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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Visitation Hours

Postby Adoros on July 5th, 2013, 10:17 pm

18th Day of Summer, 513 AV
The Farson Home for Orphans

For the first time in a while, the gates to the Farson Home were closed, with Adoros on the wrong side of it; the side where he was cut off from the rest of the city. The adults would do this sometimes; without warning, they would lock the children away from the rest of the world without warning or explanation. Not that this ever affected many of the inhabitants of this place. Most of the children were too young anyway to go wandering on their own, and the rest weren't adventurous enough to leave the threshold of the gates.

No, only Adoros' mood was affected when those gates were closed.

So he sat there, back resting against the wall, watching the younger children at play. The adults who usually looked over the children were absent, probably moving around in the East Wing on their daily errands. During these situations, where the kids were enjoying themselves outside, Adoros was given the responsibility to watch over them; maybe it was because they knew he wasn't going to be playing himself, that his full attention would be on the children and not on anything else.

The adults were only partially correct, of course.

Adoros was physically there, physically watching those children at play. His eyes roamed the area, watching for anything that may endanger the children. Emotionally, though, Adoros was wandering the markets, swimming in the bay, imagining himself anywhere else other than here. The kids were definitely having fun, but to Adoros, this was torture.

And then Adoros heard the gates opening, signaling the arrival of the one thing Adoros dreaded more than closed gates.

A visitor had come.
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Postby Ricky Maze on July 6th, 2013, 2:42 am

The Orphanage stood before him as the gate cringed shut behind him, Ricky, who was dressed in his old white worn vest and blue trousers, hadn't really planned to be here found that maybe it was time to check in with a old young friend he and another rescued. Lina, who he could hardly remember now after such a long amount of time had passed, may still reside here after the loss of her parents. She and Danny were both brave kids who brought the Wave Guard to Ricky and Sebastian the night they discovered the pirates smuggling operation. Since he lost his dog he had quite the bitter feelings against his memory of that terrifying event, but his heart became strong enough to handle the sorrow once more as this encounter could've likely opened old wounds once again. Approaching the area where the children played in the yard, Ricky found that he was better off standing.back to observe and see if Lina could be found in the bunch of rambunctious laughter and play that filled the grounds.

He couldn't see any sign of the little girl at first, his memory on her appearance already bad enough considering it was quite dark. Still she would've likely recognized him if she had seen him, maybe even more if he still had Odis walking around like he usually did. However there was no Lina to be seen amongst the young boys and girls, and to his regret Ricky sighed as he rubbed the back of his head. None of the children seemed to show any interest in him anyway, so maybe he should leave to attract unnecessary attention. "Couldn't hurt just to watch 'em for a bit." He reassured himself, a small fatherly smile on his face as he leaned against the low fence. He chuckled a bit in amusement at how energetic the kids were when they played, and his mind just seemed to begin to wonder about his own child and how energetic he would get when he became old enough.

"I'll probably've him learn how to fish like I did if I've a boy. Telion will likely want 'em takin' classes at the University." He mused as he pondered on the subject. "If I've a girl... I'd want her to be..." He didn't know what he would raise a daughter to do, but he guessed he'd have one wild time rasing her. Most definitely when the time for a man of her own came, he most definitely would have a say on who his daughter was with in the future. As he thought about it though his mind jumped from having a boy then to having a girl, the suspense built in his mind which caused him to anxioudly tap on the bars of the gate as he watched the children play. He wanted a boy AND a girl, and found that he couldn't really decide on one. Then came the possibility of names, and the fantasy of holding the child for the first time. His wonders were only a fuel for the days that counted down, and sometime in the approaching future he would finally experience the feeling of being a real parent.
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Credit goes to Fallon for allowing me to temper with her codings! :)
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Postby Adoros on July 9th, 2013, 4:54 pm

Adoros always wondered how adults looked at the children when they walked into the Orphanage. Did they see them as real beings, looking for a caring home and loving parents? Or did they see them as an extra pair of hands to help around with shops or businesses? Adoros had concluded it was always one or the other with prospective adopters; the real challenge was determining which one it was with these adults.

