Season of Fall, 513 AV, Day 38
The sun had started to set over the hills outside of Sunberth when the Widow opened one of Donovan's books and started to read. No studying at the moment, it was just some work of fiction that she found enjoyable in filling the time while waiting. Outside, the temperature was starting to feel closer to winter than fall, but inside near the fire she felt content enough for a slave. Donovan dressed the Symenestra in sheer linens of black and off-white to accent her natural pale, lithe figure and allow a flow to follow the subtle hints of her curves. Hair fell in long, loose locks of a nearly white shade of blonde.
Smooth, unblemished digits rubbed lightly across the spine of the leather cover in her hands. Fanged teeth raked gently across her lips. The interior of the Muted Maiden's storefront, in a manner of speaking, had a considerably warm fire going, and the wood had been treated so as to release a pleasant smell into the air. The owner might not have been a worldly man himself, but he seemed to know how to run a business of pleasure. Various women leisured here and there in various practiced methods of seductively waiting. The legitimate work day was drawing painfully close to an end. As the sun vanished, men would seek out female company, and sometimes women would do the same. Those traveling to places of ill repute like Sunberth would likely come searching for a bed and someone to warm it for them.
There was no shortage of beauty on display inside The Muted Maiden, but the odd bookish Widow was likely to stand out if one looked toward the rear. This was a place for those with extra coin to lose themselves for a time. Some might consider pleasure houses an oasis from the rigors and tribulations of the dangerous life outside the wooden walls, but inside was an illusion of what people wanted most. Power over another, security of a warm embrace, or the peaceful slumber of a weary head resting on warm, soft, sweet-smelling flesh tended to draw customers in. Even those with little extra income tended to find the odd extra coin for such simple pleasures. Somna tended to simply study an art that allowed the body to follow the mind in it's stepping away from the world outside to a place of momentary bliss.