The Rain Festival [Open]

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Seyp on August 3rd, 2010, 4:07 am

Seyp’s gaze followed over Sulas as she spoke, observing her movements and the words she used, the manner and tone in which she spoke. It was a habit for him, one that he picked up as a Maledictor. Observing and learning about things were a key part of the process, as every piece of Malediction had a story behind it. Without that story, the item would produce unfortunate results or none at all in the worse case scenario, so Seyp had learned from early on that the detail was as key of a process as any other, and he beat it into his habit to be observant.

His gaze, every now and then, would shift to observe someone currently running the course, on one instance seeing one of the children fall to the net and letting out a curse and frustrated look over it. The water and rain which made the course slick, difficult to grasp in some places, wasn’t the only factor Seyp could spot, but the weight of the rains and the force of the winds always played their roles in hindering a challenger of the Quoalelye. The heavy rains would beat a runner down, making their arms and shoulders feel heavy, clouding their vision. The winds would cause slight shifting in the course itself, slow a contestant down or possibly cause them to come up short in a jump they took.

Seyp’s gaze then shifted back to Sulas, listening intently as she spoke of Jenabi and his misfortune when he cheated while running the Quoalelye so many years ago. “I suspect many who know of me expect me to meet the same fate.” Seyp then commented, hearing of Jenabi’s end. “However, if I’ve learned one very true thing from Malediction, it’s that cheating or taking shortcuts often end disastrously. If I’m to break my neck while running the Quoalelye, it will be because my skills simply didn’t measure up, of which I still suspect Myri would wish to talk with me about.”

Seyp allowed a slow smirk to pass over his lips then as Sulas merely hinted at the abilities her staff gave her, seeing how she gripped it, how easily she was able to move around despite her foot missing. “Certainly, a useful trait to have indeed, especially at night I would suspect.” Seyp replied, leaving his curiosity about the other properties that staff possessed to flirt over with Sulas later. “If I were to stop by sometime after Quoalelye, would you be interested in trading something in your stock of items for a paint brush I recently created? Such could be useful if you are forced to paint the Malediction circle over some parts, as opposed to carving.”

Seyp waited for Sulas to reply, curious to the mincing of words and counters made if the two of them were to haggle over a trade if she accepted. After, he would then gaze over the next challenger of the Quoalelye, observing their movements and how they proceeded to tackle it. “Sulas,” Seyp then said, looking to the only teacher in Malediction he had known since his parents passing, “considering your experience, what advice would you offer me when it comes to running the Quoalelye?”
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Satu on August 9th, 2010, 11:48 pm

The water cascaded down Oni’s back as she pressed her hands over her braided hair. To the Konti, it was a strange action, almost as if the Myrian willed the water away, or pretended it would not be sodden once again in moments. Satu’s own hair was soaked, as were her clothes, but it mattered not to her, so often had she travelled between sea and land. The feel of water against her skin was welcome and as natural to her as breathing. Her gills fluttered in the moisture, opening slowly to allow the wetness further entry.

Oni spoke of the people and their traditions with Pride, and Power filled the forceful words. Satu cocked her head sideways, transfixed. She listened with her eyes, focused on the feelings behind the words, instead of on the specific words spoken. This tended to make conversations that much more Compelling for the HeartSeer. Her gaze reflected this, and it tended to fall lower than was considered normal as she ignored facial mannerisms. Oni was Strong! And Satu stayed near her to feel the emanations coming off the warrior. She soaked it up as her clothes soaked up the rain, it was undeniably compelling!

“Yes, I remember,” Satu slowly answered, as if she needed to think upon the question. Oni had shown her the obstacle course, though Satu did not comprehend racing in mud. What need had she to prove herself to anyone! Let water fill the world and she would be content. Returning Oni’s grin she continued, “Makutsi, Laviku’s Daughter. I know of her. The Rain Dancers honour her with the Art of the Dance… That is fitting.” the Konti understood that. But a slight wrinkle appeared upon her fine nose as she asked incredulously, “But what would make Her wish to see a race through mud?” The idea of Satu stepping foot in the Quoalelye was preposterous! “I would see the Dancers!”

