She was not there, but she continued to taunt him. Shouta growled in frustration. The girl had got her game, very well. But the taunting was not fitting. It would not do at all. The monk could feel the pulsing of his heart, he could feel the adrenaline pumping energy into his being. This was his natural state. This was the way Uphis needed him to be when defending his city. But he was not defending the Celestial Seat. He had to remind himself of that when he looked down as he ran into an opening and noticed the kusarigama had somehow come to be in his hands…
He smelled sweat and dust. The dull flaming in his nostrils attested to the hazy late afternoon air. The powdery dirt of the Warfields was so dry from two days without rain that it floated into the air at the slightest touch. He would have to end this game soon, before the change. Pale blue eyes looked up at Syna in her descent from the sky. The girl would have to get in doors as well.
He thought about answering her jibe, the frustration swirling inside of him. She was no monk, a foreign misbeliever. He had nothing to prove to her. Shouta turned and his heart leapt. She was there, staring at him! She certainly was quiet, if nothing else. When the wanted to be. He shifted his stance, projecting fear. She had caught up to him and the look in her eyes did not look welcoming, to say the least. The hairs on his body stood on end and the Vanthan’s eyes shifted to a pale blue color.
“You’re quite good, but aren’t I supposed to be hunting you?” He asked quietly, the chain of his kusarigama glinting in the fading sun.