[Verified by Crosspatch] Engghaen

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Postby Engghaen on November 2nd, 2013, 12:49 pm




Race: Kelvic (Cat)
Gender: Female
Age: 3 (human years)
Birthday: 14, Winter, 509.
Birthplace: Syliras

Appearance: Engghaen has the bright blue eyes and black hair from her mother. It is swept over one eye and comes to approximately halfway the length of her back. She only stands a mere 5.4 feet tall and weighs 126 pounds. She is therefore a very small girl, even if she looks older. Her skin is pale and doesn't look like she ever gets any tan. Sometimes she puts her hair that way, that you can only see one eye and the other fully disappears. This happens mostly when she likes to be anonymous or when she is shy.

As a cat she has the same big blue eyes, but now posesses a short, spotless white fur. She does have a fuzzy puffy tail which sometimes gets stuck or dirty. She has ears curled back, which is rather strange for a cat. These ears are special, but can be annoying because this can cause infections when they aren't cleaned well enough. Here too, she is built very sleak and small. She looks as athletic as most female cats do.

Character Concept

Engghaen is a shy person. She sometimes even doesn't dare to speak, while she does have very sharp opinions about things. This can make her look bossy, even though she has no intention to. If she is annoyed, she can be a real pain in the behind and she's not ashamed about this. She is curious, and this curiousity mostly causes odd happenings. The cat would love to make friends, but she doesn't very easily trust people. Also, she'd like to find herself a mate and she dreams about someone trusting her enough to mate with her. Sadly this day has yet to come.

She sees all creatures as (reasonably) equal. Therefore, she has a great sense of injustice. That however doesn't mean she'll speak her thoughts. For as much she's seen, she does not believe 'feared' races are there to be feared. She does not like prejudices, but everyone has some and Engghaen will deny having those.

Character History

Her mother died giving birth to the young child Engghaen. She was born in the big city Syliras. Her father was heart broken, realising his wife had passed away. He couldn't get his head together the first year, but he had promised Engghaen's mother to take good care of her and so he did. Maybe a little too much. Her childhood wasn't that exiting, her father protected her too much for her liking, and she didn't have much freedom. She always wanted to watch the squires fight, but she couldn't. Sometimes, she escaped from her father's tight grasp. At those moments she ran through the city or looked at what vendors had for sale. She explored the city, but dear Gods if she was too late. Her father would be worried and she had to explain she was fine, no one had been mean towards her or stole anything from her, and she didn't have any scratches.

When the young girl grew up, she wanted more. She wanted to see what was beyond the great walls. She wanted to explore more than only the city she had grown up in, and now knew by heart. Eventually, her father agreed her pleading and let her go when he thought she was old enough. The girl started to explore the world, but it was much tougher on her than she had thought. Wherever she came, she was not welcome. She was a stranger, an outsider. The cat felt alone and wanted a place she instead was welcome. Where there was someone waiting for her every day to come back. Someone she could bond to.

This way she ended up in Lhavit, hoping she would get a future there.


Fluent Language: Common
Fluent Language: Feline


[SP] Simple Shirt
[SP] Simple Pants
[SP] Simple Undergarments
[SP] Simple Cloak (Green)
[SP] Leather Boots
[SP] 1 Waterskin
[SP] Brush (Wood)
[SP] Soap
[SP] Rations (1 Week's worth)
[SP] 1 eating knife
[SP] 2x Flint & Steel
[SP]100 Gold Mizas
[SP] 1 large tarp
[SP] 100 ft of rope
[SP] lantern
[SP] 2 torches
[SP] bedroll
[SP] blanket
[SP] fishing tackle & hooks
[SP] 1 full set of tack
[SP] large set of saddlebags
[SP] 1 handbow

5oz dried green beans
1 pair of high boots (Leather)
20 shortbow arrows

Heirloom: A small handbow (30 GM), inscripted with the initials of her mother.

Themesong :


Location: Lhavit.

House: 1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags.


What? How much? Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
5oz dried green beans -10 SM 99 GM, 90 SM
High boots, leather -10 SM 99 GM, 80 SM
20 shortbow arrows -1 GM 98 GM, 80 SM
Sold black/white Seme +200 GM 298 GM, 80 SM
Swapping Mizas for Kinas -50 GM, +50 Kina 248 GM, 80 SM, 50 Kina
Drinks at The Scholar's Demise -8 Kina 248 GM, 80 SM, 42 Kina
Seasonal Expenses Fall 513 -45 GM 203 GM, 80 SM, 42 Kina
Seasonal Expenses Winter 513 -45 GM 158 GM, 80 SM, 42 Kina
Last edited by Engghaen on May 24th, 2014, 9:43 am, edited 15 times in total.
Everyone knows pain and misery,
But it's how we survive that makes us who we are.

