Closed [The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Two strangers meet in Lhavit's most famous bar

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 11th, 2013, 9:28 pm

OOCI poked her again sometime ago, and she said it was okay as long as I would send her the plot first. She said it might require moderation.

Much to the thief’s surprise, the Etheafal in front of him didn’t seem to be agitated at all by his arguments. He merely sat there and smiled. The bat had noticed the man had been reading him while he answered. The man had probably seen something interesting, something that gave the bat away. He didn’t like that at all.

The man didn’t react for a while, keeping quiet for a couple of ticks, gathering his thoughts. When he’d finished doing so, the words coming out of his mouth sounded neutral. His sentences lacking any form of emotion in them. Brandon was a bit confused by the man’s words. He was congratulating him? Why? The thief suspected there was going to follow a ‘but’ with all the important information explained after that small word.

The bat refused the ale when the man suggested drinking some. This wasn’t the time. His expression was serious. The merry atmosphere he’d felt around him when he entered the tavern was still there, but didn’t envelop him anymore. He scowled menacingly at the Eth in front of him. He opened his mouth, the few words coming out of it laced with deadly venom. “Thank you very much for ruining my evening.”

“But!” Ah, there it was. The word he’d been waiting for. Now he’d know what the man had found out. And how he’d found out. For now, the knowledge he’d gain by listening to the Ethaefal was what kept him seated. Otherwise he would have stood up and left the bar. But for now, he’d listen.

So as expected, the man was on to him. Proudly going on about the bat’s reactions, explaining in detail what about the bat had given him away. He even mentioned things he shouldn’t have been able to detect. The sweat underneath his shirt for example. He frowned. How was that possible? Even if the Eth in front of him was one of those legendary cold readers, the sweat on his chest shouldn’t be able to detect.

There was but one explanation for this the bat could think of. Magic. He’d heard of it a couple of times since arriving in the celestial city, but he’d never experienced it. He’d been told that almost everything was possible with magic, from controlling the elements to transforming one’s body. He nodded. This was the only explanation he thought that sounded logical.

The man wasn’t finished just yet. He continued to brag that he knew the thief was involved in this matter, a smirk carved on to his lips. The bat was ready to leave, he didn’t want to be exposed to the magic of this man. Especially the kind he’d used to read him. He wasn’t a book for the God’s sakes! Yet the man had browsed through him, reading all he needed to know about the thief.

Fortunately, the man claimed he couldn’t go to the Shinya with this, since it wasn’t really concrete. It appeared the Eth only knew that Bran was involved in one way or another, but more than that… Nope. The thief relaxed and leant back in his chair once again. In essence, he had nothing to fear from this man. Whatever he thought he knew, it was not enough. He grinned his trademark grin.

“Well well, do I have the honor to be looking at a mage?” The word honor came out as if it was something disgusting, so did the word mage. “Let me tell you something, mage, I am not a book! So, don’t treat me like one! And second, what I am going to do is none of your business. You said it yourself, you suspect me, but you don’t have any solid proof.”

He paused a moment, thinking briefly, before grabbing the bottle of ale and pouring half a glass down in the empty container, which had been used earlier to hold a Full Moon. “Now I will gladly accept your generous offer.” he grinned. “Cheers!” He heaved his glass, and took a nip of the stout. When the alcoholic liquid streamed down his throat, he made a sour face. One of his eyes was half closed, the other wide. His mouth was frozen in a grimace, wrinkles emerging at the bridge of his nose. He shook his head quick and brief in disgust. He stared at the glass of stout. “Petching hell! This is disgusting! I have no idea how you can pour it down, stranger, but I don’t like it. Here, you can have it back.”

Giving the glass a push, it slid to the other side of the table, stopping two centimeters from the edge of the table. The bat smacked his lips multiple times, still able to taste the awful drink on his tongue. He grinned at the Eth, who seemed to send him a mocking glance and shrugged carefree. “What? You can’t know how something tastes if you don’t try, no?”There was also the possibility the liquor had been poisoned when he wasn’t paying attention. It would explain the sudden offer to have a victory drink with the man’s own beer. In his mind, the bat patted himself on the head for not liking the taste of stout.
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on December 3rd, 2013, 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Postby Arcturus on November 20th, 2013, 2:53 pm

OOC Note :
Apologies for late post. I was distracted by RL issues.