So enthralled was she by Oni, that her HeartSense was slow in labelling the Anger and Rage and Aggression that stormed ever closer towards her. Before she knew it, she was grabbed by the arm and roughly spun about by a young Myrian. Satu’s face turned hard, blue eyes steely as she met the eyes of her accuser. “Do you expect me to cower before you? Perhaps like other Konti you have bullied?” The returned threat was obvious in her soft, lilting words, “I am not like those scared Nursemaids! I will meet you willingly and enthusiastically!” Smoothly her hands lowered, ready to face this spiteful woman! Emotions flew in the air near the Plaza. But a shadow caused Satu to look up before she leapt. Oni! The woman dwarfed the both of them. And if Satu had been captivated by her escort’s emotions before, she was ever more so now. Words that Satu did not understand were exchanged in Myrian, and she loved the feel of them as they cut the air sharply around her. Satu froze in astonishment. Violence. Force. Control. Women did not speak this way in Mura, on their weak, little island. This was Authority! And she loved it!

Though inland far we be,
Our souls have sight of that immortal sea
Which brought us hither.
~William Wordsworth, Intimations of Immortality

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and the ever lovely and helpful Hex for putting it all together!
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Siiri on August 17th, 2010, 1:00 pm

Siiri gave a theatric sigh at her bondmate's words. The girl was stubborn, it was true. Almost as much as her. They fit so well together. “Alright, fine. But you're still keeping your wounds bound. Now strip,” she ordered as she strode towards the chest by the foot of her bunk bed, pulling out a spare blanket. Using her dagger, she ripped out two large strips from it – makeshift garments for Miharu. She was no seamstress, but these would have to do to keep the pale girl somewhat decent if she was to run the Quoalelye.

Miharu stood before her now, stark naked and her wounds glaringly painful reminders to her Myrian bondmate's failure to protect her. Siiri asked her to turn around, binding the smaller piece of cloth around the girl's modest breasts. “I would lend you my own undergarments so they would be more secure and less constricting than these, but they wouldn't fit you,” she spoke as she knotted the thing securely behind Miharu, making sure to keep it loose enough so that the Kelvic did not feel constricted or particularly bound. Siiri knew of her bondmate's aversion for such things. She moved on to secure the makeshift skirt around Miharu's waist.

“These are crude. I mean, if someone was under you – I'll have to rip out their eyes then – they'd see what they shouldn't be looking at,” Siiri continued, chatting with words she knew were useless on her bondmate, for she knew clothing held little meaning to the girl and that she only wore them because she, Siiri, had asked her too. She kept the short skirt loose as well, though firmly knotted, so that Miharu could stay flexible in them. “Hopefully, they won't come off in your run, you can't shift yet anyway, but if they do, at least you'll distract the men -”

It was at that moment someone called her out from the doorway. Siiri turned in irritation at the interruption, only to find someone she did not expect to see for another half a season yet. Pua, the bald scout, had arrived in Taloba.

“Pua!” Siiri greeted, her frown turning to a grin as she came forward eagerly to clasp arms with the man. She pulled him in the room, giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder. “Your trip went well, I take it? You must tell me of these foreign lands! But save it for later, when we have ale between us. Come! Meet Miharu. I have found myself a Kelvic to bond with while you were out on your quest to find a better weapon.” She beckoned for Miharu to approach, presenting her to the new arrival. The girl was a sorry sight with her fresh wounds and scrapes from the tussle with the riamm but pride and not a little love radiated from Siiri as she introduced her to the bald man. “This is Pua,” she explained to the girl. Not able to resist a jibe, she added, “He's just like Garou, except with less hair.

“Are you running the Quoalelye, my friend? Join us! Another body to beat might inspire me to perform better.”
Siiri knew the laid back scout would take her words in stride. Besides, it never hurt to have a little friendly competition among allies.
Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Miharu Mindi on September 15th, 2010, 3:39 am

Miharu let Siiri arrange her clothing in whatever way she saw fit. The breastband was a little disconcerting, but she swung her arms a little and found that it kept her breasts out of the way, which would be a definite advantage. The skirt, though, was just silly, and she wrinkled her nose at the feel of it. But she made no other protest, just reached down to settle the knot of it more firmly in the hollow of her right hip.

When Siiri turned and greeted the stranger, her first instinct had a low growl of warning pouring into the air between them. Pale shoulders tensed, and her head dipped, wide golden eyes glued to him. But her bondmate welcomed him warmly, and a moment later she straightened and simply stood watching him with the sort of unflinching stare that only a predator could manage.

