Drawn Together [Orion]

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Drawn Together [Orion]

Postby Jerrico on July 10th, 2010, 8:14 pm

The eleventh bell of the day sounded, signaling what should have been the half way point of a productive work day. But this town was Riverfall, the skilled Akalak woke to practice, worked in discipline, and retired to their beds after hours of refining their skills. The work day was far from over.However it was turning out to be a wonderfully sun drenched afternoon as well, with nary a looming cloud in sight. A cool ocean breeze, along with the faint misting of the great fall kept the town from baking in the summer’s heat. Many of Riverfall’s inhabitants found a way to take their work outside, and into the warm glow of Syna. Several merchant vessels were already unloading there imported goods onto the docks, creating a virtual swarm of activity.

It wasn’t until half a bell later that Basil, captain of one of the few foreign manned ships, stumped his way up to the second tier. Basil was a grimy old sea dog, hell bent on wearing his rain parka in all occasions. A perpetually red bulbous nose protruded from his great beard, where slight yellow caking of grime ringed the tips of his whiskers. Short in height but wide in girth, Basil teetered dangerously every time he swung his left pegged leg forward. One of the Akalak who kept an eye on all wandering seafarers politely stopped the rotund captain.

“Pleasant morning sir, can I help you?” The neatly braided hair gave the Akalak a crisp, respectable look but it was clear his pleasantries were only such as his job required.

“Yes, you bloody well can. My last map copy, and my sea charts are ruined thanks to your foggy port, they’ve bled all over themselves. I need to have them replaced or I won’t be leaving.” Basil wasn’t known for pleasantries, or keeping a respectful tone in conversation. The intimidating Akalak kept a stony eye on the human until Basil began to fidget under scrutiny, finally uttering guttural sounds that could best be described as an attempted apology.

This mumbling of words, far from satisfactory, was sufficient enough to entice the native man into a reply. “Your maps could be replaced at the ship travel agency, or perhaps a copy could be found in the library. Both locations would aid you for as little as three mizas, to be sure.”

“Three?!” Basil had lost his manners again.
“Three whole gold pieces? I bet they would help for that much, anybody would. Three mizas…go on.”

“You are the owner of the red sloop I believe, you could spare that much.”
Basil cast a terrible scowl at the Akalak and grumbled that he would be going to the library.

“Three gold,” the captain’s gripping continued up towards his destination, Three! A one legged ape could scribe maps for less.” Beautiful day or not, Basil seemed determined to carry around his own personal rain cloud for the duration of his trip.
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Drawn Together [Orion]

Postby Orion on July 13th, 2010, 10:08 am

The first thought in Orion`s mind was that this was gonna be a beautyful day, even waking up before he wanted to get up wasn`t a problem for him on days as sunny as these. He was in fact happy that the nearby commotion in the streets woke him up before he could miss the whole day. Looking back at the sun, Syna`s gift to this puny world, he blinked a few times so his eyes could somewhat adjust to the light, and now he was leaving towards the majestic library of Riverfall, towards new knowledge.

His worn out clothes twitching in the ocassional wind, the racket all around him, ocassional clouds in the sky that would cover up the sun and turn his skin from copper to normal, it was all so insignificant, for he somehow still managed to feel rather happy. Progressing towards the library, it was the same as many other days, full of curious glances of the nearby Akalak folk that could not bring themselves to understand what Orion was, who he was. Today he was in search of more knowledge concerning cartography and geography of Riverfall, also some improvement in his astronomical skills wouldn`t be a bad thing, that is as long as he could find the time for something minor like that. His thoughts have clerly thrown him off course somewhere along the road, as he was now getting his way back to the road that leads to the library.

It took him a fair bit of time to correct his mistakes and get to the library, but when he did, he was not sorry that it took so much time, cause a library like that, it was worth the wait. Getting his a bit tired legs to the librarian, it was such an easy, jet a joyful task. Some time was needed for the librarian and Orion to come to an agreement of sorts, since Orion did not want maps, or to buy books, he simply was in search for knowledge. Rounding up the books that the Akalak gave him, he was now spreading them across the nearby table, while trying to synchronize the contents of those bookse to one another. Ah, and there it was, he was sitting on a chair next to the desk, and started to move the books away as he was taking notes on his sheets of paper.

