by Alea Davenport on April 13th, 2013, 8:33 pm
Alea bristeld at being shouted at, and addressed at "girl", and when she caught the brush it was more because she'd flinched into it than on purpose. She was already annoyed at Beast, and Jakobi wasn't helping, with his completely unsympathetic, and, she might add, rather arrogant attitude. She would have loved to unleash her violent rage on him... but she was hoping to get paid at some point, and violence might hurt her chances of earning enough to live.
She was not all that great at suppressing anger-related feelings, so her fury was plain to see on her face. But she managed to channel enough of it into her expression that there wasn't much left over in the rest of her. So after pocketing the apple and take Beast's reins, she was able to lead Beast to a grooming station without yanking him...even if her hand was gripping the reins hard enough to leave a rope-shaped impression in her palm.
For some odd reason, the horses previously surrounding Jakobi had chosen this moment to start crowding her, and as she ran the brush in gentle strokes on Beast's coat (usually a calming task), she kept bumping into other horse-noses. She glared at Jakobi, certain that he had done this on purpose. Well, fine, she would suffer his absurd little test. If he thought being distracted by a hoard of horses was going to distract her from her goal of getting a job here, well, he didn't know Alea Davenport.
She managed to get one side of Beast finished this way (luckily he wasn't all that dirty, for once). But as she moved around him to get his right flank, a small Gidling foal stuck his smaller nose straight into her pocket! "Hey!" she shouted sharply, grabbing the nose and pulling it away from her. Almost immediately, another horse nose appeared at the same pocket, though it was too large to actually fit inside. This horse looked like it was about to take a bite out of her whole pocket, and she yelped and twisted her hip at an awkward angle to avoid such a sad fate for her clothing. Before the scene turned into a truly comical farce, she rapidly stuffed a hand into that pocket, realizing that the horses were after the apple from before.
Suddenly feeling extremely defensive, she said with a stern almost-hostility, "Oh, no you don't. This is for Beast and no one else!" With that declaration, she held the apple in front of Beast's nose. But her horse just snorted and turned his head to the side. Her frustration reached a boiling point, and she said, "Fine, eat it or don't, I don't even care anymore!" She placed the apple on a post in front of Beast. It was now his choice whether to take the treat he had wanted so badly before she'd gotten involved, or leave it for the next-nearest horse.
Fuming at Beast's stubbornness, she went back to brushing, perhaps a little less gently, though still not quite harmfully. By the time the repetitive motions calmed her down, the horse crowd had mostly dispersed. Alea was about halfway toward his rear, and her short, tight circles had gotten slower and lazier, as she occasionally picked a twig or two out of his mane. She felt vaguely exhausted for some reason, and she didn't think it was from the climbing earlier.
She finished with the brush, and turned back to Jakobi. Did he want her to groom anything else, she wondered? Perhaps comb his main, or pick his hooves? Rather than ask, however, she merely stared at him, holding the brush, waiting to see if he would say something.