Closed Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on October 6th, 2013, 8:08 pm

Faryon was appreciative of Karliah's compliment but wasn't so sure her basket was all that spectacular but said nothing other than a thank you and a warm smile.

She didn't really think the younger girl would comply with her request to see her Strider form but when she started to undress right there in front of her and for anyone to see her naked, Faryon couldn't help but blush slightly. The whole transformation though made her forget her embarrassment.

Karliah was human one moment the next in a swirling sparkling lightshow of sorts she stood as a magnificent beautiful filly. She was the same cinnamon color as her hair in her human form. Faryon have had her mouth open the whole time, eyes wide in amazement. Quickly standing up from her sitting spot, she slowly circled Karliah leaving enough room where she could see her as she came to her hindquarters.

The teen could see where the red head got her long legs and clumsiness from now. Even though the kelvic wasn't fully grown she already stood at 16 hands, probably will be at least 17 or 18 hands when she did. Faryon made her way back to in front of Karliah.

"Wow your beautiful, Breeze is lucky to have chosen you." Faryon said. It was cheesy to say but it was all she could think to say in her amazement then she got an idea.

"This is random i know.. But mentioning Breeze gave me an idea.. Want to race? You and Breeze against me and my Kachal. Nothing fancy."
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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Karliah Firestride on October 9th, 2013, 2:18 am

Karliah's lips pulled back a bit as she shook her mane out, the equivalent of an equine laugh. She pawed at the ground before changing back into human form. She threw her dress back over her head as a passing woman glared at her sternly. The other Drykas in the nearby tents were somewhat used to her behavior but apparently considered her immodesty just a tad uncivilized.

She tied her belt back on as she grinned at Faryon. "Thank you, we kind of chose each other, she's my best friend." Karliah nudged a good bit of the basket making supplies back inside the tent with her foot before clapping her hands lightly, "I would love to race!" She ran back into the tent and came back out with a Yvas and back blanket. "The Striders are south of here right?" She glanced in that direction. "Breeze tends to wander through the city sometimes, I thought I saw her heading that direction this morning."

"If there is a desire within us, that nothing in this world can satisfy, then perhaps we were meant for another world." ~C.S.Lewis
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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on October 14th, 2013, 6:50 pm

Faryon's eyes widen once more at Karliah's shift changes. Dont think I will ever get use to a Kelvic changing forms. She definitely had to admit it was rather beautiful to watch. Karliah's lack of modesty though needed some work since on older lady Drykas scoffed at her nudity. Faryon couldn't help but giggle at the action and waited for the Kelvic's reply.

She didn't have to wait long Karliah seemed excites and hurried to clean up their weaving mess. Faryon felt slightly guilty for quickly changing the subject so to speak. She originally ask Karliah to teach her how to weave and she genuinely wanted to learn more but now she was whisking the other girl off on a race. She couldn't help it though the thought of a race had her Drykas' blood boiling with her own excitement.

Karliah agreed to a race and asked if the Striders were South of their current position. Faryon glanced at the position of the sun and her surroundings to make sure they were in fact in a northern part of Endrykas. The teen had done so much wandering earlier then getting swooped up talking to Karliah and weaving, she needed to get her bearings.

"Yeah they should be somewhere south of us now but Kachal is back by the Whiteflower pavilion or at least was when I left him this morning." The silly Strider had a knack of doing things different and at his own pace. He never seemed to fit into everyone else's view of normalcy.

The cinnamon hair kelvic rushed into her tent and returned with her yvas and a back blanket. She mentioned Breeze wandering through the city and was probably heading south to the other Striders. "Well I need to run back to my tent to fetch my own yvas and find Kachal. By then you should have located Breeze and we will meet you two where the other Striders are at. Sounds ok with you?"Faryon had a big smile on her face, she haven't rode Kachal nearly enough in the pass couple of days. She knew they both needed it.
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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Karliah Firestride on October 20th, 2013, 5:28 pm

Karliah grinned and nodded, then pranced off to find Breeze, her hair swishing in a mimic of a Strider's tail. "Meet you there!" She called out over her shoulder as she gestured the accompanying hand signs with her free hand.

Karliah quickly made her way south, searching for Breeze. She minced back in forth among the Striders gathered just beyond the outlying tents. She was greeted warmly by the other Striders, having her hair nibbled here, her shoulder bumped there. She weaved through a thick group of older Striders, all standing in a circle while they ate, much like they're Drykas counterparts did on a daily basis. She finally spotted Breeze wallowing on the ground while scratching her back.

"Breeze! We're going to race Faryon and Kachal!" Breeze perked up as she lurched to her feet, eager to run with her bonded. Karliah strapped on the yvas and blanket, she frowned at the yvas, it really wasn't needed. Zavin got mad when she didn't have it though, so she made sure it was secure enough and jumped onto Breeze's back. She wiggled a little to get in place as Breeze began walking around so Karliah could look for Faryon and Kachal.

"If there is a desire within us, that nothing in this world can satisfy, then perhaps we were meant for another world." ~C.S.Lewis
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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on October 25th, 2013, 4:16 pm

Faryon watched Karliah rush off to the south of the moving city and couldn't help feeling giddy at the thought of racing across the plains on Kachal. However it was a matter of convincing Kachal it was worth the effort. She was probably going have to bribe the silly horse, perhaps a story and or two.

The Drykas had to look around to get her bearings. In her aimless wandering earlier, she hadn't been paying attention to where she was going. Looking left then right, Faryon quickly found the way back to her pavilion. It only took 15 chimes to reach the cream and tan coloring giant tent. Her own tent was not far away and she could see Kachal not much further.

