4th Of Fall 513 AV
So it was another dreary day in Sahova, he was standing and there wasn't much for him to do. Like really? What could he do except stay in his dormitory and study or train? He didn't want to meet other magic users right now. He wanted to keep to himself and work towards his goals and reach them on his own.
Morvale believed that everyone was out to get him, in one way or another.
He took a stance, unsheathed his dagger and then let his body loosen up. He pointed the dagger at the wall as if it were some mock adversary. And then pretended it was coming in to thrust a sword into him. It was that same side step technique he'd been practicing and he pretended to narrowly avoid danger and thrust his dagger into his opponents kidney. His movements were good but that thrust was sloppy so very sloppy.
His hand eye coordination was fine, and his agility and reaction time weren't the problem. He liked to think he knew himself pretty well but unfortunately this did not help him become accustomed to something as foreign as steel in his hands.
The weight would take some getting used to.