oocPeople are free to join. OOC'ly the dream is crafted from the :513 spring fires of sunberth" mixed with what happened in Sunberth on the "djed storm of 512". So fire and being crushed alive by boulders and falling debris are an aspect of the nightmare that will make it dangerous (As far as being hurt in a dream is goes) for any who want to join.
Daedalus laid on the ground in bitter agony. His dreaming mind finding no true rest as the events of the previous night still lingered through his subconsciousness. His legs curled into his chest causing him to roll onto his right side into a fetal position. Even though he laid in near darkness, he could feel the cold wooden floor beneath him which called a frost nipping chill to run up his spine.
Daedalus did not know or care where he was, all he knew was that he was suddenly filled with fear. A pain began to echo through his body with each of his heartbeats. Each beat left a lingering agony as if something was trying to bore its way out of his body; pulling at his skin in every direction as if his blood wanted to escape from his body to press up against his skin. From the pain alone he felt as if he were being skinned alive.
For the longest time he felt as if all of his senses were abandoning him for pure pain. As he rolled to lay on his back Daedalus found himself laying naked on a hardened black shadowed darkness staring up at an endless void of blackness that seemed to stretch on into eternity. In the endless darkness of the sky he watched as a figure draped in white slowly slowly fell towards him like a shooting star. As it grew close he could see the figure turn into what appeared to be a woman. Even though every one of the woman's strides seemed to defy logic as she walked down towards him from mid air, he gazed upon her as if it were a normal event.
The closer the woman in white walked towards him from, reality itself slowly began to twist the perspective of reality with her. The world began to shift until the woman was standing directly in front of him, hoovering above his body. That was when he had come to realized that he was the one floating in absolute darkness and she was the one who was truly stable upon the ground.
Once Daedalus set his feet onto the ground all the pain he felt seemed to vanish. Likewise, although he didn't notice, was suddenly fully dressed in all black colored linen shirt and pants. He stood in front of the person staring deep into the head of a faceless wooden figure. It was a wooden manikin adorned in an ankle length white dress.
The manikin pointed into a far off direction. The act caused Daedalus to curiously look for whatever the creature was pointing too as his golden hazel eyes set upon a wooden door that simply stood in total darkness with a single floating lantern casting light onto the door way. He turned to walk towards the door as the sound of his bare feet echoed out after each foot fall.
A trembling hand slowly raised as he made his way closer towards the strange doors to grip at is handle. When he looked over his shoulder to find the wooden manikin that had directed him to the door all he could find was nothingness; a shadowed darkness that upon first seeing gave the sensation that something was watching from within the its darkened depths.
The silence of the dark, and stillness, were suddenly absolute.
No sound could be heard as Daedalus found himself unable to even hear himself breath or even feel his heart beating within his chest. The hand that had lifted to reach for the doors handle quickly gripped at his chest above his heart. The feeling of a sharp pain surge through his chest as if his heart had been ripped from his body.
The sensation lasted only a second as he found himself reaching out to open up the door.
As he pulled at the doors handle the sharp pain that he felt in his chest localized into the palm of his hand. It was as if the doors handle had been heated like a branding iron, burning hot to the touch. For some strange reason he couldn't let go of the handle which meant he needed to open the door. Once he opened the door with a quick pull, a blinding light shined through the doorway.
The light brought a strange warmth.
A calming warmth that caused Daedalus to closes his eyes to take a moment to bask in its warmth. To Daedalus, he felt as if he had stood in front of the light for several bells until a rough blazing wind hastily forced him to open his eyes. The wind felt as if were a molten gust.
It was a wind the metalsmith knew all to well during his time smelting metal at a foundry's blast furnace. The light soon faded away allowing him to look past the doorway to what laid beyond it. The doorway lead into a long hallway filled with endless corridors that led to endless amounts of doors.
Daedalus stepped through the doorway unable to attempt to define where he even was. As he stepped past to the other side of the door the exit quickly vanished. It was replaced by a wooden wall that made any retreat impossible. A fist began to bang against the wall in frustration and shock as a look of fear caused his brown to furrow. Then all at once he could hear again. The sounds that echoed from every door, through every hallway were the screams of what seemed to be hundreds of thousands of people in agony.