Faryon rushed into her tent and came back out with her yvas. She didn't want to linger too much longer. The teen still had no wish to run into her father and his tantrum. She went completely around the backside to reach Kachal. He was lazily munching on some grass amongst a few of the other Whiteflower horses. Making her way over to him, she nuzzled his neck in greeting.
"Hello Kachal, guess what? Met a kelvic who is a Strider as well as a human. She taught me how to weave baskets.. Well sort of but in a moment of randomness I asked her to race with us with her bonded Strider, Breeze." she rambled to the horse. "So what do you say Kachal? Up for some running? A story or two will be in her favor.." Faryon enticed, knowing the dun Strider couldn't resist a nice long story.

He made no notion of agreeing to the terms but he didn't oppose the Drykas from throwing the yvas over his back and strapping him in. She slung herself into the thin saddle of the Drykas. "We are to meet them due.." she didn't even have a chance to finish before Kachal trotted of in a southern direction. Still awed her everytime how he knew what she wanted without speaking it. Hugging her horse around the neck, she bounced along with his gait. "Let's get to Karliah and Breeze."
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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Karliah Firestride on October 29th, 2013, 5:19 am

Only a handful of chimes later Karliah spotted Faryon on top of a dun colored Strider. "That must be Kachal, do you know him?" Breeze huffed and twitched the flesh of her neck in a shrug. Karliah rolled her eyes and waved enthusiastically to Faryon.

Breeze began to walk towards the pair with no prompting from Karliah, even at such a young age, Breeze and the Kelvic were very close. Karliah felt like Breeze understood her better than Zavin sometimes, but she never said so, it would hurt Zavin's feelings.

As they neared Faryon and Kachal Karliah began speaking in an animated manner. "Where do you want to race? There's a small river not to far from here, maybe a few chimes hard gallop." She grinned, she knew that area well, having been down to the stream to get water several times.

"If there is a desire within us, that nothing in this world can satisfy, then perhaps we were meant for another world." ~C.S.Lewis
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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on October 29th, 2013, 6:39 am

Faryon was a fit full of jitters. It was always so when she was riding on Kachal, the horse always seemed to fill her with a mysterious energy of excitement, pride, and amongst other things. Pushing the butterflies aside, she greeted both Karliah and Breeze, while Kachal just stood there clearly still not excited about expending extra energy when it wasn't needed. He wasn't exactly a lazy horse just saw no point in this race but saw how much Faryon would enjoyed it. Besides he got a few stories out of this win or lose so win-win for everyone.

"Where do you want to race? There's a small river not too far from here, maybe a few chimes hard gallop."

Grinning in return, Faryon nodded in agreement. She wasn't too familiar with the river Karliah spoke of but she knew of it. Only because she had attempted to find some flowers there a few days ago. Other than that she was completely in the dark of the layout of the river and its bank. The teen only saw it as a challenge and she was too stubborn to suggest otherwise. Hopefully Karliah was just as knowledgeable as she was about their 'race track'.

"Sounds good to me and Kachal." Well at least to her, Kachal was.. being Kachal. "Race you there, quick warm up!" Faryon giggled, excitement welling up again.

The teen waited until the other pair raced off in front of her before urging Kachal to follow after them. She would have took off after the little joke but her horse wouldn't go any sooner anyways. He took a few ticks before agreeing but once he did, the tents flew past and they were quickly behind her. The rush the Drykas got from being on a Strider in full gallop was addicting, almost drug like in nature, and was something she had no intention of giving up.

Kachal slowed some as they approached the river, and as he drank some, Faryon wondered if they should establish any rules for this little showdown. She couldn't see Karliah cheating or anything, far too innocent for that so opted to scope out the river. Maybe they could race down to the bend and back, that was simple enough right?
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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Karliah Firestride on October 31st, 2013, 7:35 pm

Karliah nodded and shrieked in amusement as Breeze took off without any prompting. By the time she the two arrived at the river Breeze was wound up enough that she wouldn't stand still, the only thing keeping her from rocketing off was that she knew her bonded was waiting on Faryon and Kachal.

The riverbank was not very steep, and the ground sandy, the bend farther up sported a handful of scraggly trees, no more than five or six feet in height. They did make a good landmark, but likely weren't good for much else.

Karliah laughed and pointed after Kachal had had his drink, "See those trees way over there, you can't really see it but the river bends toward Endrykas, how about that bank marks the finish line?" Faryon was right, Karliah wasn't thinking about cheating, she was thinking that since the river grew narrow after the bend that instead of stopping Breeze could jump it. That way they wouldn't have to slow down on the final stretch.

Lol, ahh, the stupidity of youth.

"If there is a desire within us, that nothing in this world can satisfy, then perhaps we were meant for another world." ~C.S.Lewis
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Weaving Flowers (Karliah)

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on November 16th, 2013, 6:27 pm

"See those trees way over there, you can't really see it but the river bends toward Endrykas, how about that bank marks the finish line?"

The trees that Karliah spoke of could hardly be called proper trees but for the sake of the race they would serve their purpose. Faryon could feel Kachal starting to get excited about the race finally. He was full of jitters himself now and was like a spring on a trap ready to release at any moment. The set racetrack seemed fine by Faryon and had no set strategy to win this race. Just ride hard and fast.

"Sounds good by me" Kachal snorted as if to agree as well. The sky slightly darkened due to a small cloud trailing across the sky and had blocked Syna's rays. The cloud gave the Drykas an idea, "Let's start when that cloud moves past Syna and her rays return to the Sea of Grass." Grin upon her face.
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