Closed [Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Adora receives some help from a "friendly" pulser while preparing for her Judgement.

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

[Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Postby Adora on October 18th, 2013, 8:09 pm

79th of Fall, 513 AV

Only a single day was left before the long awaited and dreaded Judgement, and the many hopeful soon-to-be apprentices were either waiting in anticipation for the time to arrive or feverishly doing last minute checks on what they were going to show to the Judges. Adora was among the latter of the two groups, at work in the Common Labs.

Crouched over a piece of parchment on a table, a vial of ink on the side, the Nuit was crafting a glyphed scroll, albeit at a painstakingly slow pace. Entirely focused on the task at hand, Adora worked silently, paying no heed to any passerbyers who in turn did not give the Nuit much attention. Glyphing was the weaker and less reliable of the two magical disciplines that Adora knew, and the young mage would have simply just shown a display of her more favoured discipline of Reimancy to the Judges. Wind, fire, and lightning were a formidable set of elements in the Reimancer's hands, right? But while visualizing her techniques in her mind for the past several weeks, a nagging feeling had been bothering the Nuit. The feeling that this would simply not be enough. Any Reimancer worth their value and confident enough to venture the dangerous prospect of coming to Sahova would know the same number of elements as a Adora did, or even more; not to mention having better control of res than herself. There needed to be something more than just the display of elements, and the answer was found in Glyphing, the only other discipline the Nuit knew to a fair degree.

Glyphing is known as the best discipline to support almost any kind of magic, and it would no doubt be useful to display a knowledge of Glyphing to the Judges. So here was Adora now, drawing with slow and concentrated strokes the sigil on her scroll, soon to contain a piece of Adora's magic. If the Nuit was still alive heavy drops of perspiration may have been falling off her brow, but unlife has its somewhat advantageous details like this. Carefully and slowly Adora was adding the final strokes to the first part of her sigil, the Focus. Drawing the ink across the parchment of her scroll in making, the Nuit finshed her Focus, which was a simple triangle with a circle in the middle of the shape. Having already drawn out the three equally lengthed lines of the triangle she was now cautiously drawing the circle inside the triangle. Though the Focus was a considerably simple shape, it was the most crucial part of a sigil. A single mistake could spell disaster and failure, meaning good-bye Sahova for the young wizard.

A few chimes passed, and Adora had finished her Focus and was beginning to draw out the series of Barrier runes around it. Adora began with an initial rune that looked like an X-shape with a smaller triangle pointing with it's apex to the right drawn onto the first shape, following it with two parallel lines connected by a jagged-shaped brush stroke running between the two lines. A third different Barrier rune was then added, a cross with small circles of ink at each end. Using this set of runs, Adora glyphed out with the caution that all novices had the Barrier of her sigil, the wall to block out whatever magic was within.

Putting down her brush for a moment to stretch out her tensed fingers, Adora looked down at her start of a glyphed scroll with slight displeasure. Despite the effort that she had put into it, the Focus though at the very least looking straight and well-drawn to an extent and her Barrier runes neatly drawn as good as they could be the Nuit could see it paled in comparison to the many diagrams of runes she had seen in her father's journal. Those glyphs were works of art, elegant and strong in their design and making, firm and sure to carry out whatever purpose they were made for. What Adora had made was nothing compared to them, her glyphing looked like a child's drawing next to the pictures in her mind.

"This, is not going to work out." The Nuit laid her brow upon her right hand, frustration beginning to creep it's way into her expression. The scroll even if completed would most likely be a weak link than an asset to Adora. This was the best that the "prodigy" girl could pull off, and it was not of an adequete level. And what if the Reimancy she was to demonstrate before the Judges was brushed aside lightly? Then she would be on the boat to Zeltiva, and that was one thing Adora could not do. She could not go back, not after what happened. She needed to make this work!

