Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby White Feather on December 17th, 2013, 2:33 pm

White Feather

41 Day, Winter, 513 AV

City. Just another city, full with humans, kelvics and another creatures.

White is standing in front of huge Syliras gates. Boys way of thinking was simple. The next best place to find a magecraft is Syliar. I can't go to Sahova.
He needed to find a place to sleep, eat and work. White expected that the mage would want to get paid. That meant that he had to find a job.
This is a big city White. Everything will be all right.

The guard, a big, scary looking man, gave the white dressed boy a doubtful look and in even more doubtful tone barked on him.
-State your business!
White Feather gave him big, wide and sinless eyes and in obedient tone replied.
-Looking for a place to stay. Want to find a job and seek a master for magecrafting. Don't know how long I will stay here. I guess some time, maybe a year.
The guard, not pleased with the strange look of the boy, started to check Whites bag. He raised his head and pulled a Angle-Knife out of boys sack.
-And this? I doubt that Syliras city needs an dangerous artifact in its walls.

White could not stand it. He started to giggle like a small girl.
-No, no, no. I can't make such weapons even if I tried. It's just an dagger for hunting. And maybe for self-defense.

The big guard gave the kelvic an deadly look and muttered something like
-Carry on!
Happy for the end of unpleasant guards conversation, White Feather entered Syliras magnificent walls.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Jake Stonewald on December 17th, 2013, 6:46 pm

10th Winter 513

Jake is finally in front of Syliras Main Gates, so now his dream to become a knigth was a lot of steps closer, but the way was still long. A loud voice took him out of his thinkings.
"Excuse me, man" A guard was talking to him. Jake was so centered in his thinkins that the guard could have killed him without him noticing. "Are you alright?" The guard asked, looking to Jake as if he were looking for something strange in Jake's face.
"Eh? Oh! Yes, of course! Sorry, I was thinking about something and I forgot where I was, hehehe!"

"Is that common on you?" The guard asked, while the other guard came to check Jake too.

"Any problems?" Asked the second guard.

"No, it just seems like our new friend has lots of birds in his head"

"Sorry again, it not that, is just that I have lots of things to think about. By the way, my name is Jake"

"Alright Jake, here you are, this is a map of the whole town and a copy of the city rules. Try to learn them and dont make the Knigths go after you..." said the first guard, giving the papers to Jake.

"No problem! I want to become a Knight some day, so I better learn all the rules! Oh, and thanks for the map."

"You dont need to thank us, just enter the city already, you are interfering in our work!" said the second guard, starting to get a bit angry.

"Wah! Its true! I have lots of things to do, bye!" said Jake as he rushed throught the city doors.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Neviah on December 22nd, 2013, 4:50 pm


Winter 29, 513AV

Neviah looks around at the crowds around her, smiling at the sight of the new and strange people. She definitely felt out of place with her white hair and pale skin compared to some of the more exotic mortals around her, but it didn't stop her excitement.

Walking towards the gate, Neviah sees a fellow rush through the doors with a guard looking after him, but not going after him. Neviah pushes the scene away as she approaches, her messenger bag held close, Neviah is stopped by the guards at the gate.

"Ms., do you have any idea where you're going? Have you been to the city before?" One asks politely as if he'd just finished calming a hot temper.

Neivah smiles as she nods."I've been here enough times to know my path," she says in the common tongue with a nod. The guard nods letting Neviah pass through and enter the next victim city of hers.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Jasper Rainsong on January 1st, 2014, 8:18 am

8th of Winter, 513 AV

Jasper approached the Main Gates feeling fresh and relaxed, all signs of tense anxiety having left her the moment the city of Syliras had come into view the previous afternoon. Even Maro seemed happier, as he cantered along with his ears perked, head high and tail flicking. Pippa sat in her lap and sniffed the air excitedly each time they passed a wagon on the well worn road leading to the gates.

As she approached Jasper dismounted and let Pip down to sniff and relieve himself before continuing, the Sykanis following eagerly at her heals and Maro keeping pace easily as she approached the guards. They glanced from Maro to Jasper with an suspicious look but refrained from questioning her. Jasper tilted her head at their inquiry as to her business, slightly irritated at having to use the common tongue after so long. Her hands flutter at her sides as she speaks.

