Flashback [The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

You can learn more than drinking at a tavern...

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Amelia Cross on November 16th, 2013, 9:16 pm


It was of little surprise to Amelia that the girl really thought of her suspicious, if she had to be honest, she’d probably think of the situation as suspicious herself if put in it in reversed roles. But now, when she was in the lead and was the teacher, if you may call it like so, she chose to think of the girl as paranoid. ”it is pity, you have such a lovely face and don’t know how to use it” Amelia had to admit as she finished up her mug, already beginning to wonder if she wants another one and are there any men that are worth the trouble. ”you know, most of this is all about confidence, if you are all timid and worried about your words and behavior, you have little to no chances” she explained while looking around the tavern a bit carelessly.

Another light chuckle came from the fortuneteller as the girl stated that drinks were all she was aiming for. The way she said it, it felt like the little one only thought of the financial gains a man could give, what was a bit of a shame. She herself, liked to think of a man as someone who could generally bring some sunshine to your life, give you a bit of care and attention, make you feel pretty when you felt down…amongst other things…”remember, confidence is about 80 percent of the job done, if you have that covered, nothing is really too ambitious”

Another lazy look around the tavern, Amelia wanted company, she wanted ale and she wanted some attention. Actually, she wanted more, but let’s stick with this for the time being, so when she spotted two men that were easy enough on the eyes, she had little to no doubt in her head. ”well, we have two seats open, and those two look like they are oh so lonely” Amelia giggled as she kept looking at them, trying to catch and hold the eye contact of at least one of them long enough to ‘drag’ them over.

”got ya” she cheered in her mind as the two, assumingly friends, began whispering with each other while looking back at Amelia and Eada.”remember, confidence” the pale girl reminded as the two men came closer, these weren’t really the types of drunk that barely held on their feet, these looked like they could still be able to dance and maybe even hold a decent conversation.

oocleaving their personas and appearances to your liking :)

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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Eada Vine on November 17th, 2013, 9:30 am

Eada felt herself blush as the woman commented on her looks. No one had particularly taught her how to use makeup or flutter her eyelashes. Her mother was definitely not the kind to bother and she didn't have a sister to show her the ropes. So she listened attentively as the woman spoke.

Eada could do confident. Her parents scolded her over-confidence at times, after all, it did seem to get her into trouble on occasions; when she charged into situations without thinking through the consequences. But if she thought them through each time, she wouldn't get anything done.

Eada followed the woman's gaze to the two men at a table across from them. One had stubble sculpted around his jaw and short, dark hair. He looked a few years older than Eada, but still young enough to be drawn to their table. The other was slightly smaller, with longer blonde hair that caught the light of the tavern. As they came over, Eada spotted a small scar above his eyebrow.

Eada smiled at the blonde one. Confidence, she repeated like a mantra in her head and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Hi," said Eada. That's not an open sentence, she cursed herself, but surely it was open enough? She held his gaze for a few seconds longer, before glancing back to the woman.
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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Amelia Cross on November 17th, 2013, 7:38 pm


As the two men came closer, Amelia began looking them up and down, finally paying attention to their looks, rather than their level of drunkenness. One had dark hair in a short, but rather messy cut that seemed to be in perfect harmony with his strong brows and a few days’ worth of stubble that framed his strong jaw. She couldn’t really tell what was the color of his eyes though, the dim light of the tavern, and the soft highlight from the flames that candles had just seemed to be too off-putting. One thing she could tell for a definite though, he was a man of physical work, as his shoulders were broad, hands looked strong and he didn’t look like a flower boy. His friend, on the contrary had a smaller frame, identifying that he might be a worker of a less physically hard work, maybe a bartender or a ravosalaman? Those things didn’t ring as too physically hard. Visually, he didn’t come off as Amelia’s type, blonds were never her things, so she was sort of glad that Eada had chosen to give her awkward smile and cute ’Hi’ more towards him, than the tall and handsome Amelia already had her eye set on.

”Oh please boys, no need to act like strangers, sit” Amelia told them, especially tending towards the one she liked as she gestured towards the empty seats by their table. The blond seemed to be the more confident of the two, as he didn’t seem to think twice before taking the seat closer t Eada”what are such lovely girls doing alone at Jeb’s place?”the blond asked as he eyed bout of them, and with his eyes seemed to tell his friend to sit as well. ”this place isn’t all that bad, especially if the company is worth it” Amelia added in without thinking herself, as her mind was much more curios of the man who didn’t speak.

