A Pretty Pet (Poison)

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on September 8th, 2013, 10:38 pm

I am not special yet but I will be. And I am not handicapped because I can do things. I would not…insult myself to say otherwise. Her words were confident, but the writing stiff. Some of the Symenestra who were not as polite shared Melina’s view and reminded her often. Sosicly had no desire to hear it from a surrogate. Shaking her head she wrote again, the words coming swifter now as the conversation continue. We are bound to our Webs, we are not bound to humans or other beings. We are honorable to the blood, our blood. I did not say that we are honorable people.

Sosicly thought to ignore the question of her fathers fault but if she was not forthcoming, Melina might return the favor. Not all captures are nicely done. My fathers was too physical and I am now this way. She had almost been expecting the outburst and smiled warily at the girl, indifference versus angry was something easy to sympathize with. I did not mean to make you angry. Death is scary but you should not ask to die, it gives no one anything if you die now. You are a life giver. You are important.

But even your value can’t give you what you want. she shook her head as she wrote, I may try to speak for you to go places but what would I receive?

Sosicly knew it would not amount to much, even if she managed to get the girl out it would not be worth anything. The girl could die and it would be on her head. There was nothing for her to gain even if she felt uncomfortable with how upset the other girl was. She found her gaze straying to the attendants, and back to Melina.

Melina had implied earlier that she may die soon, which meant she was close to giving birth. If she was not yet with child Sosicly may have been able to get her out of the Nest. Her nails tapped impatiently before she came to a decision. If she wished to truly understand the surrogate she needed to see one as they did everything. Including what they could do if set loose. You will do nothing to harm yourself or your baby if they agree. I will ask for them to take us now. But there is no where for your kind to walk.

Sosicly did not elaborate but kept the page tilted towards her companion as she continued to write, it was easier than writing and waiting for Melina to read it. Finishing her request she ripped out the page and gestured for Melina to stand. Looking around it was easy to grab the nearest attendant Sosicly gestured between herself, Melina and the exit with a much too bright smile. Denial was inevitable but a small part of her actually wanted to please Melina, to prove to her they were not some sort of horrible creature. Because they were not.

We wish to be escorted to the Cribellum, please.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on September 15th, 2013, 6:35 pm

„Well, at least you are honest“, Melina remarked bitterly as Soscily informed her that the Symenestra were honorable to their blood, but that they weren’t honorable people. „Most of your kind lie. The man who …“ She made a face. „… harvested me, he was a liar. But I’ve already told you that, haven’t I?“

As Sosicly explained why she was deaf, the surrogate furrowed her brow and looked confused. She just stared at the young Symenestra woman for a few moments before she guessed, „He hurt your mother? Your real mother, the woman who died for you?“

She looked shocked.

„He didn’t hurt me“, she told Sosicly. „Even after he told me where we were going and what my fate would be, he tried to be gentle. He was the perfect lover, except that I had no choice …“

Sosicly’s statement that she was a life giver did little to comfort her. Yes, she would have a child, a part of her would live on, but that part of her would look completely Symenestra. Her child would have fangs and claws and be venomous, and her parents would never get to know their grandchild.

As Sosicly told her that she would speak for her, Melina’s eyes lit up though. There was hope, for one, short moment. „Would you really do that?“ she asked. „Oh please, please take me outside! I’ll do anything! Anything you want! I’ll be good, and I won’t try to escape! I’m not sure what I can give you though. I don’t have anything, apart from my stories. I could tell you about my people if you are interested.“

„I promise I won’t harm the baby! Just ask them if you are allowed to take me outside!“


Fortunately Sosicly found an attendant quickly. This time it was a younger woman with long black hair and yellow eyes. She looked at the piece of paper Sosicly was holding and furrowed her brow. „You and the surrogate?“ she wanted to know and pointed at Melina. „I’m not sure. We sometimes take the women outside if it is necessary, but we prefer them to be in the Nest where it’s safe. Why do you want to visit the Cribellum? Do you want to record her story? I should ask my superiors …“ She turned around as if she were looking for one of them, but then turned to face Sosicly again.