Frustrated, the young Nuit quickly rose from her chair, though the delay of the action further frustrated Adora. Crossing her arms and sighing with an angry breathe, she gazed down with a look of frustration and worry at her crafting. So much for Nuit being unflustered and apathetic beings, this girl still held much of her humanity, it being not even a season since her unlife began.
Last edited by Adora on October 24th, 2013, 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Postby Annalisa Marin on October 18th, 2013, 9:05 pm

Anna walked the Common Labs slowly, her eyes flicking here and there as she observed the scurrying of apprentices or those that had yet to undergo the Judgment. The young wizard was in the latter category, though she was finding herself less concerned with whether or not she'd make it and more about the information she'd just read when waking up. Apprenticeship wouldn't really matter if she was petching dead at the hands of a crazed hypnotist. Being in so public an area was more for personal safety than anything else, though if she'd read the notes correctly it wouldn't really matter where she hid. Daren would find her sooner or later, in fact he might have already and she just didn't remember.

Daren wasn't the only thing she worried over, there was also Amaryllis and this favor owed to her. Anna realized her situation must have been desperate indeed to indebt herself to another so easily, but part of her was understandably angered that she had agreed to the deal. Then again, if it hadn't been for Amaryllis she would be very much at a disadvantage. Part of her still found it hard to believe that Daren was a threat, feelings of affection still having been present in her. That was also his influence though, further proof that he needed to be removed. Unfortunately removing him was not going to be as easy as blasting him into oblivion with lava, he had political backing to consider. His patron and benefactor was none other than Lector Qiao, Leader of the Council of Five. If she became his enemy then her life expectancy shortened drastically, so she needed to be very careful about this whole thing.

Resolving this dilemma would take time, Daren was unlikely to make his move until after the Judgment. He might have already erased some of her memories, however she was still breathing and still held a few tricks up her sleeve that the hypnotist wasn't expecting. She didn't have a lot of time, but she still had some time. Enough to both check with this Roknus Maelstrom and check out the Courtyard. There had to be answers to be found with either.

Anna shook her head, dispelling the confusing thoughts as she concentrated upon her surroundings. The Common Labs were a place abuzz with activity, Pulsers and Nuit alike working on this or that. Anna had already crafted what she'd needed to make, a scroll though that it had been made from her own blood and pieces from her cloak. That was actually likely more favorable towards her demonstration as she thought about it, as it showed a flexibility to work with materials beyond the convention. Unfortunately, it had also nearly cost her an arm.

The young wizard glanced down at her left hand, which was bound in clean bandages and the wound itself had been well cleaned. Without Amaryllis, Anna knew she was unlikely to have been able to recover from her fever. Though, she still felt a little warm in the head and aching of body. Hopefully she'd be completely recovered before the Judgment tomorrow, the last thing she needed was to be casting while sick. That would be disastrous.

The tall woman continued her walk, quick to grant room to any apprentices in a rush. The Common Labs lacked the artificial silence of the Quarters and Anna was actually rather glad for that. As useful as silence was for meditation it was rather unnerving at times, especially on Sahova. Perhaps it would just take some getting used to. She was going to be here for a while after all.

The wizard's eyes fell upon a curious sight, a Nuit glyphing what appeared to be an attempt at a scroll. Attempt was actually putting it very kindly, more botching horribly than an actually functional attempt. The wizard slowly moved a bit closer, she had some bells to kill at the moment and this potential failure might actually serve some amusement. The undead's glyphs were little better than scrawling's on parchment, useless for anything other than augmentation perhaps. Anna recognized the design easily as being a standard scroll construct, having made more than a few in her days.

The Undead got up in frustration, seemingly glaring down at her work. Anna was about to merely chuckle and walk off, until her description of her exchange with Amaryllis came to mind. The Embalmer had easily managed to get her under her thumb, possessing knowledge she needed. Anna saw potential here for the same thing. The wizard glanced at the Nuit's hands; no ring adorned them meaning she was likely here to undergo the Judgment. Oh, this was simply all too good an opportunity to pass up.

The tall woman leaned against a nearby empty workplace, gazing over to the Nuit in slight amusement.

"I certainly hope you aren't actually planning on using that as a scroll, its liable to blow up in your face before working." The wizard quipped, a slight grin finding its way to her face.
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[Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Postby Adora on October 20th, 2013, 5:22 pm

"I certainly hope you aren't actually planning on using that as a scroll, its liable to blow up in your face before working."

