sense that Kit take some precautions.

She looked like her mother; there wasn't much way around that unless she wanted to veil her face, and Kit was not willing to do that. But under her father's advisement, she had her hair cut painfully short, almost like a boy's, and borrowed a hat to hold over her head, and cover the hair she had left. The results so far were promising, but Kit had no idea if it was because of the change in hair or if her father was in a string of good days.

He had Kit sit cross-legged in her aunt and uncle's vacant common room/kitchen/everything that wasn't the bedroom. She fidgeted, shook her head from side to side, still unused and uncomfortable with the lightness of her head, with the boyish look she sported without her hair and ponytail. She wondered, when could she begin to grow it back again? "Kit?" Her father said, and she jolted, looked up at her father. "Pay attention."

He was sitting also, but in a chair, still much higher than Kit. He winced as his fingers moved. Her father's eyes were focused for now entirely on her, not past her, on some distant dream. "There are four elements that a reimancer can touch." He held up a quartet of fingers. "Fire. Water. Air. Earth. The feeble may touch one. The adept may touch two. The excellent may touch three. And the truly great may touch all four."

"I know, Papa." Kit rolled her eyes. "Why you gotta keep sayin' it?"

"Because I just lied to you," he said, and Kit jerked upright, her eyebrows coming together. "It's a simple lie. An easy lie, because the reality is . . ." He pursed his lips. "Complicated. Kit . . . Do you know what lightning is?"

Kit narrowed her eyes, leaned forward and allowed her father time to make his case before she passed judgment. "Auntie says that when Zulrav gets angry, he throws the sea in the sky, and throws his lances at the earth, one by one. That's lightning."

He considered this. "She might be right, somewhat. But not completely." He shrugged, held out a hand, focused his eyes and murmured a word too quiet for Kit to hear. A red gel res from his hand, floated in midair. "Each of the four elements is new, unique, entirely its own. But there are others, paraelements between them, things given shape when one does not transmute something that is, say, fire or air. There are elements between the elements . . ."

He clenched his hand into fist and there was crack-buzz of electricity, the smell of burned oxone in the air as lightning danced about the ball of res, struggling desperately to escape and held only by her father's attraction. Kit's eyes went wide, thought and suspicion for a moment wiped clean by wonder.

"Have you ever wondered," he said, and he had to raise his voice to be heard over his own lightning. "What it might feel like . . . to throw the lance of a god?"

Last edited by Kit Rowan on November 9th, 2013, 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Unless Otherwise Stated, Expect Kit To Have Already Disguised Herself With Illusionism As 'Shy' In Every Ravok Thread.
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The Lance Of A God

Postby Kit Rowan on September 30th, 2013, 3:04 am

"Where they link, new elements spring. Fire and air; lightning. Water and air; ice. Earth and fire; lava—"

"Lava." Kit tilted her head to the side in a way that meant question. Her father stopped, gave her an irritated look, opened his mouth . . . And a puzzled look came over his face. He shut it again and put a hand to his mouth.

After a few ticks went by he shook his head. "I believe it may be something entirely unique to reimancy." Her father said, but he was dubious. "Ice becomes water when you warm it? It becomes a liquid?" He waited for her to nod before moving on. "Lava is the same way, but with earth. Only it is much . . . Much warmer than water. It glows red, brighter and hotter than any coals, and flows slowly. To touch it is to die."

"Oh!" Kit said, her eyes lighting up in realization. "Like the molten forges of the Isur, under the mountains?"

His eyebrows came together, shrugged a smile. "If they have it down there, I would not have heard about it. Let's say it is, then!"

"So that's . . ." Kit counted on her fingers four elements, four more . . . "Eight elements?"

"That's not quite right, Kova," he said, drawing on her mother's nickname again. "It's—"

"KIT!" She pulled her hat down over her head as she insisted. "My name is Kit. Your daughter." When he stared, a blank look in his eyes, she said again; "Your daughter."

"Right." He shook his head firmly. "Kit. Right . . . It's not so simple. There are many elements between the elements a clever reimancer can find and use. Perhaps air and fire is lightning. Perhaps it is instead a scorching wind. The same is true of all the elements."

"What about a mix of three?" Kit said.

"It is not relevant to you and me," her father said, and it was simple as that.