„I will take you there and make sure the surrogate doesn’t fall off the Web“, she decided. „There’s no need to bother them. They would say yes to such an important matter anyway.“ She assumed Melina and Sosicly wanted to visit the Cribellum because Melina wished to add to it. The Symenestra valued knowledge, more than most other things.

Surrogates had occasionally contributed to the Cribellum in the past.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on September 17th, 2013, 9:06 pm

Sosicly nodded slowly, not really understanding the shock. Her father was not the only one to prefer simple force as opposed to the languid pace of wooing. He had wanted something and wanted it swiftly, her father was not always the most patient man. You did. I know they speak of us monsters. You choose to believe monster.

The Symenestra kept her face carefully compose, a hand raised to touch her face to assure it was not curled in an angry sneer. Her people were not monsters. They only wanted to have what others seemed to gain without any sacrifice. She was not bitter. She was not. Sosicly prepared her things to go, snapping her book shut, and offered a hand to help Melina up.

Sosicly herself was no stranger to being carted around the city like trading goods rather than a person. Sometimes it was simply too much to cling to the roads, and wait to reach her destination. Together her and Melina sat in their own baskets, slowly making their way through the city, and she wondered what Melina made of it. Exactly how much could human eyes see in the dark? It was a question she had never thought to ask before.

Sooner than she though they reach their destination, and Sosicly let out a whoosh of relief. As she cracked open the book, and waited for Melina to be patiently helped into the building.

Stories of your people are good. For a moment she awkwardly stared around the Cribellum, feeling judged. But she shrugged it off, and balanced her book to write again. What do you want read? You can show what you study.

Sosicly couldn’t deny being curious. The young woman admitted to enjoying figuring things out, and the Symenestra wanted to know precisely what it was that she hungered for so strongly. Pursing her lips, she gestured for Melina to go ahead of her with a small smile so that the young woman could do as she pleased.

It would give her a chance to watch her properly as well. The trip to the library had gone off without a hitch, and though the girl promised sincerity she wondered at the girls comment about death. Was it really so terrible to them? Her thoughts wandered back to when she first entered the Nest. A pretty shop filled with pretty pets. But no, it was a pretty prison with pretty prisoners. At least to them, and her head and heart ached together for once at the thought of how she wished she could truly have her own child but could not. Or was it would not?
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on October 20th, 2013, 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on September 26th, 2013, 3:41 pm

Melina looked around curiously as they made their way to the Cribellum. It had been a while since she had been outside, although, come to think of it, Kalinor wasn’t really outside. It was just some kind of gigantic underground cave that was perpetually shrouded in twilight. She couldn’t see much, but enough to notice that the Symenestra with their pale faces and red and golden eyes were staring at her.

She wondered what they thought of her. Here comes the walking corpse! Her baby will murder her soon, and then we’ll finally be rid of her and throw her off the web so that frightening monsters will feast on her corpse! Or maybe they were thinking friendlier thoughts, such as She is giving her life so that our race can live! She is so brave! Viratas bless her! But we’ll still throw her corpse off the web because she is not a Symenestra!

Sosicly had called her a life giver, but Melina wasn’t sure if she cared about giving life to a Symenestra that would abduct an innocent woman in about twenty years and murder her. With her kind of luck, she’d probably have a son. She turned away from all the strangers that were staring at her and looked back at her two companions. They spent the trip to the Cribellum in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.


As they entered the Cribellum, Melina’s eyes widened. She had never seen so many books and so many scrolls before! There had to be hundreds of them! Why had nobody on the surface ever heard of this amazing library? Kalinor should be famous for it! Scholars from all over Mizahar should visit it! Her eyes sparkled, and smiled all over her face as she looked at the two Symenestra women that were with her. She had forgotten her predicament for a moment.

„Do you think they have books on other cultures?“ she asked Sosicly. „I want to know about the Eypharians and the Akvatari and the Jamoura! I’ve always wanted to know what the other races are like. And do you think they have books about home, about Syliras and Zeltiva? I think reading about home would comfort me.“

„I’ll go and find a librarian“,
the attendant told Sosicly and Melina. „Can I trust you to keep Melina safe?“
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on October 1st, 2013, 9:03 pm

I will accompany her, Krova. Sosicly wrote out with flourish. Secretly pleased they would be alone; she did not enjoy being watched for any reason. Waiting a moment for the attendant to leave she turned to Melina and waved at her, directing them down a small area hurriedly.

