Timestamp: 43rd of Summer, 510
Purpose: Meeting a higher power.
"Now little babies, the next step is very important..."
Three tawny heads nodded quickly in response.
"If you want to attract a sand kitten, you have to act like one. The first step is licking your own elbow. Now, I'd show you but then the kitten would be mine and I don't want to go stealing your pet, so you have to do it yourself. There's a trick to it." Dhanya said, tipping her scarf away from her eyes so she could see the children better.
The youngest was the first to crack, twisting his arm up and towards his mouth so he could try to attract a sand cat. His more skeptical, older brothers held back for a moment, before deciding that they did not want to risk their little brother earning all the glory of the day. They were human children, all of the same family and thoroughly bored of travelling. Since she'd slipped and banged herself up on the plateau, Dhanya had been laid up. When they weren't travelling she spent most of her time keeping her ankle bound and elevated, entertaining the younger travellers because she couldn't run away from them.
"It's not wor-ing!" The eldest said, a tall boy of about ten years with brown eyes and an old wariness to him. His given name was Jun, followed by Hast and little Daon.
"Takes practice, my love, good things come to those who work hard." This was a lie. "You sit in the shade and give it some thought, don't wear yourselved out though. Busy day of travelling tomorrow."
All the many hours she was spending in the saddle were doing her ankle no good at all, though by her own estimation it was better than it had been the day she'd buggered it up. At least dancing had given her a reasonable tolerance for pain, though she rued the fact she wouldn't be able to practise until it fully healed.
"Ok boys, you keep at it, come back to me when the sun is setting and I'll sing you some songs, alright?"
Jun tugged at Daon's shoulder, leading him away with a look of misgiving that was tempered by his desire for a pet. Dhanya smiled and waved as they walked away, singing under her breath and relishing the fact that she'd bought herself some time alone and taught them a joke. She knew they'd repeat it, she'd fallen for it herself. They'd all have a good laugh, once they forgave her. No one else sang as well as she did in their caravan, it wasn't going to take much once they twigged.
"I am going to make such a great mum one day." She sighed.
Talking to herself was never a good sign, Pon wasn't even nearby so she could hardly pretend to be speaking to him.
"Elly wrapped her nineteen years in a coat from '41... Had the looks that'd make a grown man sigh..." Dhanya sang, trying to fill the boredom in with something else, painting over the flat landscape with her song.