Wow. Gives me a lot to think about (and adjust in her history travels accordingly) but thank you guys for answering! Saved me a boat load of trouble (see what I did there
) I’ve a few other questions then if you don’t mind.
If she could fine someone to take her, does it seem reasonable to just take a boat and head North towards Avanthal and get to Mura that way or is that not a known way? I’m thinking this could be possible, such as if she goes to Lhavit, the people in Lhavit know about the people in Wind Reach, WR knows about Avanthal knows about Novallas and from there go to Mura? But would this work since Novallas is not open for play?
Considering that seems less likely, by my count it should take roughly 150 days to get to Alvadas from Kalinor? Which would be nearly two seasons, does that seem about right?
So new timeline could look something like this for Northern Boating:
Kalinor—Lhavit (Early Spring to Mid-Spring: 45-60 days sea travel)
Lhavit—Thunder Bay, WR (is that supposed to be Storm Bay because the map says Storm Bay unless they are different??) (Early Summer to Late Summer: 60-90 days sea travel)
I skipped an entire two Seasons here because I figured you couldn’t sail to Avanthal in Autumn or Winter without certain death. Spring seemed more reasonable.
Thunder Bay, WR—Avanthal (Mid-Spring to Late Spring: 30-60 days sea travel and this one is so long because I figure icy waters in Avanthal)
Avanthal—Novallas (Early Summer to Late Summer: 60-90 days sea travel, if I can hit there I obviously would just ignore Sosicly until Spring rolls around to be able to play her sailing outside of Novallas)
Novallas—Mura (Early Spring to Late Spring: 60-90 days sea travel)
And new timeline for Alvadas boating would be:
Kalinor—Alvadas (Early Spring to Late Summer: 150 and up days sea travel)
Alvadas—Syliras (Early Autumn to Mid-Autmn: 40-50 days sea travel)
Syliras—Zeltiva (Early Spring to Late Spring: 45-60 days land travel)
Zeltiva—Mura (Early Summer to Late Summer: 60-90 days sea travel)