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I'm not cute! I'm just... Fluffy.
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Location: Lhavit
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Race: Kelvic
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Postby Engghaen on November 16th, 2013, 12:59 pm

Thread List

Placeholder, Ongoing, Dead, Completed, Graded (Dream Threads cannot be graded)

Dream Threads

Place Date Name Status Summary
Somewhere in outer Lhavit 32th of Fall, 513 Aimed Bows and Tucked-Down Hoods Ongoing
--- --- The Masquerade Ball Ongoing Quint dreams he has invited all of Mizahar to a party.
--- 42th of Fall, 513 Sorrow Brings Life Completed
The KRI 71th of Fall, 513 The Experiment Dead Valerius experiments on a Kelvic.
--- --- Burning Wings of Battered Angels Dead Daedalus' nightmare.
The Testgrounds 87th of Fall, 513 Monsters Inside Dead Fear of the unknown is terrible, but what of which is already known?


Place Date Name Status Summary
Syliras 7th of Summer, 511 Warmth Between Cold Stone Ongoing Syliras can be a cold and lonely city at times, so finding someone sincerely caring is crucial.

Fall 513 AV

Date Name Status Summary
57th Mutterings Of A Drunk Graded What began as a midnight stroll becomes something entirely different...
58th G'Morning Graded Waking up in someone else's bed... Odd.
62th Crashing... Very Athletic Graded Engghaen falls off a roof due to her curiosity for one single figure.
71th Drunk? How Do You Mean? Graded

Winter 513 AV

Date Name Status Summary
82nd The Masquerade Ball Dead Welcome to the Masquerade! Enjoy yourself, make merry!
10th The Disappearance Of Engghaen Graded All of a sudden she had vanished

Spring 514 AV

Date Name Status XP Summary
Last edited by Engghaen on May 23rd, 2014, 5:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Everyone knows pain and misery,
But it's how we survive that makes us who we are.

Character Sheet | Scrapbook | Plotnotes | Ruvyn
User avatar
I'm not cute! I'm just... Fluffy.
Posts: 246
Words: 87123
Joined roleplay: November 1st, 2013, 3:18 pm
Location: Lhavit
Blog: View Blog (2)
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet


Postby Engghaen on December 4th, 2013, 3:36 pm

Skills, Lores and Loot

Novice (0-25), Competent (26-50), Expert (51-75), Master (76-100).

In Short

Skill XP Proficiency
Hunting 18 Novice
Disguise 24 Novice
Wilderness Survival 8 Novice
Tracking 10 Novice
Cooking 1 Novice
Socialisation 11 Novice
Observation 9 Novice
Singing 1 Novice
Drinking 1 Novice
Leadership 1 Novice
Running 1 Novice

Full List

Full List :
Skill XP RB SP Total
Hunting +0 +10 +8 18
Disguise +0 +0 +24 24
Wilderness Survival +0 +0 +8 8
Tracking +0 +0 +10 10
Cooking +1 +0 +0 1
Socialisation +2, +4, +2, +3 +0 +0 11
Observation +3,+2, +1, +3 +0 +0 9
Singing +1 +0 +0 1
Drinking +1 +0 +0 1
Leadership +1 +0 +0 1
Running +1 +0 +0 1


Date Description PC Notes
10th of Winter, 513 AV Enggy has receieved a mild concussion as well as a laceration to the back of her skull. If medical treatment is found, the recovery time should only be from two to three weeks. She will experience moderate headaches sporadically for several days. Medical treatment was found. Recovery lasted for 18 days.


Starting Package
The Tricks Of Hiding
The History Of Bowhunting
*Lhavit: Springwater Square
*Lhavit: Brandon's Flat
*Lhavit: The Scholar's Demise
*Lhavit: The Azure Market
*Brandon Blackwing
*Brandon's Affections
*Brandon: A Saviour
*Brandon: Protective and Influential Friend

*Profession: "Claimer"
*How To Make Tea
*Taken Home By A Stranger
*Alcohol, A Bitter Liquid Fire
*A Little Fiddle Melody
*Falling On One's Face
*Nightmares: From Friends To Foes
*Cats and Dogs don't Mix!
*Telling the Difference Between Cheap and Quality Material
Everyone knows pain and misery,
But it's how we survive that makes us who we are.

Character Sheet | Scrapbook | Plotnotes | Ruvyn
User avatar
I'm not cute! I'm just... Fluffy.
Posts: 246
Words: 87123
Joined roleplay: November 1st, 2013, 3:18 pm
Location: Lhavit
Blog: View Blog (2)
Race: Kelvic
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