Adora was not expecting anyone to have been checking the work she had been doing, and to see this tall woman grinning with slight amusement at her further pushed the Nuit's temper. The undead turned her glare from the scroll up to the pulser.

"It is not! Who are you to say that?!" The young girl angrily replied to the woman. Even standing up Adora still had to crane her head up to meet the woman's eye level, further infuriating her. Who was this person to correct her?!For a moment the Nuit simply glared at the human, but her eyes wandered back to the scroll on the table. Looking at it again, the pulser's comment was absolutely correct. And it might be that this person was a much better wizard than she was.

Realizing this, Adora gave a weary sigh and bowed her head in slight shame.
"It's... you're right. It is rather pathetic." Glancing back up at the tall woman, the young Nuit could not hide her look of worry and shame from showing, as much as she didn't want the human to think lightly of her. Adora had always never wanted to show herself as weak in front of other people, especially if they were magic-users like herself. And here she was on an island populated by wizards, in front of probably an expert mage, showing off her sub-par Glyphing skills and hot temper. Great way to make a first impression.

"Glyphing is a discipline that I am yet not completely competent in, but for the Judgement I felt that it would be useful to combine it with-" The undead stopped herself. Why the petch was she telling this pulser her plans for the Judgement? Lightly clearing her throat, the young girl tried to sound unconcerned, "But why would you care? Everyone around here seems to be out for themselves, what else would you expect of wizards?""

Saying that, an idea spawned upon Adora. Seeing how this woman was able to see how miserable in quality her Glyphing was, she obviously had some skill in Glyphing. Maybe she could even help Adora- Gods, there is no way she would help you. She's probably the same as everyone else here. Idiot. The girl chastised herself for even thinking this, but still a sliver of hope remained, that this woman could just maybe help her a little. A sliver, but still a hope.
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[Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Postby Annalisa Marin on October 20th, 2013, 8:10 pm

Anna simply raised an eyebrow at the Nuit's outburst, her amusement only growing by the tick as she watched the undead attempt to meet her eyes. It amused her that her height always had a way of putting her in a favorable position, people having to always look up at her and her being able to look down on them. It added to the intimidation factor that being a wizard brought with it, her father's height had been just as impressive and was the only thing she'd inherited from him. Most everything else belonged to her mother.

"I'm someone who used to teach Glyphing for a living, so I'd like to think I know a few things about it." Anna offered, allowing a bit of her Zeltivan accent to slip in, her grin not lessening.

The wizard actually laughed at the undead's admittance that the work was pathetic, oh this was indeed going to be fun. Very few wizards she had met willingly admitted to the fact that they were indeed wrong, most were a prideful bunch. Anna herself tended to take criticism rather badly, though she had learned that others might indeed possess knowledge that could benefit her. Here was this Nuit, the de facto rulers of this island admitting to a pulser to being wrong. It was quite backwards, and actually a little refreshing compared to her usual dealings with the undead.

The slip about the Judgment didn't escape her notice either, meaning that she was likely taking a similar route Anna herself was taking by demonstrating strength in two disciplines rather than one. That was interesting to note, the questions was of course what discipline was the Nuit using and how strong was she in regards to that. Her main knowledge was in regards to reimancy, glyphing being her support and Voiding being her newest discipline.

Anna chuckled at her observations about everyone being out for themselves, it was more true that she likely knew. Amaryllis had demonstrated that little truth to her, at least according to her writings. No one acted unless there was gain, Anna was really no different but she handled the situation with a bit more flair. It was very likely that this current situation could benefit her, namely by placing this Nuit in her debt. The creature was desperate enough based off of appearances, desperation was music to the Chaon's ears.

The wizard pushed off the work place and strode over to the Nuit's work area, making certain to stand as close to the undead as possible without actually touching her. Her grey eyes briefly flicked over what the creature had thus far, eliciting a chuckle from the tall woman. She abruptly picked up the parchment and tore it into two halves without warning or preamble. She followed by tearing it into quarters and then into eighths before letting them fall to the ground. The woman regarded the Nuit lazily.