Arcturus was taken aback by his rather vehement reply, and it showed on his face. He composed himself after Brandon's diatribe.

Oh dear, this is why I should have stayed at home. A nasty social dispute. Ah, how distasteful you are.

"Very well. Let me first begin with an apology, as futile as it may be. My apologies for disrupting your enjoyment. I intruded on you, and I mentioned my dead friend - although it was your statement about our stories being similar that led to all this kerfuffle. Then again, it was my curiousity.

And yes. I am a Mage, but I specialise in Magecraft. An expensive profession, and one of no use here. I used Auristics, but I believe that is perfectly legal. Lhavit, after all, is a centre for the Arcane. You are correct in saying that you are not a book, whether literally or metaphorically. Auristics is limited in that it cannot find out everything about you."

Disliking the taste of stout? Ah, his palate must be rather inexperienced.

"Each to his own, then. Yes, I cannot do much about it, but I have an obligation to my friends to discover the truth behind his death. No more... bullshyke and all that. I will be frank with you: I intend to investigate his death, and if you can help, that would be excellent. I understand that, after I have antagonised you needlessly, you would not want to do so. But if you choose to do so, I am willing to offer payment if you can aid me in this endeavour."
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[The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 20th, 2013, 4:47 pm

The bat snorted in approval. “Apologies accepted.” The man seemed to realise his mistake and did not really like ruining other persons their evenings. Well, he had indeed started it all. Maybe an apology was required from him as well. As his companion was polite enough to apologise for his rudeness, then he wouldn’t make a jock out of himself either. “Then, if you’d allow me, I’d like to apologise as well. It is indeed true that I have started it all with my statement, I won’t deny it, but my curiosity got the better of me. I must also confess that I wanted to see what you knew already and use it to my advantage.”

Okay, that had been taken care off. The man started rambling about his profession and the use of Auristics. Coincidently the thief did know something about it. Although his knowledge was limited. He recalled it was a form of magic practiced at the Dawn Tower? Or was it the Dust Tower? Well anyway, it was a form of magic thought by one of the most ancient families in the celestial city. He mused on the thought. If hey were ancient and respected, then they were probably very rich as well right? He licked his lips. The thief would like to break in one of the towers one day…

What did the man say his profession was? Magecrafter? What the petch was a magecrafter? If he had to believe the name, he had to guess it was a person who crafted mages. That couldn’t be right. The thing had tickled the bat’s curiosity. He needed to know what a magecrafter was. He asked. “And what is a magecrafter exactly? It’s the first time I’ve ever heard the term, so pardon my ignorance. I must confess you do know how to pick my interest stranger.”

The Eth continued his speech, going on about he felt obliged to investigate the murder of his old friend. He said he’d like it if the thief could be of help. Sure he could, but he had to have a reason to do so. Although their collaboration could be of help for him as well. A mutual help… Well, that might get him on track to find the robber, who was possibly, no probably, the killer as well. Even though, maybe it was a trap. A scheme to make him spit any information he might hold. The Eth was even prepared to pay for his services.

Tempting. Very tempting. Part of him believed now even more that this was a trap. Using money to lure him into working together and then stab him in the back. That was but the minority of his mind. The majority wanted revenge and his greed wanted the coins. He nodded. “Very well, I accept your offer. I do believe I can be of help to you. Maybe not much, but that might just be more than enough. Besides I have my own motives for investigating this matter, even if it was just sheer curiosity.”

Pausing or a moment, he took in the expression on the face of the stranger in front of him. He grinned. Before he’d help he needed to confirm he would get his payment. That was the most important thing right now. “But before we make the deal, I’d like to discuss my payment. How were you thinking of paying me? Up front? One part now and one part after I completed my contract? Or everything after I completed my duties? I would not recommend the first and last option. The first is bad for you, and the last for me. I don’t know how much trust I can put into your honourableness, and neither can you, so I suggest using the second method of payment.”