Siiri beckoned her forward, though, and so she padded up to the pair, all deadly grace and suspicion. The half-healed wounds and myriad scratches might have looked a mess, but she wore them with ease, no hint of embarrassment - at that, or at the fact that Pua had gotten several minutes full view of her naked body. Kelvic, indeed. But Siiri's comment about Garou got a flash of a smile, making her look something more human, though the sudden focus of those molten-gold eyes had disarmed more than a few people. "He doesn't smell nearly as bad," she said, giving an experimental sniff.

And I am dreaming of them with their kill
Tearing it all apart
Blood dripping from their lips
And teeth sinking into heart
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Pua on September 20th, 2010, 4:36 pm

Pua's smile widened into his customary face splitting grin as Siiri used the leverage from their traditional Myrian hand clasp to jerk him into the barracks. Even before Siiri could call his attention to her, Pua was immediately distracted by the pale blond woman in the distinct state of undress deeper in the room. He let his eye's rove for a moment, taking in the sight, and not bothering to hide the attempt from either woman. With an approving grunt he reluctantly turned his attention back to Siiri, rubbing his shoulder in mock pain. "It has been far to long Siiri, but yes, I did indeed manage to find the inventor. Though he was quite odd, he managed to make me a beautiful weapon far beyond what I could have hoped for." Pua laughed happily at his own success. "It is a strange land out beyond our Jungle and so very cold, but I shall tell you all about it later, and you will tell me of all that has transpired here in my absence, no?"

As the pale dreyhan warily approached Pua shifted his attention back to her, though now she was somewhat more decent. "Ah, and you would be Miharu would you not? It is quite a pleasure to meet you, and might I add that you are quite a beautiful young lady." Pua offered his hand to her and flashed his best grin, "And I do appreciate you noticing the painstaking attempts I make to maintain a proper oder." Having properly greeted Siiri's new partner, Pua focused once more on the warrioress, "She even prettier," He remarked with a wink, referring discretely to the Kelvic Vhana that Pua and Siiri had encountered shortly before he left on his journey. With a little struggle, Pua forced a stern look upon his face and waggled his finger at Siiri. "What kind of Spirit Falcon would I be if I allowed a measly Sapping Jaws to win the Quoalelye? I will of course be honored to wait for you to catch up at the finish line."
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Siiri on October 30th, 2010, 12:04 am

Siiri's laugh to Pua's retort was long and loud as she led both her obondmate and the new arrival outside. It only took a moment for Makutsi's heavy rain to drench them, soaking them thoroughly. Several warriors were already making their run at the Quoalelye, with even more of those who were not able to keep their balance or maintain their footing on the slippery obstacle course and have fallen down the mud standing out in the open with their faces turned up into the sky and letting the rain wash away the marks of their failure.

As she watched the spectacle of the competition before her, Siiri began her limbering exercises, loosening up her joints and stretching her limbs. She threw several knees before proceeding to do snap kicks to get the blood flowing in her legs. After several minutes of doing this, she turned to her companions with a confident smirk on her lips.

"Shall I go first to set the bar for you two?" she asked. The challenge was directed to Pua but she included Miharu in her gaze as well to make the Kelvic feel that she was among peers rather than just someone whose presence was tolerated because she was the bondmate of a warrior. More than anything, she wanted Miharu to gain confidence in being able to take on others who were physically superior than her when she was in her human form.
Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Miharu Mindi on November 3rd, 2010, 4:26 am

Miharu didn't bother with the strange stretching rituals that Siiri did - she was a wolf, after all. No one ever saw a wolf limber up before it pounced on a hare.

But she readied herself in a different way. As golden eyes took in the whole of the course, her focus sharpened as it did before a hunt: her breathing quickened ever so slightly, her attention narrowing entirely on anticipating each action needed to survive it.

Siiri's words caught her attention, and she glanced her way with a wry smile. "Show us how it's done then, warrior," she chuckled, baring her teeth.