"Trust me when I say I did you a favor there, the minute the Judges would see something like that they would likely laugh you out of the Lecture Hall. Luckily for you, I'm in something of a generous mood. My Judgment preparations are already done, so I have some bells to kill. So I'll help you out... if you make it worth my time." The wizard said.

"Don't bother offering me money, little Nuit, I have more than enough. I'm curious, how much do you really want to pass your Judgment? Just what are you willing to do to succeed?" The tall woman preoccupied herself with examining her nails, she'd need to file them soon.

Anna willingly left it open ended, figuring that she'd leave it to the undead to lay her own trap with her own words. It was unfortunate that the Nuit likely didn't realize just how things worked here, Anna herself had only learned exactly how yesterday. One's word was their oath, as the saying went.
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[Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Postby Adora on October 23rd, 2013, 3:22 pm

OOCSorry for the delayed reply!

"I'm someone who used to teach Glyphing for a living, so I'd like to think I know a few things about it."

Adora barely kept her surprise hidden from sight when she heard a slight accent that the woman let out, an accent that was very familiar with the Zeltiva-born girl. And, 'taught Glyphing for a living'; so the woman was from Zeltiva, and not only that she was most likely a professor at the University. At this point, there was no point in denying the blatant fact. The Nuit was inferior to the pulser in terms of skill here, as much as Adora did not like it. From hearing the

Adora's feeling of despondency due to her poor work of Glyphing gave way again to her original anger when the tall woman began laughing when the undead admitted the quality of her work. A single sharp glance of anger and hurt pride was flashed at the human before the Nuit clamped down on her temper. Admitting in front of a fellow wizard her mistake was something that the young wizard never wanted to experience. But she put away her usual pride for the moment in the face of the mocking reality of the difference in expertise between herself and the ex-professor. Her pride wasn't of the level at stupidly and illogically saying she was right when the facts said otherwise.

When the human wizard stode almost right up to Adora, the short Nuit had difficulty in keeping herself from shrinking away from the woman. She looked intimidating enough from a short distance but now with the wizard towering over the young undead she looked even more so. Despite feeling like slinking off away from the human, Adora managed to keep mostly still and looked up into the human's eyes with a passive expression. Even so one could notice a slight trembling of the Nuit's hands.

Her attempt at staying passive broke instantly when the woman began tearing what little of a scroll she had into pieces. Flinching at the sight, Adora could only look with gritted teeth as the pieces of parchment fell lazily to the ground.

"Trust me when I say I did you a favor there, the minute the Judges would see something like that they would likely laugh you out of the Lecture Hall. Luckily for you, I'm in something of a generous mood. My Judgment preparations are already done, so I have some bells to kill. So I'll help you out... if you make it worth my time."

Even if it was a horrible piece of work, it was still her horrible piece of work. Watching someone ripping their to shreds without a second thought would ignite a spark indignation in anyone, Adora no exception. But the Nuit quietly nodded in agreement, no use in trying to protest to the woman now.

"Don't bother offering me money, little Nuit, I have more than enough. I'm curious, how much do you really want to pass your Judgment? Just what are you willing to do to succeed?"

When Adora heard the woman's inquiring question, the Nuit eyed her with some suspicion. Remembering her own observation that everyone was out for themselves, the young girl could feel that this woman might be no different, just somewhat more polite than others. If the Nuit were to accept this pulser's help, she would be left in the more experienced wizard's debt. But, she needed help for combining Glyphing with Reimancy for her Judgement, and she needed to be accepted.

"I have nowhere to go except here, and I have nothing left except this body and magic. I have to pass the Judgement, there is no other alternative. If I don't make it..." Though spoken clamly and deliberately controlled, the Nuit clenched her fists, feeling fear at what might happen, "I don't know what I would do." And in that way the Nuit brought herself into debt, much deeper than she knew at that moment.

The title "little Nuit" did not escape Adora's ears though, and after answering the woman's question, she returned with indignation in her voice, "But, please don't call me 'little Nuit'. My name is Adora. And I think it is time I knew the name of such a "kind" person as you." The hint of sarcasm would be easily noticed.