The thief waited for his client to respond. Although it was the most likely he’d go with his suggestion. Every sane person would. He grinned. “As for the price… How much are you willing to bet on my help? One hundred Kina? That’s my price. My first offer. Keep in mind that this matter will not be over with in one- two- three. It may seem a little too much, but it could be for a week or for an entire season. I have no idea how things will turn out, so I can’t say for sure, but my gut tells me it will be for a while. How about it?”
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[The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Postby Arcturus on December 3rd, 2013, 2:19 pm

"Don't we all? Nothing to be ashamed of; gaining an advantage is perfectly alright with me."

Excellent. By accepting the apology like a good sport, Brandon has just reduced the tension between the two of us. This should make it easier.

"A magecrafter is someone who enchants items. It is not like Malediction - which is the crudest method of imbuing magical effects into items - or Glyphing, which is but temporary, but magecrafted items can last for centuries if we choose to do so. However, the reagents and facilities required are extremely expensive - and I do not have access to them right now, since I left Lhavit a long time ago. So I'm unemployed right now, though I have some savings to tide me over to Winter or Spring.

As for the means of payment... I will offer you thirty-seven Kina as a counter-offer. The first part of your payment, that is. I believe it is a reasonable price, given that I will, of course, be paying you at least that amount when all this is over. I do not know what will happen, but you will be given reimbursement according to how troublesome this investigation may get. Get injured? I will pay at least half of the costs you incur at the Catholicon. If you require equipment, I will help subsidise at least half of the cost. The same goes for everything else. If you get in trouble with the Shinya... Well, once everything is over, an additional one hundred kinas will be added to your final payment. My finances are admittedly low, seeing as I have no regular job as of yet. What say you then?"
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[The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 5th, 2013, 5:41 pm


The thief’s face became a bit disappointed when he heard the payment, the counter offer the man made. Thirty seven kina was not even nearly as much as what he had suggested. He was about to complain when the man hastily added that it was just the initial payment. After the job he would receive an extra one hundred kina. That made about … one hundred and thirty seven kina. Wow, that was quite a lot. It was even more than he had asked for. Had this guy misunderstood him? Maybe he had believed the bat wanted to be paid one hundred kina up front as well as after the job was done. Two hundred kina.

The bat had to refrain from laughing. This guy was a bit of a fool. He had created a situation where the bat could pretend to be unhappy with the proposal, but still get a higher price for his service than demanded. He liked it. It wouldn’t take much more to make him accept the deal. However, the man wasn’t done yet. He promised to pay an amount, about half of the costs he had to make. So, if the thief needed any materials, Brandon only had to pay half of it. The Eth would pay the rest.

A sweet deal. The thief wanted to jump out of his seat and accept the offer, but for the sake of keeping up the act, he did not. He placed a finger on his chin, stroking his goatee with his remaining fingers, as if considering what the Eth had proposed. Of course, he did as well. Not that there were many things to take into consideration. The bat saw only advantages. Well, except that it might take a while to complete the contract, but still. Oh yeah, they should probably create a binding contract, signed by both sides. Something to make sure he would get paid for his work. Purely out of self-interest.

Brandon nodded slowly, a grin forming on his lips. He reached out his hand to the man, wanting to seal the deal with a handshake. The contract would come later. “Very well, I accept. Have I introduced myself already? I am known as Brandon, and you are…?” His attitude had shifted completely. What the promise of money could do to a thief. Or a person in general. “Maybe you’d like to make a contact? You know, as a mean to keep each other in check? Although I believe we just made one orally, it would be good to have it written down as well. Words tend to sprout wings and disappear. But do as you like. You’re the boss, boss.” He grinned widely. The events that had spoiled his evening already forgotten.

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[The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Postby Arcturus on January 1st, 2014, 2:57 pm

[spoiler=OOC Note}Welp, it's all my fault for delaying this one. I will start posting semi-regularly, but school's starting soon. So don't expect too much - maybe two posts per week. Anyway, how's things on the Elysium side? Oh, and your boxcode is pretty sweet![/spoiler]

A handshake. I wonder what that man's been touching. Disguisting, but neccessary to building a good working relationship.

"My name's Arcturus," he shook Brandon's hand as he spoke, "Well met. I suppose a written contract wouldn't harm anyone. Let's see..."