Noting done, he was now in a need of a decent map of these parts, and so he got his mapmaking kit out and started to draw the basic outline of the surrounding area, and leaving the most detailed part for later, the surrounding area was easy to draw, even a 4 year old could do it, if he tried propperly that is. And once it was done, Orion was down to the smallest of details as he was using his eye as good as possible to zoom in onto the pattern behind the map. It was nearly done, all that was left to do was to actualy draw a map across the already existing layout, and that would take a rather long time. Orion was about to start as he heard someone yelling in the background and that broke his focus, his skills were now useless as he could not concentrate on something so delicate with someone screaming at his ear.
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Drawn Together [Orion]

Postby Jerrico on July 20th, 2010, 8:43 pm

Basil clunked to a stop outside of where he’d been directed to by several passersby. He ogled the formidable structure, huffing in sardonic humor. He couldn’t figure out how many books the Akalak thought they had but he could tell they were clearly over compensating for something. No one needed a library as big as the building that stood before him. However Basil was an uneducated soul, save for seafaring, and did not grasp the concept of what else resided within the great doors of the Valkalah Academy. So the blissfully ignorant man barged his way through pairs of studious young men, and conversing scholars, until he caught sight of the official looking desk and the unfortunate attendant behind it. Basil didn’t even give the attendant the chance to speak before launching into his tirade.

“Now look, I’ve been hung up in your foggy arse port for the last two days. The weather’s gottin’ to my charts an’ ruined everything. I need a-“ Basil was cut off when the Akalak behind the counter stood up, once more the figure towered over the chunky human, effectively silencing what was going to be a lengthy gripe session. “You seem to be in need of replacements for your records.”
Growled Basil. “Of course. If you nicely ask one of the students you ran over on your way here I’m sure they would be able to draw up several copies for you.”

“I’m sure they would, for a price bigger than my swinging cod. Just gimme the maps you have and I’ll trace them off myself.” A wonderful chance to rid himself of the overwhelming presence of Basil had presented it’s self to the attendant, and he was all too quick to answer. “Currently our books that contain what you need are being used by that young man over there, with the beach colored hair.”

The Akalak promptly sat down and buried his nose in work even before Basil had the chance to look around at the being in possession of the items of his quest. Basil glanced back at the busy librarian, grunted another possible thanks, and began the taxing ordeal of navigating his large girth around the many obstacles in his way. It took him the better part of ten minutes to reach Orion for he had to stop and laboriously bend over to pick up several things he knocked over either with gut, or peg leg.

Once he was within a few feet of the hunched over man Basil spoke in a booming voice that was sure to get Orion’s attention, and quite possibly everyone else’s. “Son, I’ve need of those books. It’s been a seven day that my crew’s been stuck in port here. A bloody storm washed away all of my charts and maps leaving me with a navigator that doesn’t know where to go. If you would sacrifice some time by letting me borrow those…pages…I’d…..be..”

As he stopped within inches of bumping into Orion Basil finally realized that the man he was talking to wasn’t entirely human. This sudden revelation unsettled him quite a bit since he’d been so glad to finally meet another human Riverfall. It was as if the wind in his sails just fizzled out rendering him slack and weak. Basil’s eyes flicked from one uncharacteristic figure to another as he began to think it best to just return to his boat and shove off regardless. It was then, by chance of fate, he looked to see if the books he needed were indeed in this thing’s possession. Upon seeing what was clearly an unfinished map his eyes grew wide in surprised excitement. “Draw me a map of this coast line. Get me back to Syliras and I’d be willing to part with fifty silver.”
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Drawn Together [Orion]

Postby Orion on July 24th, 2010, 3:19 pm

Concetration deseprately trying to flow back into his head, made Orion somewhat anxious until a series of unpleasant shouts and bumps reached his ears. Only a gaze was enough to render the direction of the incoming man, if it was a man at all, it looked more like pig who could walk on two legs. He shrugged undefined before reaching his hand out towards the back of his neck in order to scratch it a bit, after all, the man was coming, any further atempts of getting some work done were gonna be futile, until he has some peace once more. As he awaited for the man to finaly finish his obstacle course, he wondered what sort of a fool attracts so much attention in a subtle yet beautyful place like this.

A loud, ear rupturing, concentration tearing voice reached him from a fair distance, yet he knew it was appointed to him, and so he turned towards the cause of the racket only to silently gesture the fat man towards an empty chair to his left, before speaking anything. He turned back to his business pretending to be meassuring something while speaking silently in an absent tone: "Sit down, make yourself quiet, and let me work, and eventualy we shall see what can be done to aid your quest" as he finished his line, Orion turned towards the man raising his left eyebrow a bit, as if he was trying to take his meassure.

