Closed [The Quarters] Two Kinds of Undead (Kouri)

What's a little girl doing here... oh gods what are you?!

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

[The Quarters] Two Kinds of Undead (Kouri)

Postby Adora on October 24th, 2013, 3:23 pm

60th of Fall, 513 AV

One would think that Alahean architects would have been much more striaght forward with their designing but apparently not. Even the unimpressive Quarters were a challenge to make one's way around, especially for one unfamiliar with their surroundings like Adora.

Gods, why does this place have to be such a maze?!

Even after ten days of residing at the Citadel of the undead, Adora was next to clueless on how the whole place was laid out. She would rather not simply sit around in her sad excuse for a room like a Nuit getting used to a new body. She wanted to get to know the Citadel more as this was going to be the place where she will reside at for probably the rest of her unlife. It would be a pain to not even know where the labs were located, which was the problem in front of Adora.

Although her goal was the Gug Adjak, the young Nuit was still milling around the deathly quiet halls of the Quarters, She had come in through that hall, right? Or was it that one? Oh gods, she didn't know. The Nuit was getting increasingly frustrated by her helpless wandering in the Citadel halls. Skilled in magic yes, but not so much directionally.

"Maybe I should have got a map, if they even have maps here..." The young Nuit sighed as she leaned tiredly against the wall and slowly slid down until she was on the floor. You would think by now that she would know where to go. That is when Adora looked up and saw the glowing blue arrow on the wall at the end of the hall, pointing to the right and on it was written "Gug Adjak".

Seeing this the Nuit's pent up frustration boiled over. She didn't see that petching large and glowing arrow pointing the way?! Adora gavea sound that seemed to almost sound like a growl from an angry dog, her temper finally at its limit. This was looking like a bad day indeed.
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[The Quarters] Two Kinds of Undead (Kouri)

Postby Fubuki Kouri on October 24th, 2013, 5:07 pm


The whole experience in the undead island filled the ghostly little girl with mixed feelings. She was happy at first, thinking it would be one joyride, visiting the "hometown" of her Nuit maid, Kriemhild. She also wanted to show Rena, her little sister, around the "magical" island, especially meeting with the famous Master Wizard, Vick.

But how fate decided to slap her hard and basically told her 'You're wrong!', her little sister was dusted by Mistress Wanda as punishment... kept as hostage to insure Kouri would not cause trouble, she was stalked by another ghost girl who was even more insane than she was in the past, she witnessed the horrors of the island beneath its beautiful architecture and magical wonders, and other ghastly things that most little girl shouldn't witness.

Despite all of her misfortunes, she indeed met some decent people in Sahova though. One of them being the soldier, Ronas, who didn't judge her because of her state. Also Amaryllis, who gave Kriem a new body... in return of a favor which Kouri knew she would demand in the near future.

Speaking of Kriemhild, Kouri, in her Vantha materialized form, was holding the Nuit maid by her hand, her new hand in her new body. The maid's dark green eyes ever so placidly gazed into nothing in particular. Despire her apparent emotionless state, Kriem had feelings, just really good at hiding them. Years of existing as a slave, experiment subject, and turned into an undead would do that to a human girl.

"Kriem..." The ghost's bright blue eyes stared up at the maid. Her very long ebony locks slowly danced in the air, seemingly defying gravity.

"Yes, Mistress?" Green facing blue and long black hair that adhered to gravity. Her Mistress had been awfully quiet during their walk through the Quarters, Kriem very much knew why but she didn't comment on it.

"Uhm... are we in the Quarter's now?" Kouri's eyes shifted from Kriem to admire the beautiful hallways adorned with numerous doors on the wall.

"Yes, Mistress. We are in the Quarters." The maid answered matter-of-factly, as always.

"Okay then... uuuh, I want to be alone for a while... if that's okay with you. I'll meet you back here, okay?" It was a strange request. Kouri usually didn't like being alone, the girl longed for affection due to violent loss of her parents. However, it was different that day, she was beginning to mature... in a very loose sense and found the need to contemplate her actions with some solitude.

"Very well, Mistress. I shall wait here." Kriemhild immediately obliged and slowly made her way to back herself against a wall. She then closed her eyes and stayed still like a statue.

