A Pretty Pet (Poison)

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on November 1st, 2013, 6:03 pm

Sosicly nodded quickly at Melina’s words. She had meant to continue the journal they had been reading but she had been too absorbed in trying to read Melina’s writing upside down. With the way humans could give birth with almost no troubles it seemed odd that they should only have one child. She had no idea what a Knight was but she thought she might ask after they got ready to eat. And again, Sosicly seen her write about studying and another twinge went through her.

As a Symenestra Melina would have been the perfect gleaner. Wanting to know more about the world outside of her own, and being able to record it with detail. As they stood to once more head out, Sosicly’s gaze drifted to the girls covered stomach and the twinges died down. There was nothing to be done.

Again they rode together, this time Sosicly pointed to things here and there until she realized Melina probably could not see them and her hand dropped to her lap. A tick of thought and she mimed drinking and tilted her head in question, asking Melina what she liked to drink.

Then she repeated a similar tilt of her head after miming eating on a imaginary plate. She thought she was trying to distract Melina though she wasn’t sure from what or if she was trying to distract herself from the twinges.

The Hunters Gather rarely sported humans. Even when they resided in the city, most didn’t like being carted around like bought goods or they simply didn’t interact anymore than they had to. It made her wonder why they bothered.

As they moved down the stairs Sosicly offered Melina an arm cautiously, remembering her earlier impulse and not wishing to anger the girl. When they were finally seated Sosicly encouraged the attendant to go get them their food from the front and turned her gaze to the other girl with a grin.

I come visit you again after. It was not a request, You tell me when you get tired. Are you sad from writing?
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on November 14th, 2013, 6:59 am

„I would like fruit juice“, Melina replied as Sosicly asked her what she wanted to drink. „Something refreshing. I don’t think I should drink wine, should I?“ The question sounded a bit bitter. The doctor that occasionally came to the Nest to examine the surrogates had told her that alcohol was bad for the baby. She wasn’t sure why it was bad though. „As for food, do you think they have chicken? We don’t get meat at the Nest every day. Oh, and chocolate! I would absolutely love to have a piece of chocolate!“ Her eyes shimmered brightly as she said that.
The patrons of the Hunter’s Gather stared as Sosicly and the attendant entered with a surrogate in tow. The few humans that stayed in Kalinor rarely visited that tavern, but preferred to stay at the Meadow’s Public House. And no surrogate had been there recently. Havier Avens, the owner of the Hunter’s Gather, one of the older residents of Kalinor, stared at the trio. In his opinion a surrogate in his tavern was not entirely appropriate.

While the attendant went to get their food, Melina turned to Sosicly. She smiled slightly at the Symenestra’s assurance that she would visit her again. „I would like that“, she replied. „You aren’t that bad for a Symenestra after all. I’m not tired. But I’m slightly sad. I miss my parents. I wish I could see them again one more time, but it’s not possible, is it?“
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Re: A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on November 14th, 2013, 4:33 pm

Sosicly smiled at the questioning about chocolate. She had only drank some before but she too was fond of sweets. But her grin fell shortly after and somberly she shook her head, hesitating before writing. I like you too, you not bad for a human. I am sorry they can't. Not get here fast enough but you can write a letter. Maybe it reaches them?

She slid the notebook over and studiously ignored the looks she received from both owner and patrons. It was nothing she had not been given before. However, she was grateful when the attendant returned with their food. It gave her an idea and a distraction, especially since Melina did not seem to be as comfortable with Sosicly when the attendant was there.

She gave Melina sly, secretive grin and scribbled, purposely shading the words from the attendants view. We pass notes while she is here. Then no interruptions. When I come again I bring you chocolate drink. But you cannot be sad anymore. It was a poor attempt to cheer Melina up but she tried all the same. Feeling both like an outcast and child talking when they should be studying. Waiting for the other girl to read then write Sosicly stole a piece of Melinas food with a grin and munched happily.

The twinges grew stronger and she wished to flee but she stayed thought after this Melina would have to go back. And so would Sosicly, who didnt entirely understand what she was doing. It was meant to be a one time adventure not a doomed companionship. She frowned at the table. It was not a companionship at all. Melina was just a surrogate.
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A Pretty Pet (Poison)

Postby Poison on December 16th, 2013, 3:25 pm

As Sosicly mentioned writing a letter, Melina’s eyes lit up. It was not the same as meeting her parents again of course, but if she wrote them a letter, they would at least know what had happened to her. She wanted them to know that she hadn’t simply disappeared. Can I write the letter now? she wrote back. She liked passing notes back and forth and keeping their conversation secret from the attendant. It reminded her of her time in school.

As the woman returned, she nearly giggled before her gaze darkened a little again as she remembered where she was and why. „I’ll try not to be sad“, she whispered to Sosicly. “And I would love to have a chocolate drink.“ She cast a glance at the attendant who was looking at both of them curiously, before she wrote another note: Why are you frowning? Is something the matter?
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