The thought of earning some silver, it did intrigue Orion`s mind a bit, but it was far from appealing enough for him to rush to the money as if he was running away from certain doom by holding onto it. Orion finaly got some sense back into both his hands and his eyes, the endless drawing and meassuring continued. It made him feel rather content, all that work, coming along nicely so far, no mistakes, no fear, no failure, but the time that he was paying for it, it made the other man rather nervous, but Orion decided to ignore him for now. It was definetely his day, he found himself able to draw the map with such ease it even bored him to some extent, yet he did not want to let his work go to waste by not paying attention to the edgy line that was soon to be a coast line of this region. The map kept coming along nicely as the smallest details were yet to be placed, the most tricky ones. Getting out a few sheets empty sheets of paper, he kept making sketches of reefs, cliffs, rocks, coasts, it was all to be tried out a couple of times on a side note before making it into the finished work. He did not care much about the money, he did not even care much about the man, he did not even care to be that much of a perfectionist, yet he was unable to send off a ship into the deep blue with a bad map. He was many things, but a killer was not one of them.

After a while, the silence started to bother him, he was now confident enough that a conversation will not ruin what he worked for up until now so he spoke playfuly, but minding the tone: "So, who are you anyway? What brought you here?" keeping his curiosity to a minimum, he still wanted some information from the man sharing this silence, and he wanted to hear some noise that could break the silence that was now viciously pressing onto the table. The man did not respond immedeately so Orion kept minding the map, careful not to screw up the outlines of the coast. The coast was done, maybe, maybe not, he kept asking himself were there any mistakes as he kept repeating the sketches of what he has again and again, after all, practice makes perfection. Even if it was a cliche and a worn out statement, he liked it, for he indeed believed some effort must be invested in both creation as well as the destruction of all things.
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Drawn Together [Orion]

Postby Jerrico on August 2nd, 2010, 3:13 am

It wasn’t easy for the forty something man to buckle under and do as this strange upstart told him to. He’d been one to throw around his significant weight his whole life, and people usually listened. His authoritative condition was further built upon when he was given the captains mantle to run the sloop he’d come in on. Basil would have beaten this child senseless with a belaying pin if he’d spoken that way on his ship. A shaking hand dove into a waist pocket on his coat and yanked out a pipe he hastily clamped his teeth around; clay stem threatening to break if he bit down any harder.

The man plopped himself down on the chair more out of desperation to keep his temper, than to do what was asked of him. His feet came off the floor, dangling a couple of inches above where they had just stood, swinging comically every time their owner took a breath. And this brat couldn’t be older than eighteen, what gave him… “What gives you the right to order your elders around? I’ve half a mind to up and leave with my coin, but I need those scribbles there. Consider yourself lucky, whelp.” Orion would continue to receive the silent treatment even after he’d asked his questions.

Those two simple questions, how innocent, and curious they were; quite unaware of the doom they would cause to befall ears of all shapes and sizes within range. Basil steadily chewed on his clay pipe, breaking off tiny shards of it only to spit the out of the side of his mouth. He was dying to answer Orion. But he wouldn’t, he simply wouldn’t bow so low as to satisfy the infernal curiosity of something that wasn’t even human. No, he wouldn’t talk, not in a million years full of pestilence and plague. “I’m from the capital of these lands.” The booming voice nearly echoed in the room since he felt it best if everyone knew where he was from, though what was to follow was more or less aimed at the mapmaker.

“You know the capital I suspect. You’d better, lad, or you’ll be sending me to my watery doom no doubt. Yes, the capital, mighty Syliras herself. I grew up there you know. I did indeed, running and playing in the streets, knowing I would always lead a life of grand travel though. But I will always return to my home, or damn me to the deep. Syliras is the shining example of all we can do.” And here the captain was smart enough to lower his voice, leaning in so close his breath would invade Orion’s nose irregardless of whether he held his breath or not. “A damn sight better than some cliff carved, crack of the world.”

