by Miro on April 28th, 2013, 7:15 am
Rayage arrived, seemingly in a pleasant mood. He asked what was the agenda today, how Miro was doing, pleasantries of that sort. It was quite refreshing, though the undead was not quite in the mood to speak of such things. "I am fine, quite fine, sure, but we have work to do." For a few moments his apprenticed gathered himself, then thanked his master for tutoring him. It brought him a deep inspired feeling of pride, and that made him happy. "Of course, but we are far from done. If you are really thankful, then show it by learning what I have to teach. I am not going to be satisfied until you are capable of manipulating your Djed Flux. Able to perform a redirection on command."
The Reimancer planted his staff to rest firmly on the ground. All in all he was quite enchanted by Rayage's cheery mood, but could not convey weakness to the disciple. Instead he turned inwards, more or less, to his Familiar. "Care to take bets on him Ender? I'll bet he is ready to learn the Flux." However his Familiar laughed, a harrowing twisted cackle, the kind that causes the hair on the back of one's neck to stand. "That corpse is weak! Bah, pathetic as a Lightfacer! I'll bet now, you won't ever see this Alchemist able to handle the Flux, or even Reimancy properly for that matter. I am sure the fool can pick up a trick here or there, but most animals are capable of that. Just make sure to give him a treat and he will obey. He will not learn the Flux, and by the end of this season, he will burn himself to cinders with his own Reimancy. It was quite the twisted answer, but an easy bet to win. And who could resist a challenge issued with such a cocksure attitude?
"I'll force him to initiate into the Flux by the end of the day, and see to it that he never burns. Let's say I am wrong though. If he can't learn, I'll take orders from you for a day. That means, you say kill, I do it. Sounds good, yeah? And further more, let's say you are right. Say he burns to death by the end of the season like you so boldy claim. If that is the case, I'll take orders from you forevermore. I'll be your slave, oh great master Ender!" Miro grinned and snickered slightly. He loved the snarky tone used in declaring him great master.
Ender of course was brimming with a confidence that could only have been borrowed from his master. "You know this wretch is but a distraction from what truly your heart desires. Deep down, you know it to be true, indeed you do. One day I will have all of this faith you put into this man, but I will not need to send pretty words your way. But feats of greatness that could only be rivaled by you yourself. You will respect me for my actions, not how sweet I can make my voice sound. We both know this for a fact. Eventually he will buckle under the pressure of your greatness, run out of gifts to give, and stop amusing you. You will eventually break your toy, turn loose your pet. Pray to your gods that I haven't turned my back on you by then."
The wizard tried hard to mask his grin as he took steps to walk behind Rayage. He held his staff out and prodded him in the back. "Kneel," he said with a callous inflection. Ionu's Light was pressed firmly against the nape of his neck. "Now, concentrate hard, very hard. Remember the feeling of the redirection I had you experience. Attempt to sense the pathways within your body. Every movement you make, it is a tinge of fluctuation within your pathways. Each command you issue to your muscles travels along these channels, and it is the most natural thing in the world. Your body has lungs, so breath. And when you do...feel. Your entire body's pathways will sway with the breathing. It is like a breeze that causes a cold rush of excitement, then a calm of stillness, over and over."
Miro flowed a medley of Hypnotism spells through the tip of his staff into his disciple to set the mood. First an array of emotional responses. Each spell cast took a while to gather and shape the Djed before channeling it, but they were going to be there for a while. He took his sweet time to ensure that the full effect was received. Each casting was fueled for a while before tapering off, to ensure the effect had a lasting impression. To obtain a connection to the pathways, one must find an inner harmony with the body and mind. Peace, relaxation, confidence, determination, each of these powerful emotions were flown in to settle his mind. Then the suggestions, some push in the right direction. "My mind is at peace," the first, followed by, "My body is at peace," and finally "My mind and body are in perfect harmony." He removed his staff and let the apprentice brew for a moment longer on the spells and proceeded on with his lesson.
"Imagine your body is not flesh and bone, but rivers of Djed that are all connected. Just Djed streams throughout your body. Pathways. All in the shape of your vessel, the intermediary connection between your astral and physical body. Now take it a step further, and imagine the body and these pathways as one. They are connected to your every muscle, and most importantly to your mind. For now, these rivers of Djed are calm, only ever rushing as your mind commands, yet never overflowing. You may cause them to vibrate with a rush of excitement, but the wave only moves along the river, never taking the water with it. When one is able to find a harmony and sense these pathways, they can control their flow, cause them to gather, build Djed. Move the water from one river to flow into another. The Flux. Just take some time, meditate on this, draw yourself closer to your body. Look deep within yourself, feel the connected pathways that make up your very essence. When it is you feel that connection your first step of initiation will be complete. Though do not rush. Take your time. We are not going anywhere for a while."
For now he would start with this, but the next step was already clear in mind. The Nuit apprentice was an Aurist, and this was a valuable tool. As Miro had it planned, the initiate would attune himself with the master and observe him making use of the Flux. It would teach him much, and push him closer to understanding the imbalance it put on the body, and the lesson of discipline that came with it. Much like in Animation where for an automata to learn to move, it must also know what it is to be still; his apprentice would need to learn that in order to create imbalance, he would need to truly understand balance. For the Flux was entirely about give and take, and if abused, it could cause the user to crash.