"So, what do you suggest I do instead of a scroll for the Judgement?"
Last edited by Adora on October 24th, 2013, 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Postby Annalisa Marin on October 24th, 2013, 3:47 am

OOCDon't worry, I'm pretty patient when it comes to thread replies. ;)

Anna had noted the signs of the Nuit's anger, amused slightly at the reactions. If only the undead were a living, breathing girl the wizard could think of more than a few ways to use the debt she'd be owed. Sadly the only living individual thus far to express interest in her was an insane hypnotist, such was her luck. Very briefly the tall woman wondered if the undead could be stirred to passion in such ways, shaking the thought off as unimportant as she flashed the shorter woman a dazzling smile.

The sarcasm and bitterness was expected if she were entirely honest with herself, it didn't really bother the wizard. One was either used or one used others in Sahova, if not her then someone else would use this Nuit. She was potentially useful to her, and Anna had knowledge that could benefit the undead so it was really beneficial to both. Though, Anna would be lying if she said that she didn't enjoy playing a game when the odds were stacked in her favor.

She noted the desperation in Adora's words, that this was all she had left and her last hope. The wizard felt her mark flare slightly, visions of betrayal and shattered dreams swimming pleasantly to surface of her mind. It would be so easy to sabotage this Nuit's chances, crush them and have her tossed from the island. Such a betrayal would be quite a potent worship to Rhysol, though it would waste a potential resource. Anna was all for pleasing her god but she was also one who thought long term.

"Adora. Adooora. A pretty name for a pretty girl, shame you are a Nuit otherwise I might not be able to help myself." Anna offered with a wink as she leaned against Adora's workplace, making certain to stay as close to the undead as possible without touching her.

"I am Annalisa Marin, former Professor of Glyphing and Magical Studies at the University and prospective apprentice to Sahova. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, haven't met a fellow prospect that I shared more than a few words with. Just for that you can call me Anna." The wizard offered with a chuckle, her grey eyes meeting the Nuit's.

It was rather true, few Pulsers were not exactly interested in assisting their fellows unless it benefited them in someway. Selfless wizards tended not to last very long in the cut throat world of magic, either becoming not so selfless or dying due to their own stupidity. Anna could understand that, however as she also knew that divided as they were it only made it easier for the Nuit to take advantage of them more easily.

The wizard considered Adora's question for a moment, raising an eyebrow to the Nuit. It was a quandary, the creature before her lacked skill at the moment so augmentative properties were likely the most she could accomplish. Still, that alone was worthy of notice. Especially if she added some extra's onto the conventional focus glyph personal augment. The Judges were sure to take notice of that, especially if she then displayed skill and control with whatever magic she controlled. It was similar to what Anna had planned, though the wizard had the benefit of possessing a functional scroll as well.

"What indeed? In my experience, it is best to build from the basics upwards. Augmentative uses are basic, but I have a few tricks of my own that might assist you in not only more controlled casting but faster casting. I trust I have your full attention?" Anna asked, cocking her head slightly.

"It might help me to know what I'm working with if you were to share what magic you possess access to, as well as how comfortable you are with it. Glyphing uses would be varied depended on discipline." Anna remarked, regarding the Nuit expectantly.

Of course the reason for the question was twofold, one was simply to gauge what she had to work with. The other was to assess exactly how useful Adora would end up being, though if she said hypnotist Anna was likely going to have to actively focus on not cursing the Nuit. The description of her encounter with Daren had done little to endear the users of the discipline to her, very little at all.
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[Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Postby Adora on October 24th, 2013, 9:30 pm

"Adora. Adooora. A pretty name for a pretty girl, shame you are a Nuit otherwise I might not be able to help myself."

If the girl had still been alive she probably could not have helped but blush a tinge. Laughing weakly with a slight nervousness, Adora nodded to the tall woman. Now that the ex-professor was leaning ever so close to the young wizard. not to mention winking at her of all things and calling her a "pretty girl", the Nuit began feeling less and less of her bitterness at the taller woman. Instead, an embarrassed uneasiness was developing; would this woman really be serious of doing "it" with Adora if she was still alive? A mental shudder went through the young girl before she pushed those thoughts out.