He removed a vial of ink cushioned in cloth and a quill from one of his pockets, placing them carefully on the table. Patting his pockets, he frowned momentarily before retrieving two sheets of parchment, smoothing them out on the surface of the table before opening the vial of ink, dipping his quill inside. He began to write, speaking out loud as he did so.

"I, Arcturus, the Employer, hereby employ Brandon, the Employee, to investigate the death of one Arthur Pendra for as long as it takes the investigation to be complete or terminated by either the Employer or the Employee. The Conditions of this contract are as follows:

1. The Employee will be paid Thirty-Seven Kina Only once this contract is signed by both the Employer and the Employee.

2. Half the cost of any and all materials required by the Employee will be paid for by the Employer.

3. If said Employee is injured in any manner and requires medical treatment at the Catholicon, half the total cost of any medical treatments the Employee is required to undergo in order to be restored to optimum condition will be paid for by the Employer.

4. If the Employee should get into any trouble with the Shinya and/or other authorities of Lhavit, One Hundred Kinas Only will be added to the Final Payment.

5. The Final Payment: The Final Payment shall consist of the sum of Thirty-Seven Kinas Only and, if Condition 4 is invoked, an additional One Hundred Kinas Only. All other fees will be paid when they are incurred, and as such will not be part of the final payment.

6. If the Employer should terminate the contract, he is required to provide the Employee with the Final Payment, including a termination fee of Forty-Three Kinas Only.

7. If the Employee should terminate the contract, he is required to provide at least four days' notice. He will thus forfeit all fees that have yet to be paid to him, including that of Conditions 2, 3 and 4 at the point of notifying the Employer.

Signed, The Employer.

Signed, The Employee."

Arcturus drew a line beneath each phrase, signing the first before copying the contract on another sheet of parchment, signing it before passing both sheets of parchment to Brandon.

"I trust the contract is satisfactory? Unless you wish to add something?"
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[The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on January 7th, 2014, 6:31 pm


OOC|:) Thanks :D Euthisa was so kind to make some for me :)

The Eth shook his hand briefly, introducing himself as Arcturus and accepting his proposal for a written document. Conveniently, his new employer had a quill, ink and some paper at hand, not the kind of things he would expect anyone to carry around wherever they went, especially not when going to a tavern. But well, this was Lhavit after all, the crystal city was filled with strange people with even stranger habits. Though, that was only better for the thief as this would seal the deal between the two of them immediately. After they had signed the contract of course.

Arcturus started writing, his handwriting much more practiced and tidier than his own, if the bat had been the one holding the quill, the paper would have been covered with spattered ink already and it would be pretty much unreadable to anyone, except for the few trained to decipher his scratches. It also seemed like this guy had experience with composing contracts, as things were rather unclear, but clear at the same time, like contracts ought to be. Also satisfying was that every promise the thief’s new boss had made was included in the contract, but there were some measures for terminating the agreement, forfeiting his right on his final payment for example; something the bat would try to stay away from.

When he was finished writing, and had signed the papers, Arcturus passed the sheets to Brandon, who let his eyes dart over the what was written down there. The man had been reading what he wrote down when busy doing so, but the bat wanted to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. If there should be something in it that he couldn’t agree with, but just signed the papers mindlessly, it could prove unpleasant, so he quickly went over the contents of the contract again. Everything seemed fine though and nodded while returning his gaze to the man in front of him.

“Yes, no I think everything that should be in it is, so there are no problems here. I was just checking. You can’t be careful enough when entering a covenant with someone you just met. No, actually with anyone, even an old friend might try to trick you and when it happens and you didn’t notice, then you’re petched.” He shrugged. “I’d rather not be in that situation.”

The bat grabbed both the quill and the pot of ink and carefully not to spill he brought them closer to himself, positioning the writing instrument in his hand as he had practiced. When content with this, he dipped the tip in the ink and ticked it against the edge of the pot, making the excess ink drip off the quill before he started writing. It had been a while, and although he was able to read and use the written letters his boss had formed as reference, the bat had to think a while before he could sign the contract.

Of course he could write his own name, his given name that is. He had practiced it with his stepfather many times, as well as writing entire sentences dictated by the small man, but it was long forgotten and barely used that his hand hesitated before finally scratching over the paper. As usual, he wrote slow and tried to make the characters the ink formed under his lead as pretty as possible, but failed, like he always had.


