Timestamp: 23rd of Summer, 509 AV
Flashback - PV
The cold false blue marble hung above the youth like a storm that would not rain. Qalaya had become merciful this morning, for the mage`s mind stretched back as sea salt ground into the sandy beach; found for miles along it`s edge whilst the water quietly receded. This turbulent past turned to hot glass within an artisan`s tongs, shifting and hardening as the coffee locked Clarion`s mind awake.
Blinking he saw the capital of Alahea, it`s range and depth like an eagle call twirling from a sky dropped view, lessening in scope till it came toward a knee's height.
Gods thrice blessed there was a boy and a benshira working in some private study lined in mosaic stone and woven wicker. Here Voss tasted the memories of soft parchment, heavy ink and the task of language like the sensation was his very first.. Primary Study and Language. Glyphs.
"Now what is A Glyph?" The studious teacher recoiled within the shades of his robe, walking softly toward the seated pupil.
The child did not hesitate long, speaking with a fresh exuberance. "A letter."
His master nodded, raising a palm to signify the continuance of expression.
"A picture that`s tied in a little knot." The boy blurted.
His teacher paused in step and in tone, eyes suddenly closing with patience. "What is a Sigil?"
"A snake that`s tied in a bow with a belly full of mice. Freeing it`s body lets all the animals loose to cause trouble and bother those stone men."
"Why don`t you draw a cat then?" The elder quipped, riding the trail of thought blandly.
"What did it eat?"
"Fire master?" Hesitancy of self logic gripped the student, while his elder changed topics swiftly.
"A glyph would be the mouse and the sigil a snake. Look at it like the alphabet of our great Nader-canoch. Individual letters become words... sentences, paragraphs and pauses.
Pockets of Djed, each one individual and potent infused then stringed together, transmuted and transformed. Choose your diet carefully for a sick mongoose could kill this paper cobra. We must become bold and emblazoned yet equally so restrained to the limits of our intellect. Your imagination is impressive yet without the Intent - the ability to hunt and catch the very best prey it's weak. By not using the strongest glyphs in perfect sequence it's sigil is little more then poorly written novel, one that kills the author for it`s mediocre fair. A fitting poise for vanity and excess, yet not one a student of mine will experience bec'ause unlike the Suvan apostles who fling themselves to Dira on whim, you will learn here discipline."
The wizened figure slammed a palm against the boy`s desk, staring him in the eyes with a lost hatred.
"There is no snake, nor mouse, not even a fat alley cat with a weak smile. There is Only your brush - the page - and my voice. We make magic not fairy like tales so write the primary signs again. Focus your will through djed and bind the incantation I have taught to you." He paused in emphasis. "Now."