"It... is nice to meet you Prof- I mean Anna." Adora's blue eyes looked into Annalisa's grey eyes. So she was a professor after all. At the mentioning of the fact that few people had really conversed with her, Adora nodded in a gesture of understanding. "Yes, not too many are willing to stop to talk like you did." The Nuit took a look to the side at all the pulsers striding pasting them without even taking time to take note of the Nuit and human.

"Other Nuit are not too talkative as well either. I honestly think most of them are dusty old and jaded beings." Ever since she had come to Sahova, this is the ambience that the young Nuit had been getting about her older fellows of her race. At least, most of the Nuits she had seen so far were slow and apathetic individuals. Adora herself still had much of the energy that she had in life, as well as the same emotions. There was no way she was going to become like those ancient relics, at least at the present.

That was a fact that had been troubling the girl since she came to the Citadel of the undead, quiet but always there in the back of her mind. Eventually, the time would come when her body would no longer be viable to stay in anymore. That would mean she would have to change bodies, a prospect that Adora feared. The whole concept of changing bodies must have a part in making the Nuit so apathetic, losing their sense of identity over time. Adora did not want to become like this, but only time can tell.

When Anna began suggesting her idea of using the augmentative side of Glyphing for her display, the younger wizard nodded, her full attention on the former professor. Adora did know of using Focus glyphs to better control her res, but at the mention of a few tricks the undead became further interested to know what Anna was thinking of.

"It might help me to know what I'm working with if you were to share what magic you possess access to, as well as how comfortable you are with it. Glyphing uses would be varied depended on discipline."

Ah, this question was bound to come up sooner or later. It made sense, to know what to do Anna would have to know what magical disciplines Adora knew. But at the same time that would mean revealing one's arsenal to a potential rival. Yes, Anna may be helping her right now but the young Nuit still had in mind her observation: "Everyone is out for themselves." The ex-professor was trying to become an Apprentice just like Adora herself, and that made her an opponent in the game that they call Citadel life.

Adora cleared her throat lightly, "I am a Reimancer with control of the elements of Wind and Fire, as well as the para-element of Lightning. I would say I have a respectable control of these elements. But Anna, since I told you what magic I have, etiquette would have it that you should reveal what disciplines you possess as well and your skill with them. It is only good manners." And now for the first time Adora gave a slight grin, eager to know to what degree of prowress the ex-professor possessed.
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[Common Labs] Sincere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)

Postby Annalisa Marin on October 24th, 2013, 10:47 pm

Anna was rather pleased to discover that Adora was a reimancer, that would make this whole thing much more easy. Anna herself was a very formidable reimancer, combined with her Glyphing it made her a force that was difficult to match. The Nuit had access to two primary elements and one para-element, which certainly made her potent though Anna herself knew that she likely far outstripped the undead. Though if her only magic was glyphing and reimancy than the undead was not exactly the greatest of professional wizards, though that could very well change in time.

The next question was something of an irritant, though Anna viewed it as another means of intimidating the undead. It would also likely prevent the Nuit from getting any ideas. So instead of showing her irritation, Anna kept up her friendly exterior and rather than telling the Nuit she opted to show her. The casting here would be so miniscule that it hardly required incantations or gestures, in fact it barely required her focus.

Anna willed a small amount of Djed to gather under her right hand, moving it up out of her skin as she idly flicked it out. Clear translucent liquid was easily and quickly generated, moving out from her hand with barely any direction given. She willed the small gob of vital liquid to split into three smaller balls, willing them to circle in the air before her.

As the first one passed close to her she willed the outer layer transmute, igniting into a small flame no bigger than the nail on her pinky finger. The next one hardened, becoming a smooth stone the size of a marble within seconds of the mental command. The last one split into smaller fragments, air being attracted to the tiny balls as they spun in a circle. The three elements circled one another, a miniscule display of power.

The casting was as easy as breathing at such a small level, barely requiring her focus to keep the display going. It was technically a little wasteful, but it was worth it for the pleasurable tingle that worked its way down her spine. To her observer the display would have looked completely effortless, not once had her face scrunched up in concentration rather it looked instinctual and it was to some degree. The wizard eyed the Nuit, willing the elements to spin closer to her as she opened her mouth to speak.

