Starling watched her teacher go through the basic movements of dagger-work, watching with her head cocked quizzically to the side which was her habit when paying close attention. He was a nice man, big and strong. Perhaps one day they would marry- Akalak's aged but slowly and so she could expect to catch up with him in age. Marriage held a strong intrigue for Starling, although at her age she thought mostly of fancy dresses and giving a speech at the wedding feast.
When the demonstration was done, Starling took up her stance, moving through the forms as she had seen them. Her movements were more or less accurate and her body was loose and fairly graceful, especially for a girl her age. She moved as if it were more of a dance that a martial technique, although her face bore the comical fierceness one sees in a lion cub learning to hunt.
"Like this, and this. Have at you!" Starling moved lightly on the balls of her feet.