”true, and it looks like me and my friend got the best company this place has to offer” he added once more, not bothering to hide the fact he was checking out the shy and innocent-ish Eada. Amelia herself just wanted to laugh as he did it, but instead, she managed to disguise it out as a giggle as she laid her palm on the dark haired man’s shoulder ”I believe the pleasure is all ours”

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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Eada Vine on November 18th, 2013, 5:07 pm

Eada didn't know what to say. She had never been in this situation before and the man's gaze was openly drifting over her. She tried not to blush, but the colour rose in her cheeks. The woman was so smooth as she invited them to sit and carried the conversation easily. Eada didn't know how she could do it.

Eada could smell the alcohol on the man's breath as he slipped in beside her, but it didn't put her off. It somehow encouraged her, reminding her that the two men probably wouldn't remember this all that clearly in the morning. Yet she didn't want to make too much of a mockery of herself. The man's wondering gaze seemed to be amusing the woman at least.

Open sentences, Eada. And be confident. "Indeed," Eada said and inwardly cringed. Why was that the thing that came out of her mouth? She fought the temptation to slap her palm to her forehead. What kind of person says indeed? No normal one. No one that wants to get a drink.

The man smiled. "Have I seen you somewhere before?" He asked and Eada examined his face. His pupils were large in the light of the tavern - and probably from the alcohol - and there was a thin rim of brown around them. He had a soft features and Eada's stomach jumped as she remembered that he was interested in her. Her.

"I have one of those faces," Eada said and frowned slightly; she was meant to be being seductive. She threw in a smile. "Besides, I think I'd remember you." She glanced at the woman, as though to check she was doing alright - not laying it on too thick - but she was looking at the dark haired man.

The blonde seemed pleased enough though and his foot brushed Eada's as he shuffled. She wondered if he did it on purpose. "I think it's your eyes. They remind me of the ocean." Eada giggled, trying her best not to let it turn into a full on laugh. She didn't have to worry about laying it on too thick after all, not while this guy was throwing cheap lines all over the place. At least he was confident.

Eada smiled and glanced up at him through her eyelashes. The pale woman was sexy and beautiful, but Eada supposed the only thing she had going for her right now was cuteness. Maybe if she got a chance to go shopping - take on some of the woman's clothing advice she'd stand a chance eventually - but for now she hoped he was the kind of guy to find sweetness attractive.
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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Amelia Cross on November 19th, 2013, 7:38 pm


”indeed? Was that the best you could do?” Amelia wondered at first as the girl spoke, but then again, she hadn’t really given her much of a guidance before she threw her in a real-life situation with two drunks, though Amelia stayed with her thoughts…the men weren’t drunk enough to be classified as drunks, they were just drunk enough to loosen up…at least the blond one. What didn’t really come much to Amelia’s liking, as she didn’t like bothering with shy men, but this one was oh so handsome.

As Eada glanced at Amelia after her little line, she smiled at the girl with a light node of her head, a sign of approval if you may. Amelia was not going to lie, if the men weren’t here or if you could just turn off their hearing, she would correct the girls behavior, the way she looked at the man and how pushed her smile looked, but she didn’t have the chance to do so. Therefore, encouraging was the best she could do. Not to mention, the attempt wasn’t half bad, just not confident enough.

For a moment Amelia and the dark haired man beside her seemed to give their undivided attention to their friends. It was a mystery what the man thought, but the way his hand seemed to casually slide in front of his face, his eyes that drifted away from the blond who tried using overused pickup lines…it all seemed to put together a picture of shame, humiliation, like the man was ashamed of his friends behavior…what was a bit of an unusual sight to see in this place, after all, there was a man barely hold in their feet trying to sing along to the song playing…didn’t look like anyone was ashamed of him and his crime was clearly more than just a bad pick-up-line. ”strange men I spotted” then again, the blond was young, about Eada’s age, maybe older by a season or two. So his own behavior might be explained by age, confidence of youth that is only encouraged by intoxication.

Well enough of that, the fortuneteller needed to stop examining the girls behavior and her attempts of flirting, and start getting back at her own job, the lovely man next to her. ”you don’t seem to be the talkative type” Amelia told as any illusions of her being shy baked away and her hand glided down to his arm, tucking at it firmly enough to get his attention. ”I let my friend do the talking” he simply answered, but didn’t really shake Amelia’s hand off, making it clear that he didn’t mind her touch…to the woman, that was an opening she was sure to use latter on. ”’Friend’, sounds so strange…how about you tell us your names?” Names were a tool, no matter how you looked at it, and people in Ravok were hesitant to give them away. As a Name could be used for bout good and bad, for bringing a sense of familiarity or for spreading a rumor…the man seemed to know, but he spoke ”I’m Kaname””Damien” the blond added without really looking back at Amelia or Kaname, still being more concentrated on Eada.

