Solo [job thread] Playing Shadow

The thief shadows an old man

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[job thread] Playing Shadow

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 4th, 2013, 9:33 pm

The 14th of Fall 513AV

The thief leaned against the façade of a house in the outskirts of the crystal city. The house itself was nothing special. It had a dome, like many of the houses in Lhavit. Next to the door hung a nameplate. Not too fancy, but not shabby either, just a nice nameplate. The bat hadn’t bothered reading it so he had no idea what was written on it. Well, actually he did, as it was a nameplate. He figured the man’s name was etched down in the material of the plate. That’s what the plate was for anyway.

The doorstep was occupied with small statues, most of them depicting Okomo. Again, nothing unusual. Why the bat was there? For business of course! Not that he’d pay for what he took, that wasn’t how he did things. But that aspect of his job came later. For now he’d focus on getting to know the man’s habits. He did know some of them already. He’d been following this man since the eleventh after all.

Hiding his face in the shadow his hood provided, he was sure he wouldn’t get recognised. Well if he would get discovered at all. He’d positioned himself against the front of the old man’s house because he wouldn’t be noticed as quickly as when he’d been standing near the opposing house. Also this way it was less obvious that he was looking out for the inhabitant of the home he’d been leaning at and not for someone else.

He hoped so anyway. Standing in the open was actually quite a risk he was taking. If he looked only the least bit suspicious, his target would be on guard. If he wasn’t already. The bat looked up to the sky, locating the radiant ball of light that was the Sun Goddess. Maybe his target had noticed he was being stalked already. It would explain why he was a bit later than usual to come out of his residence.

The thief didn’t let it get to him though. It could be one of his habits on a specific date? He hadn’t ever heard of anyone who had different rituals for different dates though. It would be weird, like: “Hey today’s the tenth, I won’t go out today because I never do on the tenth of every season.” Ridiculous. The strange voice he’d thought the lines in added to the hilarity of the idea. He could just prevent an outburst of laughter by pinching his nose between his thumb and index finger and holding his breath.

Pfew, close call. I’ve got to act like a professional. No more weird thoughts! Just when he’d retained his composure, the door opened. A foot stepped outside and cast a shadow on the wall. Right after it another one followed, as expected from a person who didn’t miss any limbs. The old man – since he was the one coming out of the house – turned slowly on his doorstep and closed the door behind him. Making sure it was locked by using a heavy looking key, the man nodded approvingly when he tested if the door was indeed locked shut.

Then the old man stared at the thief leaning against his house. Brandon lifted his had in greeting. Best way not too look suspicious is to act like you belong where you are. The old man greeted him back with a slight nod and walked away. The bat grinned. No one would ever suspect the friendly lad standing by your house to be the one who was going to sneak into your home by the cover of darkness and steal some valuables, right? Not that his targets usually knew they were about to be robbed.

For all the old man knew and cared Brandon was waiting for someone. Which was in fact true. Observing the man from the corners of his eyes, the thief saw the distance between them grow. It didn’t matter. The bat’s pace was quicker than the old man’s and he already knew where he was headed. The Azure. Not to buy anything, no, just to look at the stalls of the traders and see what kind of wares the brought. At last, he’d done that the past few days anyway. Also, it would be quite suspicious if he’d started walking in the wake of the man as soon as said man had set foot outside, no?

When the target disappeared behind a corner, the bat unhitched himself from the wall he’d been leaning against, and took off in the same direction of the old man. Soon, he’d reached the corner. Slowly curbing around it, he was just in time to see the target turn around another one. He was still headed towards the Azure. The bat hadn’t been wrong. He passed the next corner too and noticed he was closing in on the old man. He didn’t lower his pace though, as the crowdedness of the market might conceal his target from his vision. It was better to stick close now. But not too close. The bat kept a solid five metres between them as they left the alley they’d been walking in and entered the Azure.
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[job thread] Playing Shadow

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 7th, 2013, 8:24 pm

The crowdedness of the marketplace always surprised the bat. The first time he’d set foot in this part of the crystal city, he’d thought he was watching an anthill with humans instead of ants. Today was no different. He smiled at one of the merchants. An old fellow he was, answering his friendliness with a simple greeting. The bat couldn’t stop himself from noticing the trader was missing a lot of teeth. He wondered how the man had lost them. Old age was the most likely explanation.

