Greetings, dear victims! This is Rage and, as the sign says, this is my office. I'll working with the Jungle Queen Cayenne in managing the Jungle Wilds and Taloba, lighten the load a bit for her. I'm now accepting thread requests and xp awarding for the areas mentioned above. Also, if you need help or have any questions related to my areas of responsibility, drop me a line, I'm here to help. I promise not to tear your still-beating heart from your chest the first time out. >:) Now, I know everybody hates rules but I do have a few: 1. Please follow the site's rules. If you can do that, we'll get along just fine. 2. 'No' means 'No'. 3. 'No' can always change to 'yes'. 4. Please only post XP awarding or thread requests in my office. Regarding any other matter, you can PM (just so other people won't laugh if you write something stupid...or if I do ![]() 5. I do not do pre-planned threads (ex. "I want to meet a Myrian tiger cub/Hot Myrian woman and we bond/hit it off and she gives me a cool weapon and makes me immune to the rage of other Myrians", etc.). I will play the dangers of the jungle true to form once you've entered my domain, and I cannot guarantee that things will turn out the way you like them, but I do promise you that it will be an adventure. You might even survive it. ![]() 6. Rules will be added as I see fit and can and will only be redacted by me or a higher power - that means the red-named bosses. 7. I do accept bribes to give you leeway on rules 1 to 6, but only if it's double dutch ice cream. 8. Please ignore rule #7. NEW RULES: 9. If you think I'm ignoring you, I probably am (which sucks for you, haha!) OR you just need to call my attention (a PM would suffice) to what you're expecting from me, be it xp awards, a modded thread, or rating that hot new chick you passed by in the hall in your office/school/wherever. I'm nice like that. 10. If you are unsatisfied with xp I awarded you, send me a PM. We can talk about it. I'm not unreasonable. Except when I'm hungry. Do check back here from time to time to see if I'm plotting anything! _______________________ Threads List :
Projects :