The hallway slowly began to grow bright as fired dripped down the walls like water to consume all the hallways in flame. Daedalus knew even though he was scared that he needed to help those people screaming for help. And so he ran down the burning hallway in hopes of searching for anyone.

Daedalus did not know or care where he was, all he knew was that he was suddenly filled with fear. A pain began to echo through his body with each of his heartbeats. Each beat left a lingering agony as if something was trying to bore its way out of his body; pulling at his skin in every direction as if his blood wanted to escape from his body to press up against his skin. From the pain alone he felt as if he were being skinned alive.
For the longest time he felt as if all of his senses were abandoning him for pure pain. As he rolled to lay on his back Daedalus found himself laying naked on a hardened black shadowed darkness staring up at an endless void of blackness that seemed to stretch on into eternity. In the endless darkness of the sky he watched as a figure draped in white slowly slowly fell towards him like a shooting star. As it grew close he could see the figure turn into what appeared to be a woman. Even though every one of the woman's strides seemed to defy logic as she walked down towards him from mid air, he gazed upon her as if it were a normal event.
The closer the woman in white walked towards him from, reality itself slowly began to twist the perspective of reality with her. The world began to shift until the woman was standing directly in front of him, hoovering above his body. That was when he had come to realized that he was the one floating in absolute darkness and she was the one who was truly stable upon the ground.
Once Daedalus set his feet onto the ground all the pain he felt seemed to vanish. Likewise, although he didn't notice, was suddenly fully dressed in all black colored linen shirt and pants. He stood in front of the person staring deep into the head of a faceless wooden figure. It was a wooden manikin adorned in an ankle length white dress.
The manikin pointed into a far off direction. The act caused Daedalus to curiously look for whatever the creature was pointing too as his golden hazel eyes set upon a wooden door that simply stood in total darkness with a single floating lantern casting light onto the door way. He turned to walk towards the door as the sound of his bare feet echoed out after each foot fall.
A trembling hand slowly raised as he made his way closer towards the strange doors to grip at is handle. When he looked over his shoulder to find the wooden manikin that had directed him to the door all he could find was nothingness; a shadowed darkness that upon first seeing gave the sensation that something was watching from within the its darkened depths.
The silence of the dark, and stillness, were suddenly absolute.
No sound could be heard as Daedalus found himself unable to even hear himself breath or even feel his heart beating within his chest. The hand that had lifted to reach for the doors handle quickly gripped at his chest above his heart. The feeling of a sharp pain surge through his chest as if his heart had been ripped from his body.
The sensation lasted only a second as he found himself reaching out to open up the door.
As he pulled at the doors handle the sharp pain that he felt in his chest localized into the palm of his hand. It was as if the doors handle had been heated like a branding iron, burning hot to the touch. For some strange reason he couldn't let go of the handle which meant he needed to open the door. Once he opened the door with a quick pull, a blinding light shined through the doorway.
The light brought a strange warmth.
A calming warmth that caused Daedalus to closes his eyes to take a moment to bask in its warmth. To Daedalus, he felt as if he had stood in front of the light for several bells until a rough blazing wind hastily forced him to open his eyes. The wind felt as if were a molten gust.
It was a wind the metalsmith knew all to well during his time smelting metal at a foundry's blast furnace. The light soon faded away allowing him to look past the doorway to what laid beyond it. The doorway lead into a long hallway filled with endless corridors that led to endless amounts of doors.
Daedalus stepped through the doorway unable to attempt to define where he even was. As he stepped past to the other side of the door the exit quickly vanished. It was replaced by a wooden wall that made any retreat impossible. A fist began to bang against the wall in frustration and shock as a look of fear caused his brown to furrow. Then all at once he could hear again. The sounds that echoed from every door, through every hallway were the screams of what seemed to be hundreds of thousands of people in agony.
The hallway slowly began to grow bright as fired dripped down the walls like water to consume all the hallways in flame. Daedalus knew even though he was scared that he needed to help those people screaming for help. And so he ran down the burning hallway in hopes of searching for anyone.