”Black Bird”Amelia said, simply with a hint of that light seductiveness in her tone as she let her hand find its way to the man’s leg, not parting her black eyes from his blue for even a chime ”I can see why they would call you that, but I don’t believe that its your name” the man finally let out a sign of emotion, a smirk of amusement, but also interest in his eyes that Amelia caught and while still holding his misty, clearly a bit intoxicated gaze she leaned forward ”No, but you will call me that anyway…I’m sure of it” the girl winked as she pulled back, leaving a bit of a confused yet intrigued man…leaving him watching as Amelia began humming and lightly clapping to the beat of the song the musician’s plaid.

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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Eada Vine on November 20th, 2013, 5:28 pm

Eada watched the woman work, as she had tried to teach Eada. She was incredibly smooth and Eada watched as Kaname seemed to lean into her, his whole body language changing as he drew toward the woman. Eada turned back to Damien as he made a joke. She touched his arm as she laughed. She didn't expect the giggle to be real, but as it slipped out she found it was; she was getting caught up in the thrill of the moment. If someone told her that joke tomorrow she probably wouldn't even chuckle, but here with the music swimming around them and Damien seeming to shuffle closer, there was a warm fuzz in her stomach. She wondered if Damien hadn't been drinking, whether he'd still be attracted to her. That's a thought for another time.

"I'm Eada," she said, letting her hand linger on his arm for a second longer. She was starting to enjoy this.

"I'm glad your name is as beautiful as your face," he winked and Eada giggled, colour rising into her cheeks. She flicked her hair over her shoulder, exposing slightly more of her neck and leaned forward. She was too swept up in the moment to feel embarrassed, besides, the woman had said she needed confidence and Damien's cheesy lines were giving her just that. "Keep talking," she said and giggled. "Flattery can get you anywhere." She pressed her teeth into the corner of her lip - an old habit for when she was nervous, but she didn't feel nervous now, just excited.

"Where exactly are you thinking?" He said and Eada wondered if he just glanced at her lips... She smiled, choosing to assume he hadn't.

She shrugged and leaned forward, close enough so he would smell the perfume she had borrowed from her mother - at least it smelt nice. "I haven't decided yet." She smiled and her eyebrow rose a few milimetres automatically. She giggled at her own sudden confidence - it was better than her mouth dropping open in shock, at least. She couldn't believe she had just done that; she really was swept up in the moment. Maybe there was hope for her yet, but she didn't want to push her luck. At least Damien was drunk enough to not care whether she looked too ridiculous.
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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Amelia Cross on November 20th, 2013, 9:49 pm


It was odd how Amelia, a girl who usually had no trouble keeping her attention locked on one man that she aimed to spend either good time with…or get something from…was so easily distracted by Eada and that fellow, Damien. She felt somehow responsible for the girl, as if she’d be her sister or guardian. Most probably because she was the one who encouraged the girl to get this far, to be confident in her actions and she called the men here to join them...and even though the blond seemed to be an innocent drunk, she was worried…and the man next to her seemed to notice despite the façade of a smile, and humming to the music.

Kaname leaned closer ”Black Bird looks worried”” Its nothing but an illusion” she said in a whisper that seemed to create a little fake atmosphere of intimacy between them, at least it should, if Amelia would look at him…not glance at what Eada was doing. She had to hand it to the girl, for someone who made an utter and absolute fool of herself just a few chimes ago, she was doing surprisingly well. But the way she seemed to be flirting, was the innocent girl ready for the things she might be leading the man on? The Cross was, she wouldn’t admit it, but she was looking for it, but maybe that was the problem…she showed a bad example…might have just thrown the innocent thing in the house of pleasures to learn.

The man’s hand suddenly brushed against Amelia’s face, her eyes instantly turning away from the lip biting and hair thrown Eada to the man who seemed to be opening up a bit too much compared to the man he seemed to be initially. ”she’s not your sister, just by looking at you I can tell that, so~” but Amelia wouldn’t let things go the way he pushed, she was the game master, at least that was what the pale woman constantly told herself. ”So many people you can meet in these streets, these canals these bridges these taverns these inns” she sang, pulling his hand away from her face with a coy smile playing on her lips. ”want a dance?””I’m really shy, I need a drink or two to loosen up”

Needless to say, the man didn’t buy her lie, she could have had better luck making him believe that she was a konti than making him believe she would be too shy to dance, but a few mugs of ale wouldn’t be too costly if split on two with his friend. ”What do you say Damien, some ale for our table?” the man asked glancing over to his friend.

But Damien didn’t seem to hear his question , as his hand had found a fitting place for it on Eada’s leg, lightly brushing it as he kept on showering the girl with his funny lines. The blond was overconfident with his lines "I' don't need flattery when I have a gift of Rhysol himself, sitting next to me" he added, with a smile that could possibly melt even the ice of Avanthal.