"Simply looking for work and nothing more." She replied easily, raising a brow at their suspicious looks and tone."Could you direct me to your employment buildings, please."
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Halona on January 12th, 2014, 10:42 am

1st of Winter 513

Halona trudged to the city gate a hand plugging her nose trying in vain to breathe as little of the city's stench as possible. She came to buy some things then scurry back to her beloved 'clean' Bronze forest. A pudgy human guard held out his hand in a signal to stop. Halona ignored him. Why are humans everywhere she went, they were like a plague, showing up anyway when not wanted. The guard grabbed her arm to stop her and she slapped his hand away. "Please miss-"

"Don't touch me you filthy human." She growled agitated that he had the nerve. He gave her a puzzled look and scratched his head mistaking her for a human for that's what she appeared to be. "Ignorant fool, I'm a Kelvic."

"I just need to know your business, in the city. Miss." The guard said with an edge to his voice.

"I'm here to buy some hunting gear. Now if you'd excuse me." She side stepped him and entered the city, during the conversation she had unknowingly unplugged her nose as it clogged up on its own.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Seva on January 19th, 2014, 9:14 pm

Seva Lahara
Winter 48th, 513 AV

Large ironoak gates stood before him just up the path. Seva stopped and stared, amazed by the beginnings of the castle that stood before him. It seemed flawless; the giant doors, the stone that made up the wall. He was speechless, all he could do was stare.

The caravan he had been traveling with had long since pointed him towards the doors to the city and left him with a few words of good bye. Since then, Seva had been walking towards the castle Syliras, the home of the Syliran Knights.

This was where Seva would start his new life. Start meaning he had no idea where he was going to go from here. He may love it here and end up staying or he would leave, for whatever reason. Either way, this is where it would begin.

As he approached the gate to the city, two figures became discernible from the wall behind them. The right guard caught Sevas attention as he made his way towards them. "Your business within the city?" the guard asked.

"Visiting, if that's allowed.." Seva replied, not really knowing if the guards would allow him to pass or not.

"It is. Do you know where you are going?"

Seva looked from one guard to the other and back again. "I do not. Don't really even know what I'm looking for."

The guard looked at him with a blank face. "Lodgings would be a good place to start," he said as he proceeded to give Seva directions to the lodgings within the walls. Once he had done so, he moved aside and allowed Seva to pass into the city.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Noah Amuel on January 21st, 2014, 12:50 am

Noah Watkins
Winter 51st, 513

His hand clutched the straps of backpack, the backpack that traveled with him all the way from Zeltiva to Syliras. The pack contained the necessities for travel, deemed as such by his mother and father who saw him off much to their disdain. They however weren't ones to discourage their offspring's wanderlust, no matter how much they disapproved themselves. His father was much more understanding than his mother. She cried, and they fought during the weeks leading up to Noah's trip however, his father had the final say and he allowed it, on two conditions. That conditions were that Noah visit home every year and write at least once a week. It was the only way he'd allow him to go and Noah took that happily.

Now he stood looking up at the massive gates to Syliras, a shining beacon of his wonderment and now future. The wind was biting and cold, whipping his cloak around his shins and calves. He rubbed his hands together in their fingerless gloves. It was much warmer in Zeltiva. The sea always held the heat of summer longer and the winds that blew from the sea often made the port city feel cool but not cold. Syliras was very different. It was dry and cold and the trees were all but decrepit.

Noah walked now to the open gate of the city. An inn was most welcome but he was halted by the gruff voice of a guard. "What business have you in Syliras?" he asked Noah. The Kelvic eyed the guard curiously. The guard's armor was shining despite the overcast and his disposition was everything noble.

"I'm a traveler," Noah responded quietly, clutching his backpack's straps again.

The guard looked him over, eyes scanning the average height of the Kelvic with judgement. "Very well. If you're looking for a warm place for your stay then Traveler's Row is what you're looking for. Follow that road until you arrive at the apartments. You'll know when you see them." The guard gestured down a long, sparsely populated street.

"Thank you, sir," Noah said with the manners instilled in him by his mother.

"Have a good stay, young man," the guard returned.