So the young mute stared out at the newly arrived Ricky from his shady spot against the wall, watching him as he watched the children. With each swivel of his head, each shift of his eyes, Adoros would trace them to the target. It was as if he was looking at all the children, looking for a particular one.
So this one has specifics in mind. He wants a child of a specific type. These seekers of children never came into these places without a plan, it would seem; they decided on children before ever seeing any of them.

Whatever this man had come here for, it would have to be brought to the attention of the adults in charge. The helper who was watching the gate had made no move to inform the adults in charge about the new arrival; maybe he thought Ricky would head inside on his own accord, or maybe he didn't want to leave his post. If the adults inside knew a visitor had arrived, they too weren't making a move to greet him.

This meant only one thing.

One of the children would have to help this man.

Adoros looked at all the children at play, hoping one of them would feel the need to help this man. Most of them were younger than Adoros, and they probably thought their games were more fun than talking to this visitor, so they made no move in his direction. Violet, one of the orphans who was of age with Adoros, was entertaining one of the toddlers on her lap, but at least she took the time to look up, to notice Ricky. In fact, she took one look at the visitor, and then looked at Adoros. The sign was clear.

Adoros had to be the one to greet the visitor.

A silent sigh escaped the mute, a slump of the shoulders and the shake of the head.
Of course, make the mute greet the visitor, because that makes perfect sense. If all went well, maybe this visitor would ask only questions that could be answered with nods, and a finger point or two. These were empty hopes of course; Adoros knew that this visitor was going to talk. They all just love to talk.

Stepping out into the light of Syna, Adoros walked over to Ricky, a weak wave at the visitor as way of greeting.
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Postby Ricky Maze on July 11th, 2013, 5:43 pm

Ricky continued to watch and laugh a bit in enjoyment of the children playing, their endless fun only an idea to the amount of boundless energy his own child would have when he or she would be born into this world. Ricky knew he would have a lot of teaching to do when it came to his kid, their capacity to learn was matched with a wicked curiosity they had little control over. Indeed as a father and a guardian to the city of Zeltiva, Ricky had quite a lot on his hands in the incoming future when his baby would finally be born. One of the children of the Orphanage however made an approach to Ricky, a silent wave with an unenthused look on his face as he came to meet the guard. Ricky gave a friendly smile and waved back as he crouched down to be eye level with the boy.

"Hey there laddie, come to roll out the welcome wagon eh? " He mused with a slight chuckle as he looked into the green eyed that decorated the boys face. Wild unkept hair the color of brown, possible a tinge of red hidden within it's tangles. Short of course but that was any young child, this one though didn't seem to be like the other orphans when Ricky looked into his eyes. This boy looked more lonesome than anything, quietly withdrawn to avoid the direct attention he could receive from others. Yet his approach to Ricky made him utterly curious, as most children withdrawn or not would seem to be a bit more prone to greet a stranger with words. Maybe Ricky was just over thinking this, either way the young boy already had the guards undivided attention now.

"I came 'ere lookin' for a young'un, but I think she's been adopted already. Did ye know her by chance? 'Er name was Lina." Ricky inquired humbly with a warm attitude to the young boy, his mind already wondered what this boy's story might be. He waited and watched with an open mind and open heart, as Ricky couldn't help but allow this child see the inside part of him he really was. Most people could see Ricky as a protector, a bear that guarded his closest dearly compared to some. However the truly observant could see that in his deep gaze he always held, the blue eyes revealed very much to the beholder. There was mainly two things; love and loss. The pain in knowing how it feels to lose others that you have grown so close too, and the unconditional love for all the good and hope in the world. Yes Ricky had enough experiences to know now that love was what made him stronger, and so he followed his heart with the best wishes for everyone he came to cherish.
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Credit goes to Fallon for allowing me to temper with her codings! :)
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Postby Abstract on October 21st, 2013, 12:34 pm

Grade Awarded!



~ Observation - 1


~ Boy or Girl?: Both.




Not much to give here... sorry!

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