When they reached a small table, Sosicly pulled out a chair for Melina then one for herself, and slowly began to set up her writing supplies. They want you to write what you know. We have books on many things. Wait here or come. I leave my things here.

With that the mute girl rose from her chair and wandered for a moment, trying to recall the way things were organized. Truthfully the Cribellum was not a place she frequented. She had enough silence in her days, reading would just offer an escape from which she wasn’t sure she would enjoy or if she would want to exit it. Eventually she found a book. Simple, by the looks of a it a journal, except…

Sosicly frowned at the writing, having only just realized that most would be in Symenos. While plenty of the people spoke Common, and those that visited for purely intellectual pursuits chose it as well, many of the journals and other accounts would be in Symenos. Taking the book, she looked for another in Common before heading back to the table. There opened both books a random page, and then slid her own book across as well.

Do you read Symenos? I can try translate. My Common is not great. I ask something else. She watched the girl carefully, Read to me, I ask for a tavern meal.
Last edited by Sosicly Magnolia on October 20th, 2013, 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on October 6th, 2013, 5:25 pm

Melina was glad that the attendant was gone for the time being. She felt a little more comfortable without her prison guard. For a moment she wondered whether she should ask Sosicly to let her go – the girl seemed to be a bit more sympathetic than the usual Symenestra – but even if she managed to leave the Cribellum, she would never be able to get out of the cave without help. She would probably just fall off the web and break all her bones, and that would be it.

With a sigh she sat down at the small table. As Sosicly told her that they wanted her to write down what she knew, she furrowed her brow, but then she nodded. „Do you mean that they want me to write down my story? I can do that. Do you think they’ll really be interested in Syliras and Zeltiva?“

As Sosicly rose from her chair, Melina wondered if she should follow her, but then she decided to remain seated. „I know a little Symenos“, she replied as the Symenestra returned with the two books. He taught me. He thought that I should be able to speak and read his language since I would be part of his race’s future, but I have by no means mastered it. I have only been here for a few months. I can read to you, but you may have to help me out occasionally.“

As Sosicly said that she would ask for a tavern meal, Melina furrowed her brow. „A meal? That would be nice“, she decided. „Alright, I’ll try to read to you. But don’t laugh. I don’t know how to pronounce some of these words …“

And with that she began reading. The first book seemed to be a journal of sorts and told the story of a Symenestra doctor that had spent several years among the Jamoura, apelike creatures that lived for centuries. He had hoped to find out more about the way the Symenestra had been before the Valterrian …
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on October 20th, 2013, 2:02 am

Sosicly gave Melina a carefully exaggerated incredulous look, making her eyebrows raise so high it almost hurt. Then she shook her head and wrote in her book, We always curious of other places. Not all Harvest is people, sometimes knowledge better.

While they waited for the attendant to inevitable return Sosicly found herself pleased with the girls reading. It was not fluid as she expected to hear her language, and the story was made difficult to understand but it sparked her curiosity. Apelike things in the sky who knew of their ancestors, she thought and took a little note in her book, it would be something to explore later.

But soon the voice melded together, and Sosicly had no way to actually correct Melina but she enjoyed it all the same. It pleased her to know Melina could speak some of their language. Eventually she stopped the plucked the book from Melina’s hands and replaced it with her own notebook. Out of the corner of her eye she watched the attendant and the librarian approach.

You write some of your history when they come, as much as you like. I speak to attendant.

She pulled her book away, wrote some more in Symenos this time and stood to intercept the attendant, waving the librarian by with a bright smile. Krova, she asks to eat a meal without feeling a prisoner. She will not flee, she cannot get out of our buildings. Perhaps we could show her more hospitality? She does carry one of our own. I will watch her with the meal and you may accompany us as well. Then we return to the Nest. When she was sure the woman had read it she waited for her answer, keeping them away from the table while they discussed things.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on October 21st, 2013, 3:29 pm

„Did you ever go on such a Harvest?“ Melina asked as Sosicly mentioned that her kind didn’t only harvest people, but also knowledge. „What kind of knowledge do you harvest? Medical knowledge? History? Or do you just write down everything you hear?“

Melina found that she enjoyed reading the book even if she didn’t understand every sentence. She had known that Jamoura existed, but she had never met one person. Her eyes widened as she read the passage where the writer described his first meeting with the apelilke creatures. He had been worried that he would be discriminated against, just like in every other place he had visited, that they would hurt him, but they had not cared.

