83rd Of Fall 513 AV
As Annalisa had left him, and the seething hatred and the loathing of the woman dissipated just enough to sooth him so that he may calm himself and recollect his thoughts. Still that anger did linger as it gently caressed him, so Annalisa was to betray him and ask him of additional favors without intending to clear the debts he owed. He'd tried to kill that woman, tried to split her open yet somehow he knew that her stubborn arrogance would drive her back looking for what she perceived as a debt to be repayed. Yet even if he paid this favor as attempted she slighted him to keep the scale tipped in her best interests. He felt this error was her own fault she should have been more thorough perhaps think ahead and read the fine print to her own agreement trying to alter this was a breech of contract thus nullifying and relinquishing him of the debt.
The only person Maduro perceived to benefit from not telling the truth was in fact Annalisa and her Master of the palsa hydrasa that was an information broker of sorts. So in the end in his assumption she broke her own verbal agreement by soliciting favors within favors to save face. There was no game to play if she broke the rules of wordplay so that she may win. Guess he'd have to betray her the way she ever so eloquently explained she would do to him, and he'd have to move quickly to gain power and allies.
This was a start the power of undeath would be his salvation it was the only way.
When he finished ranting in his mind a cold chill crept through him, there was a silence that in and of itself was maddening. As he walked striving towards his goal. Every foot forward that hit the ground made a deafening echo in the wide hollow chamber. One foot after the other towards whatever fate awaited him just beyond the bend.
He took a moment to stare upon the red eyes of the beast that stood before him at the entrance. Was this what he was to become? A monster? Had it really boiled down to this? A low rumble in his belly finally escaped, hunger was catching up to him his rations were running on empty and he was almost out of time. A lot of bluster and bravado to impress that treacherous imp, thinking back he made tremendous mistakes by blurting out what he was. Just another excuse for that scurrying cockroach to squeeze him.
His hatred seared to a boil again, he wanted to hit something.
It was no longer the want for life eternal that drove him, he wanted to become a monster to become Annalisas worst nightmare.