The thief wanted to add his surname as well, but he had never written it before. To be more precise, he hadn’t had a surname until last summer. He had made up and added the name himself, because it sounded good and also because people looked at him like he was some critter crawling out from some gutter when they asked for his last name and he couldn’t give them one. But now he had and he was quite proud of it. When he started moving the quill across the sheet again, the words formed slower than before, concentrating deeply hoping not to get the spelling wrong.

Of The Black Wings

Despite his noble attempt to keep the contact clean, there were some drops of ink here and there and even a sweep of where his hand had rested and moved when writing. Of course, this was only where he had signed and it stood out quite a bit. Well, at least he had been able to write his name correctly, hopefully. That was something, right? He returned the sheets and the quill and inkpot to his employer with his clean left hand, as his right was smeared with ink at the side of his pinky and on his fingertips. “Now what? You want to get to it right away or would you rather wait for a later day?” Whatever the response, the thief wouldn’t leave before part one of the agreement was fulfilled.


credit goes to Euthisa
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Brandon Blackwing
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[The Scholar's Demise] Drink with me, Stranger (Arcturus)

Postby Catastrophe on April 28th, 2014, 5:02 pm

Brandon Blackwing :

  • Observation: 5 XP
  • Negotiation: 1 XP
  • Planning: 1 XP
  • Deduction: 1 XP
  • Drinking: 2 XP
  • Socialization: 5 XP
  • Intelligence: 2 XP
  • Rhetoric: 1 XP
  • Persuasion: 1 XP
  • Storytelling: 1 XP
  • Larceny: 1 XP


  • Taverns: Loud, Rowdy and Full of Mug Swinging
  • Planning: Conjuring up a Story to Represent Sympathy
  • Engaging in a Battle of Wits
  • Arcturus: A Mage of Reading Capabilities
  • Larceny Technique: Obtaining Extra Money Using Subconscious Negotiation
  • Arcturus: An Employer of Investigation


  • -1 kina

Arcturus :

  • Writing: 1 XP
  • Auristics: 1 XP
  • Observation: 3 XP
  • Socialization: 5 XP
  • Drinking: 2 XP
  • Storytelling: 1 XP
  • Intelligence: 2 XP
  • Interrogation: 1 XP
  • Rhetoric: 3 XP
  • Investigation: 2 XP


  • Brandon: A Newly Employed Investigator
  • Engaging in a Battle of Wits
  • Using Auristics to Help Detect Lies
  • Dedicating a Drink to a Deceased Friend
  • Brandon: The Probable Murderer of Arthur


  • -4 kina

Notes :
This was a very creative thread you guys. I loved the mind battle that was being described between the both of you. The intelligence you both fought with in trying to win the upper hand made me cringe with suspense. I think this was a very nicely plotted thread and I can’t wait to see what the future will hold for both parties.

I do have a few things to mention, however, so listen up!

Arcturus, with only nine skill points in Aursitics, I highly doubt you would be able to uncover so much about someone such as Brandon. He has many skills in the art of stealth and lores that can help him in disguising his emotions. And from what he described in his posts, he portrayed nothing as severe as what you had described him doing. If you were a more experienced Aurtist, I could see you being able to uncover more about him, but being a Novice definitely does not gift you with such advanced abilities as you have been writing about. You don’t even have any assisting skills such as observation, interrogation or the like, so I find this very hard to believe. Also, the way you describe using Auristics isn't necessarily what us storytellers wish to see detailed in plots. To me, it felt more so like you were simply observing Brandon with more focus rather than using your character's Djed to enhance the ability to see his aura and configure details about said aura. The second time you used Auristics was a little better, but to be able to receive more experience points, I would appreciate a little more detail and effort.

And as for you Brandon, I loved the way you styled your writing to fit in for the skills you didn’t have full comprehension of yet. The writing bit impressed me most of all, so thank you for that! It was a shame the thread wasn’t properly completed, but I hope you enjoy your grades either way. If I do recall correctly, after being awarded your grade you should have one hundred lores, right? Congratulations for that! :P

If either of you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, don’t hesitate to send a private message my way so that we can go over the issues!

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