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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!

Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Corvo on August 4th, 2010, 9:50 pm


PC Name’s (Required): Corvo of the iron hands
Physical Information
Weight: 191ibs
Height: 5’12

Race: Myrian
Birthday & Age: Winter 486. 24.
Gender: Male

Physical Description: Light green eyes along with ruddy tan skin. His hair is a very dark black and worn at shoulder length when not in a war knot. His face is often described as morbid and dark with. Heavy forearms and hands are adorned heavily with one large tattoo that may look simplistic compared to designs other myrians may sport. The tattoo starts at the fingertips and moves upward almost incasing the entire hand in the black inc with patterns of broken bones and torn ligaments along the way. Once the ttto reaches the wrist it starts to take on a more streamline and glove like shape that incases his arm all the up to the elbow. As for body type, he is bulky but not as much as many of the other males, but he makes up for this with unusual speed and agility.

Character Concept
Personality – For the most part Corvo is an unusually calm person who just happens to enjoy punching things in the face. Despite his fondness for punching things in the face his objectivity and overall personality has made him a bit of an outcast as no one likes to be connected with someone who “thinks and never acts” as many of his kin have put it. He is also bit of an air head or at least perceived in such a manner due to his social awkwardness.

Ethics – He sees things in shades of gray, nothing is ever truly right or wrong as each has its own sets of consequences, though they are consequences he doesn’t care all that much about. Life is a matter of survival. Good and evil are simply labels put to actions such as murder and giving to the poor.

Likes – Sparring, keeping busy, hunting and collecting fruit.
Dislikes – Fruit thieves and those who leap without thinking. This dislike has simply stemmed from stupid people and their actions.

Character History ((Will fill out once I get a better gauge of who the character is.))
Pre-Creation -
Post Creation -

Training & Skill Points

Skill Initial XP Earned XP Total
Hunting 10(SP)
Wilderness survival 10(SP) 4 14
Tracking 10((Racial bonus))
Unarmed combat 20(SP) 4 24
Acrobatics 5(SP)
Running 5(SP) 1 6
Sword Gauntlet 1 5 7
Stone(Throwing) 1
Tatics 1 2 3
Detection 1
Observation 1 2 3
Wrestling 1
Interogation 1
Stealth 2 2
Conditioning 1 1
Intimidation 1 1
Climbing 1 1


Gnosis marks
Myri Mark 1

Starting Package
Edible plants of Falynder
Falyndarian Geography

Earned Lores
Keeping a Zith grounded in the jungle
Using the word "bone" carefully in conversations
Keeping your mirth in private
Lore: Myrian Multiple Weapons Philosophy
Lore: Awesomeness of Fruit
Lore:Depression from fruit deprivation
NPC: Kreesha
NPC: Jakai
Lore:Myrian animal cry: Distressed Fox
Lore:Knowing when to keep your mouth shut
Lore:Pain Tolerance
Lore:Famous last words: Papayas are awesome
Lore:Refusing to be Intimidated despite disparity in size
Lore:Throat slitting
Bragging rights: Killing an Alpha Tupahi Yukman
Prowess (Myri's mark - partial): Effective team dynamics in fights
Always wipe out the enemy

Corvo is part of Kreesha's fang

Equipment/Possessions (Required)
    1 Set of Clothing:His clothing is relatively simple when not on patrol. He usually wears very short cloth pants that come up to his knees with a piece of cloth tied around his waist. While on patrol he tends to wear his buckskin armor.
    1 Waterskin
    1 Backpack which contains:
    1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
    Food for a week: Mostly local fruit along with a bit of dried beef for protein.
    1 eating knife
    Flint & Steel
    A zith head taken from a recent battle as a trophy.
    Set of the Alpha Tupahi Yukman's fangs (4 pieces)

    Weapons and Armor
    A sword gauntlet that is entirely made out of bone. The blade itself is 2 and a half feet long.
    Buckskin armor.

He lives in the army barracks thus forgoing the need for conventional housing.

Ledger (Required)
180 bikkas
+50 from seasonal wages
Totaling 230 bikkas.
Purchased buckskin armor
Purchased a sword gauntlet for 15 bikkas.

Thread List (Optional)
A deviation from the norm
A new Hunter on the block
A long patrol.Completed
Eyes In The ShadowsIn progress.
Stroll through the market. In progress.

User avatar
You trying to steal my fruit?
Posts: 42
Words: 25716
Joined roleplay: August 2nd, 2010, 8:02 pm
Location: Taloba.
Race: Myrian
Character sheet
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