But that was not of importance right now. He had work to do: not letting the old man he’d followed here to out of his sight. A slight panic arouse when he couldn’t find him. He cursed loudly. Faces turned into his direction. He pulled his head between his shoulders and grumbled something incomprehensible. He kicked a pebble in his frustration. The stone flew off, hitting someone’s shinbone. The thief made a guilty face and quickly turned left as the person in question looked back over her shoulder to find the culprit.

With fluttering cape he turned back to the right when the gaze of the angry woman had passed him. He made a mental note not to kick rocks while surrounded by a crowd. He sighed. Towns, cities,…All were such a bother with those ill tempered people everywhere and annoying rules. And guards.

He stopped at a stand of a trader dealing in cloth. A smile crossed his face when the texture of the fabric reminded him of his former home in Kalinor. The merchant himself washed away the illusion though. He didn’t resemble Gallan in the slightest bit. For starters, he didn’t have a moustache, so that gigantic hairy caterpillar on his upper lip was absent. Secondly, he was way taller than his stepfather, even dwarfing the thief. And lastly, his face was a sour expression with eyes warning you. The bat tried to read them. What he could make out was something like: “Don’t you even dare to think about stealing, I have a Zweihander lying beneath the counter, and I know how to use it.”

Surprisingly, the man wasn’t looking at anyone in particular. His eyes took in the crowd, not a single individual. How this man was able to sell his wares was a mystery to the thief. If he’d been a customer he wouldn’t have bought anything here, so much was certain. He didn’t like to be treated like a thief, even though he was.

The trader’s lips suddenly moved and Brandon noticed he disliked his voice. “Are you going to buy something or are you just going to stand here and block my view?” The tone of the voice was the thing the bat found the most annoying. It had an nasal sound, as if he’d been speaking through that big hawk-like nose of his. And the way he said it, not friendly at all. The bat doubted this trader actually sold his wares. He imagined the man didn’t have any customers at all and had to head home with none of his cloths sold.

“No, I don’t think I will. I was just having a look anyway.” The thief looked at the man standing next to him. With a shock he realised it was the old man he’d been looking for. He grinned and thanked Yhsul with a few whispers. The man turned his back at the rude merchant and paced off, an annoyed expression lingering on his face.

The bat grinned. He let the old man take a five metres head start and took off as well. Focussing on the back of the man, he was hindered by the crowd present on the Azure, which only seemed to exist for the purpose of annoying the thief. He had to make an effort to stay calm and not to lose track of his target.

Now the bat was starting to fall behind. No wonder, with the crowd interfering and forming a barrier he could hardly plough through. He inhaled deeply, letting the air out via his nose. Then, he charged at the moving wall made up of human bodies. Using his shoulder as a battering ram, he managed to pass through the crowd, attracting a lot of unwanted attention. The bat rolled his eyes at the barrage of insults thrown at him.

Scanning the environment for the back of the old man, he turned his head left and right, making the scenery in front of his eyes fade to a blur. He gazed to his right hand side and bumped into a man dressed in purple. His green orbs burned with annoyance. The bat dipped his head and murmured a fast spoken apology while passing the man, continuing his way.

Fortunately, the old man wasn’t far off. He seemed to have met a friendlier merchant than the previous one and was having a lengthily conversation with him, trying his hand at haggling. It seemed it didn’t work out since the man just shrugged and left, heading into one of the many alleys around the Azure. It needn’t be said that the thief was hanging on his heels.
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[job thread] Playing Shadow

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 8th, 2013, 7:50 pm

He wondered where they were heading now. Usually the man was on his way home by now. Deducting from Syna’s position in the heaven he saw that the sixteenth bell was almost upon them. The thief stared off in the distance, completely ignoring the task he ought to be executing.

