Open Crashing... Very Athletic

Engghaen falls off a roof due to her curiosity about a single figure...

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Crashing... Very Athletic

Postby Engghaen on November 16th, 2013, 12:11 pm


62th of Fall, 513

The cat climbed up the roof of one of the buildings. Why were you so crazy to do this again? She smirked and put her feet closer together. She wasn't very... Quick. Yes, she was strong -slightly- but this wasn't the moment to be all posh about herself and be boasting against herself. Then she stopped, looking out over the fountain. It was beautiful, yes.

What is that person doing there? The girl noticed a dark figure moving in the shadows of this building. She shook her head and looked again. Same figure. Curious, she walked forward on the side of the roof. Here it stopped.

I have to be careful now, I don't want to fa- Her thoughts got interrupted as one of the spots her foot had been standing on had now crumbled down onto the street. Because her weight was balanced on both feet -and not just one- she lent forward and fell. The girl landed with a horrible plotch and started groaning. My face... Her body didn't want to co-operate and didn't like the fall either. So it was the only thing she thought before losing consciousness.
Everyone knows pain and misery,
But it's how we survive that makes us who we are.

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Crashing... Very Athletic

Postby Jastin Dee on November 17th, 2013, 12:09 pm

Jastin had been hurrying through the shadows when he heard the crash behind him. He had accidentally materialized in someone's home and they had chased him out. He span on his, non-existing, heel and looked. There was a young girl lying on the ground. He went over to her.

"Ma'am?" He looked over her "Are you okay?" He enquired

There was no answer. The girl was obviously unconscious. He didn't know what to do. He decided to blink into someone's house. Luckily, the man inside was drunk and passed out. Jastin lay down into the man and suddenly he was controlling him. He tried to move his leg and managed to, albeit clunkily, get outside to the girl. He couldn't leave her out in the open so he grabbed her arms and slowly pulled her into the house.
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Crashing... Very Athletic

Postby Engghaen on November 17th, 2013, 12:40 pm


Funny enough, her whole -short- life flashed by. Hey, that's Brandon! Hi Brandon! and she waved in the odd dream. Then there was Eyze, and Ardan, and the man that had thrown her -Wrenmae-, and the others Brandons, but also Quinton and she saw herself, smiling. She grinned. This wasn't too bad, right? They all waved back, but Wrenmae thew four daggers at her. What the... I'm just waving! Looking down at her body, they pierced through her, and they ended up in the wall behind her. Wait... They go.. Through me? She shook her head, but all of the sudden the people that had been nice turned against her, and walked in the direction of the girl. She backed up, but there was still a wall behind her. They were all carrying weapons, such as axes, daggers, random house knives and the real Brandon -gentleman Brandon- was carrying her bow. In the dream, she started screaming as they came closer. Why does this happen? Why am I remembering this... What has happened? I didn't do anything wrong , did I? Then she remembered standing on the roof, but apart from that it was blank. Furiously, she tried to wake up. Eventually she opened her eyes.
Everyone knows pain and misery,
But it's how we survive that makes us who we are.

Character Sheet | Scrapbook | Plotnotes | Ruvyn
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I'm not cute! I'm just... Fluffy.
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Crashing... Very Athletic

Postby Trickster on March 19th, 2014, 11:42 pm


Hello there~
Here are your treats!



Skill XP Earned
Observation 1


Lore: Falling On One's Face
Lore of Nightmares: From Friends to Foes

Notes :
It's too bad this thread was cut short.
Engghaen, I really liked the nightmare part of this thread. :)
Make sure to update your CS!

If Jastin ever comes back, just shoot me a pm for the grades.
Happy threading!

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