".....Un..." Kouri gave a parting nod and "walked" deeper into the Quarters. She was feeling human today so she took on her original Vantha look, complete with her materialization mastery, one couldn't distinguish her from a normal little girl just by normal sight alone. Magics such as Auristics and Spirtism would show her true nature though.




After a few moments of self-contemplation. Kouri realized she was rather lost. No matter, she could phase through the walls, floors, and ceilings. Finding her way back would be easy, assuming no one stopped her. "!?" Feeling paranoid, the little girl glanced back to see if Mia or one of those malevolent spirits was stalking her. They didn't "Phew..." she exhaled in relief.

She heard a growl though, echoing in the hallways, precisely at the intersection in front of her, it didn't sound far. "Hi?!" Kouri yelped like a scared little girl. Was it one of the spirits? She gulped, swallowing figurative saliva. However, the female nature of the voice made her assume the voice didn't belong to a monster. Monsters couldn't have a voice like that, right? Little did she realize that Kouri herself was deemed a phantom by some of the Syliran populace due to her deeds.

Against her better judgement and instincts telling her to get the petch out of there, Kouri approached the direction where the voice came from and peeked from a corner. She saw an older teenage girl, perhaps a few years older than her with medium-length red hair and blue eyes marred with dark circles much like Kriemhild. The older girl's skin was also very pale like a corpse. Seeing those, Kouri could safely assume she was one of the Nuits.

The red-haired girl was grumbling and annoyed. Interesting, most Nuits she met acted with apathy and eerie calmness, including Kriemhild. This one acted like Madame Isolde, a Nuit who had obvious visible emotions.

Kouri found herself to be in a dilemma, she wanted to approach the girl, but thought it would be rude, she also seemed angry for some reason. Not being able to make a decision, the materialized ghost girl just kept staring from the corner.


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Fubuki Kouri
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[The Quarters] Two Kinds of Undead (Kouri)

Postby Adora on October 24th, 2013, 10:10 pm

Grumbles of frustration, waves of the fiery emotion washing over the Nuit's features, Adora was in a state of heated anger. For the past several days the undead had been keeping a careful hold on her emotions in an attempt to blend in with the crowd of resident Nuits. She tried to be calm, collected, slow-paced and cold. But that simply did not come naturally to the young wizard. And all that pent up emotion finally came out from a simple annoyance like not being able to find her way throught the Citadel.

She was not like the other elder Nuits, she still had a strong sense of her identity. She was Adora Simone, daughter of Levi and Maria Simone, sister of Claire Simone. No many how many years pass their memory will never leave the young wizard's mind, not even centuries pass. If there was anything that Adora feared, it was becoming like the detached and unconcerned Nuits she had seen here.

Claire... The undead girl looked up at the featureless wall in front of her, her mind elsewhere. The past memories of her sister were still very much alive in Adora's mind. WIth her sweet innocent laugh and gentle timidity, Claire was simply the one person that Adora adored most in the world. Sure, her uncle looked after the sisters and brought Adora into the world of magic, he still seemed too distant to really connect with, and the young wizard's memory of her uncle would forever be corrupted and ruined because of what he did that night, the night when he forced ichor down the necks of Adora and Claire, killing Claire and himself and leaving Adora a Nuit.

At the remembrance of that night, the girl sudennly choked up. Her tears may have long dried away, but the grief and loss of Claire still remained. Oh how Adora wished that she could still hold her, to feel Claire's small and childish arms wrapped around her big sister, to see her smile once again. But now she was dead, gone from the face of this world. Leaving her older sister alone and with no one, only the empty hole of her family and the path of magic left. And that was all because of her uncle, her god-forsaken uncle who she would probably kill on the spot if she saw him alive again. Which would never happen since he is dead too.

Giving off a great large sigh of sadness, the Nuit picked herself back up. No point in sitting around here. The anger that the Reimancer had been going through had now melted away into a heavy melancholy. If she was still alive, tears may have been rolling down the Nuit's cheeks. That is when she saw... a little girl staring at her from the corner?!