His squinting, seedy, eyes checked over his shoulders for any Akalak that might have heard the comment and taken offense. Seeing none he continued with his monologue. “A well off merchant heard of my resounding reputation as a seaman and hired me on to captain his trading ship. He didn’t even think it needed to run me up through the ranks, he was so impressed. Why, boy, I’ve ferried goods around the great curve of the lands south of here. I’ve seen sea monsters that would make your eyes jump out of your skull. And now, here I am, cursed and stuck in this port because of some fog. Me, Basil, Captain of my Little Dixie, finest and fastest ship in these here waters. What god’s foot did I shit on to deserve this? You understand me, don’t you boy. To think that a freak chance of fog would get these legs back on solid ground before returning home is absurd. Yes indeed it is.”
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Drawn Together [Orion]

Postby Orion on August 11th, 2010, 2:05 pm

Orion enjoyed the power he held over the man for a moment, no matter how small or insignificant that power was, it still managed to stir up some of his long extinguished arrogance. This man had a much more foul smell in the air around him, than the most of his kind, and it made Orion frown somewhat. The feeling of being grazed by the man`s glance repeatedly, it made the Ethaefal raise his head away from his job and to focus both of his eyes onto the sitting statue next to him. Orion disliked conflict but he disliked people who took themselves too serious as well, and this man was one of them. The man seemed surprised when he answered Orion`s question, but never the less, he kept speaking in less booming tone of voice. It was a simple tale, Orion had heard many of those, and all of them had one thing in common. Lies. Yes, even if he was telling the truth, it would not mean much to Orion, except that he is a honest man. He was a liar until proven honest, or honest until proven to have been a liar all along? Either way, it was of no greater importance so he let it wander off into the more distant corners of his mind as he listened to the rest of the lines that were flowing out of the fat creature.

The map was pretty much done, it was still a matter of minor details, but even with the unfinished map, a skilled sailor could make it to Syliras. Even so, the Human knew not of this, so Orion decided to keep his silence for now as he was trying to redo the sketch that gave him trouble up until now. Straight, straight, swirl, a sharp edge, there... it was done. Well at least as good as it was going to get. Thinking further about this whole thing, the idea of money was appealing, but maybe, just maybe, he could forget about the money and actually try to have fun while doing his job. Sitting up with his back completely straight, Orion cracked both of his knuckles numerous times. He was taller than the captain, much, much taller. He let his mind drift a bit as it seemed that the boar like man was still not done with his speech of his "great" endeavours. The last line left a floating feeling of irony in the air as the Ethaefal grinned slowly before speaking in a playful tone: "Well, actually, your legs are not really on firm ground" Orion than motioned towards the chunky pieces of meat that the human was calling his legs, and they still looked as if they were twitching in mid air, probably from the discomfort of the chair.

Sensing conflict, Orion quickly shifted onto the next sentence, while not giving the captain the time to respond to his previous moment of irony. "Syliras... yes, a fine city, i had the honour of staying there a bit, a long, long time ago" as he said those last words, he remembered that it was taking forever to do the map, and that he should probably work on it some more, after all, he would not want for Leth to strip him of his true skin here. There was still time, yes, definitely, there was, but even for a man as patient as Orion, it presented a challenge to sit for so long. His but became numb from the sitting and his elbows tired from all the moving, as there was not enough place to lay them onto the table. Damn, maybe he should have not taken so many books after all. The last thing to do was to sign the map, after all, even the worst of scum should take pride in what they do, or else their mere existence is futile, insignificant and wrong. Laying down all of the map making supplies, all of the tools, he was holding his hands together in front of his mouth. When he spoke it was short and clear: "It is done" looking at the man with curious eyes, Orion showed him to wait a bit with a simple gesture of his finger as he was rounding up books and standing up. As he moved away from the table, he knew he left the map on the desk, he knew the captain could steal it at any moment, and you could say it was some sort of a twisted test. This test was supposed to clear up on the whole matter was the fat man actually a good or a bad person. After all, they do say that the opportunity makes a thief. And Orion loved to prove that there is good in people even if they themselves do not see it. Well, if the man was to make a run for it, he would probably manage to catch him before the door of the library, Orion knew that, and he was sure that the Human does too.
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Drawn Together [Orion]

Postby Baku on December 27th, 2010, 11:39 pm


Thou has written, and thou has completed, so I award thee the following....

Orion: +2 Observation, +2 Sketching, +3 Cartography, +1 Rhetoric,

Lore: Optimism of a New Day, Determination in Learning More, Annoyance in Distractions, One Thing at a Time, De Power Over Dis Man is Intoxicating, Learning New Things, Reflecting on Ancient Past

Additional Notes: Short, but sometimes a fair amount can be done in a short thread, if done right. A shame it had to end.

~Not all dreams, are meant to be had.

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