Solo [Black Diamond Cosmetics] Plant a Flower, Reap an Herb

Shayna continues to toil in her Mistress' gardens

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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[Black Diamond Cosmetics] Plant a Flower, Reap an Herb

Postby Shayna on October 23rd, 2013, 1:27 am


Time Stamp 31 Fall 513

The sun was hidden today, behind murky gray clouds so common in the swamps. It promised to rain, but that did not mean that the gardens did not need tending to. Eleven days since she had become Mistress Katherine's garden slave, and every day she had spent toiling and working long hours to put the garden into order. Once she finally got things situated, then the gardens would work themselves mostly freeing her up to oversee and make sure weeds did not poke their pesky heads up, to gather the ripe herbs and other flowers that grew there in. Then perhaps Mistress Katherine would see fit to put her to better use then simply working in the dirt. Alas, until that day she had to slog out in the weather, be it sunny or rainy.

This day Shayna slips into the gate, for she never went through the shop where customers might see her, carrying two large trays full of sprouts. The trays were not heavy, but because of her small stature they were bulky, but she manages to get them through the gate and to the third row from the end. She had managed to get the first acreage free of weeds, and while there were more weeds to go, she needed to get these herbs planted before the Fall weather breaks. Get their roots into the ground before the winter cold and they will lay dormant, ready to sprout come spring. If she did not get them in the ground soon though, the ground would be too cool and the roots would not take hold.

Her plain dress was worn but still serviceable to keep her body mostly protected from the foliage as she settles on the ground, her knees pressing into the damp earth. Bending she uses her hands to dig into the ground, creating a mound of dirt and a small hole. Raising, she turns to the large trays, and pulls out a sprig of mint, a small cube of soil tangling in its roots as she settled it into the ground. Her fingers pat the soil back in place. One plant down, twenty two more to go.

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[Black Diamond Cosmetics] Plant a Flower, Reap an Herb

Postby Shayna on October 29th, 2013, 1:49 am


Leaning over, Shayna dug another small hole, her fingers moved with a deftness that came with practice. Her black hair, pulled back into a ponytail, fell over her shoulder and her green eyes eyed the ground for roots to weeds or other foreign matter. Gently another sprig of mint is placed into the ground, her hands cupping the soil to push the dirt over the plant. Dirt creased her knuckles, and her knees made impressions in the dirt, that transferred to her skirts easily. When the rain began, Shayna sighed and continued working, even as the wet drops ran off the end of her nose.

Now the dirt was slowly going from damp soil to mud, but Shayna did not stop. The rain was not a deluge so it would still be a long while before the ground was so saturated that she would not be able to work in it. For now it was simply inconvenient and annoying, quite a bit uncomfortable but not difficult to work in. Her mind stays blank as she worked, one of the rare times she is completely alone so that she did not constantly having to watch her surroundings, observe the people around her. So she enjoys this bit of solitude, her hands moving in constant motion, patterned enough to where she barely had to even look at what she was doing.

When she finished the first row, she had completed planting the rest of the Mint sprigs she had brought. To the unknowing eye, one might not know what was planted, for she had covered the little sprigs fully. One might notice the little mounds to know something was planted but not a bit of green showed. This will protect the sprig during the cold winter, and allow its root system to take hold into the ground, sprouting in the spring. Satisfied with the Mint line, Shayna moved to the second row, to begin to plant the Thyme sprigs.

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[Black Diamond Cosmetics] Plant a Flower, Reap an Herb

Postby Shayna on October 31st, 2013, 6:56 pm


Shayna hummed a little tune under her breath, not even sure what song it was, just something that she had heard at Black Sugar most likely and got the tune in her head. Her fingers dig and plant, dig and plant each movement one of meticulous practice so it does nothing to occupy her mind. She flashed the cosmetic shop a look, watching for the red-headed twit, not trusting the inarta as far as she could throw her. Considering the servant was taller then Shayna, Shayna didn't think she could throw her very far.

Anyone who scraped and bowed to someone else, with that much fear and ineptitude deserved to be a field slave, not a free servant. Iora would not last long if Mistress Katherine were not so hung up on appearances. That line of thought irked the slave enough that her motions became jerky, ruthlessly plopping sprigs of thyme into their respective dirt plots. She had thought that she had put aside the fact that she was not a beautiful person long ago, she had thought she had accepted it..and even thought she had come to believe that beauty was a thing to abhor. However careless words from her new Mistress had apparently re-opened all that.

Savagely she attacks the dirt once more, until her fingers hit against a root of some sort. Her fingers hit hard enough to cause them to sting, and when she looked at the ends of her fingers she saw more then one nail raggedly torn. It was what she got for not paying attention, and she rips the offending root from the ground, though it took considerably more effort then she had though. Determined to finish todays work without any more hassles, or distractions, Shayna returns to her work. Working until the day grew long, and Mistress Katherine sent Iora out to tell her to begin cleaning up.

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[Black Diamond Cosmetics] Plant a Flower, Reap an Herb

Postby Poppy on November 6th, 2013, 11:04 pm


...because you've EARNED it!

Shayna :
+1 Observation
+3 Gardening

Gardening: Planting Herbs in Fall
Gardening: Unpleasant in the Rain

Notes :
Nice little solo job thread.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns!

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