A still moment in the air. Tick-tock went an imaginary clock, and Kit tried to reach back and adjust a ponytail that was not there. "I'll get fire next," she announced to the room.

"Well now," her father said. "You don't get to pick, and even reaching your second element will take a great deal of practice."

But still Kit sighed. "I wanna get there soon. Air sucks." She remembered her father's show of fire and lightning and scrunched her shoulders together.

"Actually, darling." Her father said, pushing out of his chair. He seemed . . . Less strong. Again Kit's eyes found his bulging joints, the pained twitching of his hands. Still he found it in himself to smile. "There is a great deal that you can do with air. Let me show you . . ."

Unless Otherwise Stated, Expect Kit To Have Already Disguised Herself With Illusionism As 'Shy' In Every Ravok Thread.
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The Lance Of A God

Postby Kit Rowan on October 1st, 2013, 3:52 am

"Transmute a dense ball of res for me." Her father said, kneeling down. "Not too dense, mind, just enough for a little extra air." Kit closed her eyes, breathed in, breathed out, focused. She turned her hand upward and used the tranquility of her breathing as a shield against the jolt of pleasure that ran up her hand, about her side, about her back. She felt something push up through her skin, opened her eyes and saw her familiar, pulsing green res.

She closed her hands around it, watched it shrink some, more, more . . . Closed her hands together and transmuted it all at once. It blew outward, a gentle moment's breeze across her face.

Kit looked up, saw her father kneeling down, staring at the place where the res had been. Then he nodded, took one, two three steps back and held out his hand. "About this big, yes?" He said, muttered something under his breath. A red luminescent goo emerged from his palm pressed itself into a little ball, then condensed to half the size of his fist.

"I think so." She said, and he said a word, sharp and beyond Kit's understanding. The gel transmuted, and air hit her face softly. He was halfway across the room! How could he do that? She shook her head, blinked her eyes opened and looked up to see there was still res hovering in front of her father's hand.

"Come closer. Take a look." Kit pushed herself off the ground and stalker closer, halfway crouched, tilting her head birdlike as she examined the res structure. It was like the inside of a bell or a wineglass turned sideways. "In the same way that res can attract and hold air, it can reject it, push it away. When you transmuted it without anything to change it, the air went in all directions. If you can direct it, the force is many times stronger where you wish to hit it . . . and many times more controlled as well."

Kit blinked, shifted, stared at the place where the res had floated and bit down on her lip. "But isn't that hard?" She had only ever done one thing with her res. Thought of splitting up her res, using it in different ways at the same time . . . Scary!

"For me it was." He said, stepped down, put a hand her shoulder and gave a doting smile. "For you? It'll be the easiest thing in the world." Kit watched him close, wary of any sign that he might digress and begin to mistake her for her mother but his attention seemed rapt and his wits rapt. "You can do it," he said. "I know you can."

Kit looked down, she curled her toes, wriggled and smiled under his compliment. "Okay . . ." She turned her body toward the wall, raised her hand, aiming for a curtain and started again, shaping her res into . . . not an orb, that wouldn't work so well. With her free hand she tried to guide the res, shape it not spherically but ovally, with the longest ends pointed to her and the target. Still, trying to designate her res for two purposes seemed too much!

"Gesture your purpose, darling." He said, his hand squeezing her shoulder affectionately.

Kit moved her left hand in a circle, shoved it forward, like the air she was hoping to shove out from the inside of her circle as she closed her other hand into a fist, and the whole inside of the oval transmuted. There was a sound of rushing air, and Kit saw as the curtain shifted in a sourceless breeze. She smiled, sudden and broad, curled her hands into fists and pumped them into the air. "Did you see that, papa? Didja see that?"

"I did," he said, and he hugged her close and she was too happy to be worried. "Oh, I love you. . .."

Unless Otherwise Stated, Expect Kit To Have Already Disguised Herself With Illusionism As 'Shy' In Every Ravok Thread.
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The Lance Of A God

Postby Elysium on December 5th, 2013, 8:11 pm

Kit Rowan

Reimancy +3
Observation +2
Rhetoric +1

Elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth
Para-Elements: Lightning, Ice, Lava
Reimancy: Air Blast

This was lovely. Your experience and lore is well earned! If you have any questions, let me know.
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