He’d gotten to know the ways of the old man a little better than before, but he felt as if he somehow missed something. As if he didn’t know enough of him. He didn’t know anything about the man at all. How he was like, for example. What kind of person he was. What did he like to do in his spare time…

But that wasn’t what was bugging him. For one or other reason his habits, the schedule the old man had kept himself at had changed today. Why? He had no idea. Maybe to confuse him. Maybe he knew he was being stalked. Maybe he’d known all along, and this was a trap! Or maybe not. Whatever the reason, Brandon could better be wary.

Fixing his gaze on the back of the old man once again, he sharpened his hearing, trying to place his focus on the sole sounds the old man made. That was harder than expected. Even though they were walking in an abandoned alley, he could hear nothing but their footsteps. Rather, one pair of footsteps.

It was a nifty trick the bat had learned some time ago. He matched his pace with his target’s when coming too close for comfort, or when, like they did now, strolling through empty streets. The bat wasn’t sure if the man could’ve heard him if he’d just walked in his own pace, but it was better to play safe. Sure, he liked to take risks, he liked feeling fear, but not right now. There was a difference.

The type of fear he liked the most was the sort you feel when you’ve been discovered. Adrenaline starts running through your veins, reactions are faster, etc. Well, that happened every time he experienced fear. But the fear he liked was being afraid to get caught after he’d done something, not when he hadn’t even started. Being noticed while checking out his targets wasn’t something he fancied. Being noticed after he’d stole there wallet was a different story.

Another reason why he liked fear id because of the adrenaline rush it gives you. The flight or fight reaction. To him, it was proof he was alive. And where could you find better proof than when you’re scared to lose your life? Which was why he loved, or rather had an obsession with challenges. The risks they brought, caused the thief to feel fear, that fear caused adrenaline to rush through his body and that made him feel truly alive.

Excitement was another such thing. It too made him feel alive, but differently. When feeling thrill he usually could hear his own heartbeat thumping in his head, the raspy sounding gasps of air his lungs took in. Things he enjoyed. Of course, shadowing a person brought a certain thrill with it as well. A special one. Instead of hoping to feel the fear, he hoped not to feel it, because it would mean his target had noticed him. Not something he liked.

So, unwilling to let that happen, he’d not only matched the pace of his targets footsteps, but also their rhythm. Using his perfect hearing abilities, he’d been able to match them perfectly. There was no way anyone could hear two series of pounding feet when even he couldn’t. No, this was a perfect sneaking technique.

The man turned left, disappearing around the corner. The bat followed, careful not to bump into unexpected objects standing in his way, and not to alarm his target. Normally, he’d have a pretty good idea where they were, since he knew Lhavit’s street plan and had memorised it. This time however, he’d forgotten to take notice of his environment. He wanted to smack himself. He refrained from doing so as it would be audible to his target, who was still not expecting a thing. He grinned. So far, so good. Only keeping up this game for a couple more bells and he could start planning his robbery.
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[job thread] Playing Shadow

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 9th, 2013, 1:08 pm

The thief strode through the streets, alley and squares Lhavit was rich. His grin was etched on his face, his footsteps matched those of the person he pursued. His ears were cocked, since the old man he was stalking stopped now and then with seemingly random intervals. Every time that happened, he was caught off guard, and only stopped walking a few ticks later.

He had no idea if the man knew he was being followed. He hoped he didn’t, but it was never safe to assume. That could become your demise, something he’d learned throughout his short life. He didn’t claim he didn’t assume anything, of course he did, but he tried not to.

For example, when your opponent in a fight acts like a complete novice, then you’d think he’s inexperienced no? That doesn’t have to be true. He could be acting like a novice, but actually be master level in combat. Of course that seemed impossible to do, since his body would have been trained to make no unnecessary movements, but you never knew for sure. Never ever underestimate an opponent.

That rule applied on other things as well. As such, the bat pursued his target with the greatest caution possible, treating him as if he already knew he was following him. Still, because he couldn’t just assume the man knew about him, he kept shadowing the old man. The dilemma this situation presented wasn’t something Bran liked to think about. If the man had noticed the thief already, then this could be a trap and the bat should flee. But, since the didn’t know for sure that the man was aware that he was being followed, he also should keep stalking him. The bat sighed. The only path he could take was the middle ground. It was safer.

