It seemed that both he and Amolina were somewhat on the spot, Inoadar realized. He needed an answer about the various aspects of her personality and capabilities that Amolina displayed, but she clearly wished to maintain her image of mystery. It was not so much that he did, or did not, want to suggest that she was not a competent associate. It was more that if he made her out to be lacking in some way, then he would make HIMSELF look a fool as well. She had clearly come to Valerius possessing the upper hand over "Nolan". So if she was a flighty fool, then he was even worse.
He directed his answer to Valerius, while keeping his eyes on Amolina, a slight nod accompanying his words. "Just the two sides; the seemingly vulnerable and distracted side, to promote disregard and underestimation, and the calculating and competent side, to exploit it. I was quite impressed, actually." Best to elevate her standing, the better to support his own.
Now he faced the man, letting a look of understanding cross his face. "I see. I had wondered which definition of the word "Sanitation" we were dealing with. I, for one, do not believe that the coddling of the weak accomplishes anything but the diluting of a society with those that must then be forever "carried" by those whose talents would be best employed in other areas. I will not drag things out with philosophical comparisons of the doctrines of our Lord Rhysol and those of his ally, Vayt, other than to say that they both seek to reward the strong with rightful rule.
"I adhere to Rhysol's approach, as best as I can, but I employ Vayt's method. I was given to understand that this was His will. As for a Nuit brain, I was interrupted in my work and was not able to confirm my supposition that this fluid in the basis of an antidote to a powerful poison called "Dark Reaving". But what I DID find is that, upon habitation by a Nuit, those parts of the brain unused by him, the more peripheral lobes and outer coils, are "sealed off" for lack of a better term by a fluid I've never encountered before.
"I have examined most parts of the body while dissecting and analyzing the impacts of various classes of toxins, including the brain, and had never before seen the discharge I observed in a brain from a body newly abandoned by a Nuit on whose behalf I had taken a contract to procure a new body." Inoadar did not bother clarifying that such a contract must have involved murder. Leaving it only hinted at was preferable, as was the display of reticent restraint.
He went on. "It appears the Nuit-affected brain generates this fluid as some sort of inhibitor to those areas dealing with now-inert functions. This is possibly to allow greater focus of the ichor on the core of the brain. But once the entity departs the body, this fluid is no longer pressurized away from the core, and seeps back in, eventually equalizing in consistency throughout. Thus, a body once inhabited and abandoned, can not be re-inhabited, as the entire brain is now inundated with this fluid."
"As I said, I was unable to complete the final test due to an untimely interruption." He tried to make his next hint as subtle as possible. "If I could obtain a new, freshly abandoned Nuit brain, I could take this research to its...beneficial conclusion. I am also currently hoping to find some quality of creature ability, besides the Kelvic's shape shifting ability, to test a second application of one of the components of Wildleash poison. I could embark on a discussion of those suppositions if you wish, but they are far more theoretical at this stage."