She should've been far more confident in her unofficial role. She was born for this, trained for this, and yet Kaie was still being stalked by lurking uncertainty in her soul. It was like some terrible pestilence hiding in the darkest corners of her thoughts. Its frail, bony complexion standing behind her where its cold lips whispered just behind her ear. It was manipulative and smooth. It was terrorizing her with the foul end of leadership. Through its eyes she could see everything that could possibly go wrong. Trying to plant that seed of self doubt to grow by her own fears.
But it would never find fertile soil. Kaie would make sure of that. She was a Myrian and a woman at that. Leading and facing the most perilous of threats in the dark was what she was born to do. It was the expectation of her society and the preconceptions of the outside world. Myrians were known for their prowess in battle and tactic. They were the cannibals, the savages that haunted the nightmares of the Deyhan. She could play the part. Live or die, it did not matter. What she needed to focus on was what she could do and do well. Remember what she had been taught and capitalize on what the hostile world let her learn through experience. To be confident, focused, and alert. All else would fall in the hands of Myri, and that had to be enough for her to continue forward.
When the mysterious man with the blackened eye spoke up, choosing to follow her into the depths, she nodded. Caves and spelunking were completely foreign to her. Though he had once taken her feelings of ease, Kaie would be happy to have him down there if he did have experience. Her eyes then flickered about the rest of the group. Some stared directly at her, others were shifty and nervous. It seemed a few of their peers were wearing a tough armor that was beginning to crack under the realization of possible danger. She could not make that assumption about them all, however, because the next set of eyes she found were much steadier in their gaze. They belonged to the tall tan man.
"Not a bad idea, actually. Best to even out our skills, hm? I guess that settles it. The rest of you will guard up top then?" She agreed with a shrug of her narrow shoulders and grin creeping up one side of her face. It seemed the more their little expedition was discussed, the more real it became. Naturally she hadn't a clue what would befall them all when they went down there, but thus far the ride was entertaining enough. As soon as she finished her response, she swiveled her head toward the younger man for input. The one the previous speaker suggested should lead the pack with her. Luckily she didn't have to ask.
His ramble was somewhat amusing to the savage woman. Once or twice she stole a glance back toward their employers, especially at the mention of the "tent for a shirt." It's not like she could really fight him on that necessarily. There was a reason they were all hired in the first place. Had they all been fit and ready to battle their way toward their own wealth, they would've saved their coin. All in all Kaie couldn't agree with him in the long run.
If only we had the time and the opportunity to secure as much as he thinks we can...
"You have to have explorers to map the inside of a cave to have a layout don't you? Well here they are. If us four go down, the rest are securing camp up top to guard the entrance, supplies, and our horses," Kaie explained as she tapped her fingers rhythmically over her gladius hilt. Muddy brown hues scanned the blonde guy's face, her ebony steed stomping impatiently at her side. It seemed everyone was starting to lose sight of the dangers in the unknown darkness they were about to descent into.
"Don't forget we're not just here to ward off some rouges and mountain men. We're here to kill whatever ungodly thing might be down there, too. That's how we earn our keep when all is done."
But it would never find fertile soil. Kaie would make sure of that. She was a Myrian and a woman at that. Leading and facing the most perilous of threats in the dark was what she was born to do. It was the expectation of her society and the preconceptions of the outside world. Myrians were known for their prowess in battle and tactic. They were the cannibals, the savages that haunted the nightmares of the Deyhan. She could play the part. Live or die, it did not matter. What she needed to focus on was what she could do and do well. Remember what she had been taught and capitalize on what the hostile world let her learn through experience. To be confident, focused, and alert. All else would fall in the hands of Myri, and that had to be enough for her to continue forward.
When the mysterious man with the blackened eye spoke up, choosing to follow her into the depths, she nodded. Caves and spelunking were completely foreign to her. Though he had once taken her feelings of ease, Kaie would be happy to have him down there if he did have experience. Her eyes then flickered about the rest of the group. Some stared directly at her, others were shifty and nervous. It seemed a few of their peers were wearing a tough armor that was beginning to crack under the realization of possible danger. She could not make that assumption about them all, however, because the next set of eyes she found were much steadier in their gaze. They belonged to the tall tan man.
"Not a bad idea, actually. Best to even out our skills, hm? I guess that settles it. The rest of you will guard up top then?" She agreed with a shrug of her narrow shoulders and grin creeping up one side of her face. It seemed the more their little expedition was discussed, the more real it became. Naturally she hadn't a clue what would befall them all when they went down there, but thus far the ride was entertaining enough. As soon as she finished her response, she swiveled her head toward the younger man for input. The one the previous speaker suggested should lead the pack with her. Luckily she didn't have to ask.
His ramble was somewhat amusing to the savage woman. Once or twice she stole a glance back toward their employers, especially at the mention of the "tent for a shirt." It's not like she could really fight him on that necessarily. There was a reason they were all hired in the first place. Had they all been fit and ready to battle their way toward their own wealth, they would've saved their coin. All in all Kaie couldn't agree with him in the long run.
If only we had the time and the opportunity to secure as much as he thinks we can...
"You have to have explorers to map the inside of a cave to have a layout don't you? Well here they are. If us four go down, the rest are securing camp up top to guard the entrance, supplies, and our horses," Kaie explained as she tapped her fingers rhythmically over her gladius hilt. Muddy brown hues scanned the blonde guy's face, her ebony steed stomping impatiently at her side. It seemed everyone was starting to lose sight of the dangers in the unknown darkness they were about to descent into.
"Don't forget we're not just here to ward off some rouges and mountain men. We're here to kill whatever ungodly thing might be down there, too. That's how we earn our keep when all is done."