They had not been violent at all, but gentle, intelligent creatures that treated Symenestra with respect.

„I will. Is it okay if I write it in Common?“ she wanted to know as Sosicly asked her to write down her own story. „I’m not sure if I can write it in Symenos …“ She briefly looked up as the attendant approached, the librarian in tow, but then she focused on the book again. It was fascinating!

The librarian was – a halfblood, one of those rare creatures with a human father. Her short hair was white, like a Symenestra’s, and she had red eyes, but her skin was much less pale, and her limbs weren’t as long. She was carrying a few books they had collected for Melina and Sosicly.

The attendant furrowed her brow a little as she read Sosicly’s message, but then she replied, „I think there is no harm in taking her to a tavern. As you said, she cannot escape. Where do you want to go?“
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on October 23rd, 2013, 6:29 pm

A pleased smile bloomed on her face; she held up a finger and darted over to the table to write again, making sure that Melina was involved with her book, and that she had written entirely in Common. When she finished she moved back to the attendant and held a finger to her lips, asking her to speak quietly. We will go to the Hunter’s Gather. And I have one other question, Krova, how far along is the girl? Which season will she give birth?

She enjoyed the girls company, and Melina had agreed to it, so perhaps she would again. But if the girl was due to give birth soon she doubted it would happen. A quick glance at Melina still told her nothing but she felt a pang of something akin to guilt that she ruthlessly squashed with a grimace.

When she finished with the attendant, Sosicly returned to her seat to answer Melina’s previous questions.It is only Harvest I’ve gone to. We keep any knowledge, some keep medical, some keep history, some keep race knowledge. They write what they want to know. You liked the book? Sosicly pause to give Melina a chance to read, and make herself comfortable beside the woman and continued to write. Most read and write better Common than me. I am still learning. You write, then we go to Tavern.

With that Sosicly waved for the librarian to go ahead and explain things to Melina and get her settled to write. She figured it would take no more than a bell before they could leave. Perhaps she would pick up the story where Melina had left off.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on October 28th, 2013, 4:27 pm

The attendant nodded as Sosicly asked her to speak quietly and looked at what the mute girl had written. „The Hunter’s Gather is fine“, she whispered. „It is a respectable tavern. As for when Melina will give birth, she is due this fall. The parents are quite excited. It will be their first child.“ She smiled a little as she said that. A new Symenestra was always a reason to celebrate. But until the little one was born, they needed to take care of the surrogate and make her life as pleasant as possible. If she suffered, the baby might suffer as well.

„Liked?“ Melina asked. „The book was incredible! I wish I could take it back to the Nest with me. Can you ask the librarian if we are allowed to borrow books?“ As Sosicly explained that they would go to the tavern when she had written her story, she began to write as fast as she could. The librarian looked at the surrogate before she stepped closer. „I’m always glad when another surrogate adds her story to our collection“, she remarked. „Their stories matter. Without them we would not exist.“

„I have a few books here that you may be interested in“,
she explained. „Unfortunately it is not possible to take them out of the Cribellum, but you may come here to read them as often as you want. “ Melina sighed and nodded. She loooked disappointed. She didn’t know if she would ever be allowed to leave the Nest again.

She spent the next bell writing down her story. She was her parents‘ only child, born when they had already been in their fourties. Her mother had thought that she was infertile. She had had a happy childhood on a farm outside Syliras, protected by the knights. She wrote about the games she had played with her friends, school, her first boyfriend and her dreams of studying at the University of Syliras. She did not mention the Symenestra who had harvested her though. She wanted to finish her story with a glimmer of hope, as if she were writing about another Melina that lived in another universe.

„I’m finished“, she finally said. „Can we go to the tavern now? I think I need a distraction.“
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