"I suppose since you asked so nicely its only fair I grant your reasonable request. I am a Reimancer, though I suspect I'm a fair bit more seasoned than you. I command the elements of fire, earth, and air as well as the para-elements of lightning and lava. My Glyphing expertise is beyond your own and I possess access to the art of Voiding." Anna offered with a shrug, as though they were unimportant facts.

Idly she willed the flames she'd summoned to die out and held out a hand to catch the rest of the tiny earth marble when she transmuted the inner layer. The res she'd used to attract the air was subtly absorbed back into her body, returning a bit of the miniscule Djed spent to her body. She opted not to tell Adora that she was hardly the most formidable of Voiders, no need to add details like that in.

The wizard instead decided to claim a loose piece of parchment and a nearby brush and inkwell. She wouldn't answer any questions if asked, merely scribbling away at the parchment in glyphed runes. First she started with the Focus, placing that near the top of the page her brush working in long confident strokes as it brought to existence the stylized inverted triangles that were her focus runes. The brushed danced along the parchment, the individual runes easy by this point compared to sigil's.

Lazily her grey eyes checked for flaws, moving on with a barrier around the focus. The tiny runes circled the focus, entrapping it within a ring of stylized geometric shapes. One rune was different from the others though, it was what she liked to call the 'connector' and it was exactly what the name implied. It connected the barrier to the path she was going to draw, allowing Djed to flow along it quickly and efficiently.

Anna lifted her thumb up to her lips, her tongue flicking out to lick it before she lightly dipped her brush in ink again to continue with the construct. A line of runes came next, each one approached with care and patience to avoid mistakes. Still her brushwork displayed confidence in the craft of glyphing, she knew precisely what she wanted. Each shape was draw carefully and deliberately, if Adora was indeed at least knowledgeable in glyphing she would recognize the patterns even if the purpose of the sigil escaped her.

Once she had a small path drawn Anna started on a second barrier at the bottom, the connector rune drawn at the top this time. This barrier was going to be slightly different in that connector runes were drawn in controlled intervals around the construct. There were six all told by the time the second barrier was finished, counting the one already used to connect the long path. Their spacing was even and controlled. Nodding to herself she continued.

Before this had been as far she had gone to, it had been unrefined and resulted in not gathering the Djed at a quick enough speed. Further testing had favored the speed of this method a little more. The next steps greatly helped out.

Anna drew yet another focus in the second barrier, nodding to herself as her brushwork moved easily and flowed naturally with each stroke. Her runes were very much simplistic in appearance, however their functionality could not be denied by any onlooker. Once the focus was complete she started on another series of runes, this one inside of the barrier. It was a switch glyph, in this case it would signal the barrier to release the Djed gathered in this focus to the other focus further down the parchment.

This accomplished she then added tiny focus' to the five smaller paths, this would be were Djed would gather to be taken inside the focus contained in the first barrier. The switch would then allow the Djed to flow from the focus and gather down the path into the focus on the receiving end. This entire process would appear to be nigh instant, allowing for res generation at greater speeds with the added benefit of focus runes also allowing for slightly easier casting. It was rather ingenious, Anna always used it when she knew that she'd be casting extensively.

The tall woman waved a hand to the diagram, moving slightly to allow Adora a better view of the construct. It was hardly her greatest creation, it was just the stage of her augmentation research she'd reached thus far. Sharing it was not exactly giving away a great secret or anything, though it might very well tip the scales to Adora's favor in the Judgment.

"This particular diagram outlines a construct spacifically designed to allow for much faster casting, as well as keeping the ease of have focus runes drawn. It currently my greatest augment for personal magic use, though I'm making headway into greater possibilities. Consider it a gift and my contribution to your Judgment." Anna said, as if it were indeed a simple thing she gave up.

"The sigil itself is relatively simple and flexible to fit a lesser glyper's skill. If need be you could subtract a piece or two from it and still retain some of the effectiveness, albeit at a reduced amount." She informed the Nuit.
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Annalisa Marin
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