That middle ground was nothing more than continuing to follow the old man, but doing so with the greatest caution. Which was what he had been doing all day. It was an exhausting thing to do, but he carried on. He needed to observe this man’s patterns before he could break into house. If he didn’t, he might pick the wrong time and that would be a disaster.

He noticed they were crossing the bridge to Tenten peak. Why would the old man go there? There wasn’t that much to see there. Well, apart from the Catholicon, a few plazas, the library,…Ah! The Library. Made sense. The old man seemed to be the type that liked reading. He nodded. Well, since knew where the man was going, he could take another route and get there first. Great idea. I’ll do that.

He curved the first corner he saw, it was one to the right this time. A small alley, looking identical to the dozens of others in the crystal city. He stopped for a moment, recalling the map of the streets he had stored in his mind. How far away was he from the library? He guessed about six chimes. If he went the normal way, meaning staying on the ground. But he could take the roofs.

Although people and guards might notice him and give chase. Something he didn’t want right now. He sighed. The road it was then. What way did he have to take? He thought deeply, recollecting the information locked inside his mind. His current position was…here. So he should take a route parallel with the one of the old man. As such he should take the next left turn, then walk straight ahead for a couple of chimes, and then take another left bend.

Right, he ought to get going. He moved his legs, speeding up to a jogging pace. His breathing was rhythmic and matched the movements of his arms and legs perfectly, taking in oxygen when he needed it. He turned left, and entered a long street, somewhat crowded, but not too much. He quickly reached the end of it, taking the next left bend. The thief skidded to a stop, placing his hands on his bended knees, his upper body was bended downward, recovering from the brief run.

After a chime or so, he was back to normal, and positioned himself against a nearby wall, keeping an eye on the entrance of the street he believed the old man would appear from. He was right, not too long after he’d let himself lean against the side of the building, the old man came into sight. Seemingly lost in thought, the man ascended the glittering stairs and entered the doors of the library, passing the Shinya guards.


How long had it been since the man had entered? Two bells? Syna had almost switched places with Leth, who was emerging from the horizon, willing to take place at his throne in the evening sky. The bat sighed deeply. He was bored. Really bored. Waiting for the target to return wasn’t his favourite activity. To make things worse, he didn’t have anything to do at all, except fiddling with his clothes and stroking his goatee. Doing that for two bells in a row, non-stop was impossible.

He yawned. His belly grumbled, mouldy telling the bat what it thought of the situation. “You know Bran, why don’t we go home. I’m empty, and I need some food. You know you need it as well.” The bat shook his head. I can’t just leave, that man is my target and I need to stay here to wait for him to return. “Maybe he left already via the backdoor.” Nonsense, the library has no backdoor.

Only then he realised what he was doing. Gods darnit! I’m going insane! I’m already starting to talk to my stomach out of boredom! He sighed again. I should go. I know enough already. I’ll just break in during Dawnrest. He’s usually sleeping around that period. That would be the best solution, besides if I’ll stay here any longer, I’m going to die from boredom and starvation.

Now that that was decided, he unhitched himself from the wall with a movement of his shoulders. He proceeded to take the first step forward when a tingling feeling in his right foot let him know it had pins and needles in it. It felt as if someone had replaced his foot for a bag filled with sand. He cursed. Stubbornly moving onwards, he tried to get rid of the annoying feeling in his foot by slamming onto the floor with every step he took. It worked. Kind of.

The sandbag feeling was now swapped with an enormous tickling sensation. The thief had a hard time keeping himself form laughing. After a few chimes his foot was back to normal and he picked up the pace, heading home to prepare for his break in and to go hunting. After that he’d take a good day’s rest, sleeping until the sixteenth of fall.
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[job thread] Playing Shadow

Postby Elysium on November 27th, 2013, 4:34 pm

Brandon Blackwing

Stealth +3
Tracking +1
Observation +3
Planning +2
Running +1

Stealth: Looking Like You Belong
Stealth: Maintaining a Safe Distance
How to Notice a Change in Behavior
Tracking: Keeping an Eye on the Target

I'm glad to see Brandon do some of the legwork. I know you're just starting out and you have some good ideas, but you should really give your victims some identity so you don't get them mixed up in the future. Likewise, always remember - you're playing a dangerous game. The Shinya are always one step behind.
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