And I am dreaming of them with their kill
Tearing it all apart
Blood dripping from their lips
And teeth sinking into heart
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Cayenne on December 5th, 2010, 9:40 pm

"She likely would," Sulas chuckled, "but at least she would like as not clasp your arm and tell you you did your best, but it wasn't good enough, and when you start again, you will have to practice a little more." she watched the Festival, not at all squinting despite the distance. She had said something about body heat - perhaps that was part of it. "It is useful in the rain, too. You know the magic deyhan call Auristics, yes? This is somewhat similar. The rain does not bring down the body temperature so much that it is hidden - where the rain obscures and clouds... heat still shows up... diminished... but there. That's why we use mud when dealing withe the Dhani. It confuses them." The elder shook her head.

"But of course, stop by. We will see what you have and we will see what I have... I'm sure I have some old things tucked away that you may find useful yet, and these old hands of mine aren't what they used to be," she let out a cackle, tilting her head upwards to take in the hammering rain, her fingers tight on her staff despite the downpour. She seemed to be considering his last question. "If you're not confident of a grip, don't take it. Make the shortest movements you can, and be mindful of the jumps. There's the big wheel, that one, with the planks sticking out of it?" she gestured at the course, pointing out a massive wooden wheel with wooden spoke-like sticking out of it. "Aim to get between the planks just as they come, and do not wait to jump onto the next platform. Be smart with your movements. Do not waste energy showing off. That is where some warriors fail... they get fancy."

Satu & Koa
"Everyone worships differently. You like to judge, don't you, pale one?" Oni made a face at Satu, almost Derisive in her dismissal of Satu's feelings. "Get over yourself. Makutsi is wild and dangerous and deadly, like Falyndar. She enjoys the Quoalelye. She knows what it is. She sees it as a testament to her, and the dedication we put into it for her."

With Koa disengaged from Satu, Oni let the younger Myrian go, properly chastised for now, and gave Satu a bit of a push to guide her off towards the Rain Dancers. "Come. We will see the Dancers." Dance played a part in Myrian culture, from the fire dances that they performed in celebration, to the war dances, to the rains brought on and encouraged by the worshipers of Makutsi. Some considered their fighting a dance in itself, a beautiful, deadly dance that demanded blood for the price of watching it. And beyond and between the Rain Dancers were Myrians who clearly were not dancers, but merely exploding into joyous movement for the oncoming season.

With every step they took, the beating of the drums grew louder. When they got to the Plaza, it was bursting at the seems with the Rain Dancers in the center. Each of them had their own version of the Rain Dance, but to see each and every one of them performed at once, they were somehow in harmony, in sync with each other. Some danced with weapons, some danced with talismans and staffs that they had made. Some danced with neither, no props but their own body. For all the horrific brutality that Satu had witnessed since she had landed on the shores of Falyndar, the dancers and celebrations made for a strange departure from the blood-thirsty savages that terrified the length and breadth of Mizahar.

["Do you like to dance?" Oni asked her as they worked their way into the crush of people. The unbridled Joy and Pleasure were tangible, pushing against her as surely as the bodies in the crowd.

Siiri, Miharu, & Pua
By the time they emerged from the barracks, the children's runs were over - the children's rounds often had multiple children running at once, in stages, because otherwise, it would be under Leth when the adults started competing. The adults, too, sometimes had multiple competitors on the course - three was unusual, but two was common. The Quoalelye wasn't the largest of obstacle courses - sizewise, it was pretty big - but in terms of completing time, the adults needed far less than what was allowed the children, and mere seconds could determine the winner. But it was one of the single most physically punishing events of the year for many Myrians.

But now that they were approaching it, the last age group before theirs was finishing off. They had a chance to really watch it. It began with a run through towards the solid dozen hurtles of different sizes and heights - some of which were taller than the Myrians challenging them. However, in order to discourage attempts to go under them, a vine net was there to capture and entangle those who attempted to circumvent the slippery and punishing wood-and-bamboo beams. From there, one had to tackle the leaf climb.

There were certain leaves in Falyndar that the Myrians called 'tskanna ears' - enormous, broadleaf plants that were said to grow as large as a tskanna's backside. But they were incredibly sturdy, tough leaves that became incredibly slippery when wet. And, lo and behold, they were wet now. Layers of them were attached to a long wooden ramp, on a medium incline, almost perfect diagonals... and they only had one solitary, gnarled vine to pull themselves up over the slippery leaves with to the platform that led to the balance beam maze. Slippery and difficult, the planks were of different widths and angles, some even, some rising, some falling. The runner had to navigate the maze to get to the next part of the obstacle course now that they were back on the ground level: the menacing rope net.