A young girl, several years younger than her by the looks of it, inside the Citadel of the Undead?! Adora couldn't believe her eyes. What was an innocent child doing in this dark place? Her large blue eyes and long black hair only made her look even more innocent. The Nuit was speechless for a moment, her mouth gaping slightly as she looked at the little girl. A little girl, just like her sister...

The Nuit put her left hand against her mouth in an attempt to stop her cry of bitter sadness, though it could still be heard. Putting her hand down, Adora slowly walked cautiously toward the lone girl and knelt down to her height. "Wha... what are you doing here? Don't you know what kind of a place this is?" The Nuit couldn't keep her voice from trembling while she spoke. Thank the gods she found this girl before anyone else, who knows what would have happened if the young girl had wandered to somewhere and met some twisted and cruel person?
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[The Quarters] Two Kinds of Undead (Kouri)

Postby Fubuki Kouri on October 25th, 2013, 3:31 pm


The Nuit girl, physically at least, was all around grumbling, annoyed, and being in a foul mood. Kouri had seen first-hand on how deceptive a Nuit's body was, they could look young but be hundred of years old in truth, however, this particular Nuit acted very much like the body she was inhabiting; this what kept the ghost girl interested on her, like a little girl who stumbled upon a fascinating sight.

She suddenly went calm though... Kouri raised became even more intrigued. The girl's apparent emotional battle was rare in Nuits, again, only one other Nuit she saw exhibited these instability, Madame Isolde. Now Kouri got the feeling that some Nuits indeed didn't act like a machine, some of them more "human" than most of them.

The ghost girl felt guilty, she was basically spying on someone... odd that she used to enjoy the act of killing bandits, pirates, and slavers but now she found guilt in an act that would be considered nothing to the numerous blood on her hands.

"!?" The Nuit girl turned around, the moment their eyes locked together was an obvious sign that Kouri overstayed her welcome. "Eh... uhm..." She could escape easily, Nuits were sluggish and bound to the confines of physical space while she was an ethereal phantom capable of phasing through physical objects, fly, and blink. However, the motherly nature in the little girl compelled her to say, like the feeling a mother got when she saw her distressed and lost daughter finally finding her mother. She got this feeling from the unknown Nuit in front of her. As a result, she stayed and let the older girl approached her.

Kouri removed herself from her peeking spot and now stood clearly in the middle of the hallway, facing the approaching girl. The questions directed to her were likely out of concern, how nice, a caring Nuit. The ghost wondered about those herself, what was she doing here exactly? Her plans were torn apart at the moment Rena was dusted. She knew, she was leashed her to the island by the favors she owed to Amaryllis. The second, she thought she knew what Sahova was, a magical isle filled with wonders, but those were false, it was an island with a beautiful veil hiding a horrifying true nature.

"Uhm eh..." Kouri wasn't sure on how to answer, she played with a strand of her black hair and looked down to the ground. After a few ticks, she looked back up, her large sapphire eyes gazing at equally sea blue eyes of the older girl. While the girl was corpsly pale, Kouri had the healthy slightly tan look of a Vantha as far as appearance goes.

"I'm here to think about stuffs, Big Sis..." She decided to call the older girl that, it seemed fitting. Her sing-song high-pitched voice echoing in the hallways. "I know what kind of place this is..." Kouri put her left hand to a wall and rubbed it, seemingly deep in thought "It's a place that is beautiful on the outside, but filled with horror and suffering on the inside..."

Facing the older girl back, Kouri exhaled and puff of white mist flowed from her breath, like she was in a perpetual state of cold. If the ghost wanted to really hide her true nature, she could hide those "puffy" breaths, but she didn't bother. In this undead island, it didn't matter.

"What about you, Big Sis? You seemed angry earlier and when you saw me, you were suprised? Uhm... I don't mean to be impolite but uh..." Could she really tell? She supposed she could. "Most Nuits I met doesn't act like you, they are emotionless and cold... even Kriemhild. Only one other Nuit acted like you though, Madame Isolde, do you know her?" Kouri hoped she didn't, the last time she saw Isolde was when she broke the Nuit's body in her fit of childish insanity.

The little girl awkwardly giggled, her curiosity couldn't be held back any longer, hopefully the Nuit girl didn't take offense to her little stalking earlier.


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