It was cool, much too cool to swim. But Larik had been teasing Vanator, as the father and son had a habit of doing, to Kavala's unending annoyance. They had been in the main sea cave beneath The Sanctuary, the sea gates open to let in the fresh ocean breeze, the Drykas and Kelvic had been performing a regular maintenance on the portals. The young raptor boy challenged his father's heartiness, given his venerable age. Vanator, usually not given to taking Larik's bait, felt a bit spunky that day and proudly touted his state of excellent physical prowess.
In the end, Vanator had foolishly agreed to wade into the water out on the beach, to prove the chilly water coming down from northerly currents would not deter him from enjoying a swim. They went out onto the beach, and the Denusk patron shed his shirt, boots and breeches, wearing only his undergarment and and his dagger belt. Heading into the surf, Van hid a grimace from Larik as the cold water advanced up his bare legs. Teeth clenched tight as the ocean crept up over is crotch, causing every muscle in his body to tense. Eventually Van sumbitted and sank into the waves.
Larik had shifted, taking to wing and hovering high over is father as Vanator swam out further, the sea particularly calm that day. Not far off was a small sailing vessel, drifting gently on the rolling waves. Not a man accustomed to the sea, Vanator had wandered further than he had planned, looking back to see how far from shore he had actually ventured. His son screeched from overhead, and Van surmised it was a reprieve from the Kelvic hawk, the older Denusk having proven his salt. Vanator, cold and almost blue, turned to swim back to the beach.
Then he saw something break the surface of the water not far off. It was large, a fin of some sort breaching the water. Vanator was not familiar with creatures of the sea, except from the tales he overheard in Riverfall, or from the stories Kavala and Riaris told of their trip on her catamaran. From what he knew, it could either be harmless or deadly. He tread water as he watched the subtle movement of the shape beneath the water, swimming around him. Van reached for his dagger, holding it in his hand as his arms and legs moved to keep him above water.
The creature was well camouflaged by its natural coloring, Larik not seeing the threat to his father from above. Then, off to his left, enough of he beast crested above the water for Van to see a maw of sharp teeth and a long protrusion at the front of its head before it disappeared beneath again. Had he any knowledge of sea fauna, Van could have identified the creature as a