It was a simple, heavy rope net that hung high up, and was, in fact, one of the tallest obstacles on the course. It was made of hemp, and when it was wet, it was heavy, heavy, heavy. Climbing it was brutal. It wasn't unusual that it was the seemingly-benign net made them quit, either during it or just afterward. The part that would be more terrifying than any other stage of the challenge would have been what came next. Balanced high above the ground were large wooden poles with wooden discs attached to the top. One had to jump from pole to pole, from disc to disc, to get to the other side. For the children, the protecting net underneath was a lot further up than it was for the adults - who faced a much longer fall. After almost a dozen terrifying jumps, there was a bit of relief to be had in the so-called monkey bars.

The monkey bars were parallel bars that were conquered by using a hand-over-hand technique to get down to the bottom. The last bar was, perhaps, maybe 15 feet above the ground, leading to the next platform, which was a 'new' obstacle for this year. The last time it had been seen had been well before Siiri's age group had been born. It consisted of three enormous wheels, each of them as broad and long as a Myrian was tall, each of them rotating slowly from a complicated-looking pulley system of ropes and rainwater. Each wheel had large wooden planks sticking out of it, making it look like a paddle wheel sometimes used for churning. Each of them was spaced out, necessitating a jump to get from wheel to wheel. There was no net below - so a fall meant landing hard in the squishy mud, and being given the opportunity of taking a time penalty after a failure, or climbing up a spiked pole to get back to the platform to try again. If they chose to take the time penalty, they had the spiked pole waiting at the other end for them to climb up as well, to a bamboo platform. From there, they had to swing using one of the thick, heavy vines to the far platform, down a leaf-covered slide and into the mud. They had to stand up, and cross the finish line a few feet away for their run to be considered done.

It definitely wasn't easy. But that was what made the rainfall tattoo just that more important.
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Satu on December 11th, 2010, 6:41 pm

“She is Laviku’s daughter…” Satu mumbled in reply, strangely unwilling to argue with Oni. Satu allowed herself to be guided by the Myrian, and barely noticed when she was pushed by Oni’s strong hand. The harsh lessons of their relationship had been that as Oni led, and Satu followed. And so it was today, though her mind was elsewhere. The idea of Rain Dancers filled her with enthusiam. The beat of emotions and of drums pressed in around her, and she felt the thrum of it in her bones before she even saw them. Their power carried to her, the power of Joy and Pleasure! It washed through her, and beat, and beat, and beat within her blood. Excitement filled and lifted her and the HeartSeer stepped lightly, ever closer.

She turned her face upwards towards Oni, a wide grin crossing her face. This was the most happy she had yet been in the jungle city. The crowd’s feelings and the dancer’s feelings became her own through her HeartSense. Satu nodded hypnotically, as she turned to stare at the dancers once more. Drums and emotions beat over and over into her sensitive Heart. There were so many to honour Makutsi! Satu had not known it could be like this. Transfixed by glimpes of the dancers, Satu wound her way through the crowd. Smaller than the Myrians, it was easy for the lithe Konti to manoeuvre her way through the taller crowd, her arms reaching out to help wiggle her way through. Each step brought her closer to the rain dancers; she wanted to feel what they felt! The Konti felt deliciously lightheaded, as if from too much drink.

Standing on the edge of the crowd, Satu watched as the celebrants danced past. Her smile was radiant and child-like, for that was what she truly was, a Konti girl not yet considered a woman by her own people. But the dancers! They were so close! If she only reached out a webbed hand, she could touch one as they passed. And she lifted her arm then and held it outward, fingers soft as dancers whirled past her.

Though inland far we be,
Our souls have sight of that immortal sea
Which brought us hither.
~William Wordsworth, Intimations of Immortality

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and the ever lovely and helpful Hex for putting it all together!
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Siiri on December 18th, 2010, 1:50 pm

Siiri stepped up at the starting line, eying the Quoalelye before her with trepidation. Each one of the obstacles seemed daunting, some more than others. Part of the reason she hated the constant summer rains was because of how it made everything in the jungle more slippery, from the leafy plants to the jungle floor. And the Quoalelye seemed specifically designed to mimic the environment outside the city walls, only made more difficult due to the fact that for most of them, one would not be setting foot on solid, if muddy and slippery, ground but on small wooden discs and poles and steep inclines, or worse, slick wet leaves. Siiri turned to regard her bondmate and the recently arrived Pua. Both would cheer her on despite the fact that they would competing against her time when they finally took their turns. Miharu had complete faith in her master's ability, while the bald scout's beaming grin showed much encouragement. The Snapping Jaws warrior almost regretted making her boast earlier, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of her friends. Unlike most of the others who were running the course, it would be her first time to take it. What did she know completing the Quoalelye?

