I'm want to make an alchemist, but I'm confused as to how a character learns already existing alchemical formulas, particularly:
- What kind of alchemical items from the price list could I produce as either a novice or competent alchemist? (Not including other prerequisite skills)
- Does alchemy use a scale for the ability to make alchemical items from the price list, based on price/competency, like poisons do?
- Also, do these specific alchemical items require lores, and if so, would they be for specific or general types of alchemical items?
A flashback, nested in a post, about the preparation or learning of how to make an alchemical item, when actually utilizing it?
A sudden breakthrough or random thoughts as to theoretical possibilities in alchemy, also nested in a post?
Also, may I begin a character with extra items not included in the starting package, by deducting their worth from my character's starting Miza? For instance, a long running journal or diary, that couldn't have been purchased in the present.
Thank you for your time.
Edit: Strikeouts answered in chat.