Solo Who Are You?

In Which Identity Is Fluid

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Who Are You?

Postby Kit Rowan on October 18th, 2013, 5:54 pm

Day 30, Season of Fall, 513 AV

No matter what she did, Kit could not quite get the hang of properly camouflaging objects.

The evening had dragged on long, and to light her room Kit had brought out a small candle, ignited from the fireplace in the main boarding house and let it sit over the floor, casting its small light over her and her work. She lay out her shirt and set to work making it blend in. But it didn't feel right . . . And after her little encounter with the Ebonstryfe with Vanari, Kit felt the need to practice.

She could change the colors of them both with a thought, Ionu's blessing had given her that right, but disguising it as nothing? That was beyond her limited power. She could trace its colors, make it blend more thoroughly into the wood that she laid it on, but it looked wrong under the flickering of the candlelight.

Kit leaned over the shirt, let her hand trace its edges . . . the appearance of depth was the first to go, and she made it seem flat. But when she looked at the edges, the textures of the wood simply ended. It was as though someone had simply laid a blanket over it. She bit her lip, imagined the imperfections continuing onward, and it was so, her shirt blending perfectly with the wood.

Except that it was too perfect! Like age had simply overlooked that little speck of wood. Kit closed her eyes, conjured some flaws that seemed likely and when she opened them again the shirt's presence was all but seemless against the ground. Illusion was not a gift; it was an art, whose brushes and palettes Ionu had offered to their chosen. Kit was not a good illusionist yet. Perhaps one day she would be.

When she tried to move the shift, however, the delusion was broken. She had built around it a seeming of the wood that she had first placed the shirt on, and the moment she shifted it poof! Gone. There was a shirt-shaped aberration, like a piece of a puzzle left over a piece of the scenery that it did not belong.

Mobile illusions were beyond her, then. "Trickster give me the cunning to keep moving," she breathed, picked up the shirt and cut the illusion away from it. "Keep me sure, keep me clever, cause clearly, I can't do it on my own." Kit sighed, tossed the shirt aside and turned away.

She rummaged through her chest, seized a mirror and climbed atop her bed and arranged herself cross-legged on the mattress. She stared at her reflection . . . Shy's reflection, actually. Kit had kept maintaining it, out of habit. She pulled the glamour away and saw Kit's face; red hair, blue eyes . . . "I'm the only person who's seen this face all season," Kit said to herself.
Unless Otherwise Stated, Expect Kit To Have Already Disguised Herself With Illusionism As 'Shy' In Every Ravok Thread.
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Kit Rowan
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Who Are You?

Postby Kit Rowan on October 19th, 2013, 5:08 pm

The only person all season who had seen that face. She reached up, explored the corners and curious shapes of her own face with a hand while she looked in the mirror. Her own face felt like a stranger's. There was a flutter of anxiety in the deep places of her chest, and she swallowed, hard. Then she shook her head snapped her fingers and slipped on Shy's glamour.

At first glance Kit thought that maybe she should have changed her eyes more; both Kit and Shy had the same sort of blue eyes, but the difference in facial shape and skin color was enough, she thought. It would take a keen and suspicious mind to connect Kit to Shy . . . Valerius knew her as Shy. The various shopkeepers and civil persons of Ravok knew her as Shy. They knew her name, had grown acquainted with her. To them, Shy Carsma was an employee, a courier, a real girl. Kit studied the lines of Shy's body, the color of her . . . Her skin tone was the same all the way down. Would she have been made darker by time in the sun?

Kit decided that she would have been and made a quick change, darkened the skin of Shy's body slightly from shoulder to hands, from neck to face, where the sun would have kissed her in the summertime.

Next came Ria. Shy's dark hair gained a slight sheen, her dark skin turned fair and heavily freckled, her blue eyes green. Kit stared into the mirror and looked at the face that had saved Vanari from the considerable mercies of the Ebonstyfe, that had confessed and kissed Ari in the dim light of the Silver Sliver.

Ria was not like Shy; few people knew her, but Kit liked her, enjoyed being her. Vanari liked her. She was a friend, a hero, maybe even a lover, a real girl. Kit realized that Ria's freckles were spread evenly as well, and not scattered as was natural across those that knew Syna best. This change she made as well.

Ria, Shy, Kit . . . She flopped back onto her bed and stared at the ceiling, letting the mirror lie on the mattress. She conjured up a face on the ceiling, first Kit's, then Ria's, then Shy's. "Who are you?" She asked them. Flickered between one and the next, let the features mix and mingle. "Who are you? Who are you?" A pause. "... .Who am I?"

She laid a hand over her eyes. Was she Ria? Was she Kit? Was she Shy? Was she all three? "Oh Ionu," she said. "How can you wear so many faces? How do you keep from getting lost?"

For a long moment she let herself lay back. She stood, put her mirror away, tip-toed on quiet feet over to the candle. She licked her fingers and pinched it out. Her silhouette in the darkness lacked all feature, all color, all identity. Kit, Shy, Ria tip-toed to her bed and slipped under the covers, her three names rebounding in the echo chamber of her mind as she drifted off to sleep.
Unless Otherwise Stated, Expect Kit To Have Already Disguised Herself With Illusionism As 'Shy' In Every Ravok Thread.
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Kit Rowan
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Who Are You?

Postby Vanari on November 20th, 2013, 12:42 am


Observation +3 XP
Philosophy +1 XP

Lores :
  • Improving With Camouflages
  • Minor Alterations to Disguises
  • Feeling Lost in Illusions

Notes :
I liked that :D

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Cheers :D

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