But Siiri was a proud woman, and if there was anything she hated more than losing, it was quitting on something she set her mind to do. And she had set her mind to complete the Quoalelye and possibly win it. So as the line judge told her and her co-competitor to get ready for their run, Siiri set her gaze ahead, steely and determined, as her mind analyzed how best to get past the hurdles before her and onto the next obstacle. She ignored the other Myrian beside her, the one who would be running alongside and against her. She didn't recognize the other person, or if she did, the person's identity did not register in Siiri's mind. She was in her element now, every part of her concentrated on achieving a specific goal, her whole attention focused on only two things: the obstacle course and how she should perform to get through it at the fastest time possible. As the line judge raised his had to give the signal for them to start, Siiri's body braced to sprint forward, right foot leading, her left foot digging in and finding traction on the ground behind her, to help her kick off into a dead run.

As soon as the line judge lowered his hand, Siiri exploded in rapid-paced movement from her position, leaving her counterpart behind by a second or so. They were on even footing momentarily however, the rain-drenched soil eliminating her advantage easily as it caked her high boots with thick mud, weighing her feet down as she ran towards the first hurdle. It was just a little over waist height, low enough for her to clear in a running jump had it been set on firm ground. But the heaviness of her boots and the slickness of the mud made such an attempt a very bad idea. Her trailing foot might catch on the horizontal bar, or worse, she might slip in the mud upon her landing, which was certain to make her lose precious seconds as she scrambled to get up.

The Myrian warrioress tried a different tact, planting her hand on the crossbar as she leaped forward, bringing her body up and over and swinging her legs to the side to clear the hurdle. Her momentum actually flung the mud covering her boots, and she couldn't help but chuckle as she thought of the spectators watching at the side of the Quoalelye getting a fistful of the stuff on their faces. Her mirth was shortlived, for as soon as both her feet touched the ground she sank an inch deep in the brown goop. There was no help for it then; she would have to continue her run with a layer of it on her. Siiri plowed on, clearing the next handful of hurdles easily by employing the same maneuver on them. It was fortunate that they were sturdy enough to bear her weight or the ensuing fall would guarantee her losing the run.

The hurdle next in line made her pause, for it was over seven feet in height, tall enough that she could only touch the lip with her fingertips if she held both her hands up high. The net underneath it prevented her from going that route, so there was only one way through it, which was up. Siiri backed off by a step before taking a running leap to catch the cross bar with her hands. As soon as she got a firm grip, she spread her legs wide to set her feet against the vertical poles that held the bar in place - a move necessary so that she wouldn't tangle up her legs against the net. Relying solely on her upper body strength, Siiri pulled herself up, jumping off from the top of the hurdle to get to the other side. Mud splattered on her face and chest upon landing. It did not improve her mood.

The next hurdle didn't either, for it was even taller than the previous one, towering over Siiri by three feet at least. She knew she couldn't catch the lip like she did with the one before, not without aid anyway. To clear it, she ran up to one of the vertical poles and planted a foot on it, using it as leverage to leap higher and grab on to the top of the crossbar. It took her two tries: for the first one the sole of her boot couldn't find traction and her foot slipped, causing her to fall to the ground on her back. With a stream of curses flowing from her lips, Siiri got back up immediately to clear the hurdle on her second try.

The last several hurdles were near the height of the first few and Siiri cleared them easily. In short order, she found herself facing the ramp with the 'tskanna ears' attached to them. A single vine set in the middle of the ramp was the only way to propel herself up the ramp for running up at it would be foolish, with the leaves covering the whole of it. Had her boots been clean and dry, her footing on the ramp would tentative at best. But now, the mud, combined with the slippery wet leaves made it impossible to keep even just one foot in place on the ramp for a a single second, it was that slippery.

With a deep breath, Siiri picked up the vine and pulled it taut.
Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
"If it doesn't solve all your problems, maybe you're not using enough of it." - Violence
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