by Shiveen on May 27th, 2013, 11:04 pm
PC Name: Shiveen
Race: Kelvic (common raven)
Affiliations: Only the ravens that call the city home.
Profession: Spy/information broker [pending approval], occasional thief. Agent for hire.
Purpose for Being In Ahnatep: Her city of origin, she stayed at first because it was all she knew, and now she stays because the skills she has developed - mostly those of subterfuge and larceny - are uniquely suited to earn her money here.
Visitor or Resident: Resident.
Days in Ahnatep: From birth until something forces her to leave.
Anything We Should Know: If anyone wishes to hire her to gather intelligence or perform other skullduggerous actions, send her a letter outlining the job and a meeting place (in other words, an IC PM). I'd also be more than happy to engage in non-job threads. PM me!
Your Goals This Season: To increase her skills as an agent and possibly make a name for herself. Upgrade her living quarters to something nicer. So, lots of job threads.