Noah was walking again but this time down the way the guard had pointed. He walked the long street, almost abandoned of life save for some stalls with stubborn owners.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Liadan on January 21st, 2014, 10:07 am

52nd of Winter in the Year 513 AV


With the sky so grey and low, Liadan's first impression of the Syliras city gates was of hard inhospitability. She couldn't tell if the guards made her feel welcomed or scrutinised, even as one smiled at her and stepped in front of her path, asking her business in the city in slightly accented Common. The other concentrated on readjusting her armour.

"Work. Possibly residency if it goes well." Liadan presented her belongings to be checked over. The guard briefly passed his bulky, gauntlet-covered hands over her bags and seemed satisfied. He began describing a few places she'd need to go once inside the city gates, before he paused and looked down at her.

"You know... you should smile more." He demonstrated, clearly practised in the art. "Syliras is a friendly city. If you follow the rules, you'll settle right in."

Liadan averted her eyes. "I'll keep it in mind." When the guard sighed and backed away, allowing her to continue inwards, she scurried past and didn't slow to a comfortable walk until she was out of sight of the gate. She exhaled slowly, and began looking around for the places he'd mentioned.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Win on January 23rd, 2014, 4:02 am


53rd of Winter, 513 AV

The delivery wagon rolled toward the gate at a modest pace. The driver, weary from his travels, was happy to see home within his sights. But if he had been more attentive, he may have noticed another weary traveler on that road.

Deftly somersaulting out of the way of the wagon's wheels, Win had only just avoided being squashed by the meandering vehicle. Coming to his feet with a self satisfied flourish, the tiny man of clay continued on his trek to the main gates.

Finally! Syliras! he thought as he neared the knights at the gate.

For many seasons he had adventured through the forests and mountains of the Sylira region. Traveling has its merits, but every now and then, one needs a good city setting. And Win would be lying if he said he'd never dreamed of life in the big city. With so much life still ahead of him, Win had decided that he would make Syliras his temporary home until he decided he'd had his fill of the urban sprawl. How long could it take? He was only a year old, after all. Perhaps he could even use this opportunity to work on his skill as an acrobat.

Oh! Perhaps that's how I will make my living! he thought joyously. Oh, this is exciting already!

As the Pycon neared closer to the knights guarding the gate, he became more and more aware of just how little attention they were paying him. It was as if they didn't even know he was there! How very rude.

Perhaps I'll have to make you see me.

Ducking off to the side of the path, the acrobat took his Py-pole from his back with a ceremonious gesture, and clutched it in concentration. His focus was pointed at the top of the right guardsman's helmet. He would do a somersault though the air, maybe two, then land with perfect form right on top of the knight's head. Piece of cake! What better way to show off his finesse?

After a short running start, the tip of Win's Py-pole struck the ground, and with a brilliantly loud "HELLO SYLIRAS," Win landed perfectly...on his back after crashing directly into the wall behind the knight.

The knight, perplexed by the voice from nowhere and the object that had sailed by his head, shouted,"Oy! Who threw that rock at me? These are the Syliran Knights you're messing with!"

"I think you mean me," Win stated from below the knight,

his speaking slightly slurred from his impact. "My entrance didn't go quite as planned."

The knight looked down, and after a moment, let out a chuckle. Gently, the knight picked Win up and began to investigate him.

"There doesn't seem to be any damage...at least none more than there was to begin with. You're lucky I'm so fond of you Pycons. Your kind are trouble, but in the 'funny' way, not the 'trouble' way. Usually. Make sure you remember the difference. Are you visiting or staying?"

After a moment of thought, Win looked up confidently, hands on his hips and stated,"Staying."

The gates opened, and stayed open for quite a while as the 9-inch tall man of clay took his time striding confidently into the city.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Kiasha on January 27th, 2014, 5:35 pm

12 of winter, 513 AV

The sound of her own heart beat in her ears, as she settled in the cover of brush along the road. Dropping her back pack from her mouth, she allowed herself a moment of rest. She'd ran most of the way, of course in her Kelvic form. Four legs were better than two, and snow leopards were much better equipped for running than human girls. It took only a moment for her to regain her composure and take her human form, quickly dressing in the clothing she pulled from her pack.

Picking her back pack from the ground she slung it over her back and brushed her flowing tresses from her face. Turning her attention to the welcoming, yet almost intimidating gates before her. She felt nervous, it was the feeling of facing something new alone. It grew stronger with each step. A feeling she still wasn't accustom to and a pang of loneliness ached inside her as she passed into the city.
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