The blond leaned a bit closer to Eada, trying to limit the distance between the two of them, at this point it was hard to tell, was it the alcohol the two already had which was taking action, or the women themselves, that had managed to have them loosen up...but one was clear, at least one of the men held danger to the girls, because one of them..wanted more than chatter. now, to only guess which one...

oocthe decision of them buying or not, is up to you, and feel free to control them, otherwise I feel bad :(

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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Eada Vine on November 21st, 2013, 5:13 pm

Eada looked at the man's hand resting on her leg, half listening to Kaname talking to the woman. She heard him mention drinks, as had been her aim all along, but Damien's fingers were slightly moving against the material covering her skin. She shivered, even in the warmth of the tavern. She wasn't sure whether she liked it or not, but it made her incredibly uncomfortable. She was beginning to understand that maybe it wasn't just a harmless drink on his mind. It didn't matter that her stomach clenched as he spoke, she wasn't sure she was prepared for this turn of events.

He leant closer so his leg was pressed against hers. She hadn't meant to lead him on so far... it was just harmless flirting that she hadn't expected to be so effective. She supposed the alcohol had a lot to do with it. You idiot girl. What's flirting about? She looked up and smiled, glancing at Kaname and the woman. The dark-haired man clearly wanted more of the woman's attention, but she seemed concerned. Eada smiled at her, trying to tell her that she was okay. She could handle Damien. She hoped, anyway.

She turned back to him. "A drink would be great," Eada was half hoping he would slip away from her and go to the bar and half hoping he would stay. It would be lying to say she didn't enjoy the attention, but that was all she wanted to enjoy tonight. She wasn't ready to take it any further.

Damien smiled and looked at Kaname, pulling out a few mizas. He leant even closer to Eada in order to reach them from his hip pocket. He held them out to his dark-haired friend. "You wouldn't ask me to leave this beauty, would you?" He smiled and Eada blushed as his gaze pulled back to her.

Kaname narrowed his eyes and glanced at the woman. He sighed and took the mizas. "Do you want to accompany me, Black Bird?" Eada glanced between Kaname and the woman, wondering what she would choose. Beside her, Damien brushed some hair back from her face, capturing her attention. She smiled at him, not quite as enthusiastic as before, but she didn't want to appear unthankful after he'd just handed over money to buy drinks.
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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Amelia Cross on November 21st, 2013, 10:03 pm


Even though Eada smiled at her, she was not sure whether the girl knew how to handle the situation. It should take only a few gentle words, and the man would either get the hint that she was not interested, or at worst start a drama…and a drama was not a bad option, considering the bar was full of men who only needed a reason to lift their fists up in the air and charge at someone. A someone who is bothering two women, is usually a pretty darn good excuse for that, even when sober. But then again, maybe the young girl really liked all of it, and knew how much she might be leading him on…and be ready for it? After all, who was Amelia to judge when she had just met her and probably was the only reason the girl might get in a mess…

To answer Kaname’s offer of joining him at the bar, she was hesitant, probably because she was not that sure why he bothered to get up at all when you could have just be loud enough to attract a barmaid? But after a chime of thinking, of hesitation and analysis…she came to the conclusion that there should be little harm done if Amelia actually got up and accompanied the man. Therefor she planted a smile on her face and almost jumped up from her seat, not really thinking twice of holding any distance between the man and herself as she pulled up close to him ”be my guiding wind” she chuckled and they bout departed from the table. Leaving Damien clearly satisfied by the situation.

At the bar, Amelia kept close to Kaname as he spoke to Jeb and ordered drinks, she couldn’t notice that one of the 4 drinks was lighter ”and might I ask, for who is the…easy one?” ”me” Amelia toke it as a joke, and chuckled at first ”seriously, who is it for, your friend?””no, I mean it, I don't drink much…I’m here only because I’m sort of…supervising Damien, when the lad starts drinking he doesn’t really know where to stop…and gets quite angry if you deny him attention or a pint, so its better if I’m relatively sober to get him home and make sure he isn’t falling into a canal” the words were common, it was so usual to see men coming in pairs to sort of, look out for each other…especially if one had interesting times with alcohol…but this one didn’t seem like the usual thing, like he was sincerely concerned, but about who, Damien or Eada and Amelia?

”so, no man is without a sin when they have too much ale, what would I have to be prepared for if you decided to take a drink”’ his eyes turned darker, and Amelia could only wish to actually read his thoughts at that moment ”I don’t have such habits to speak of” ”everyone has…””curiosity is not a valuable trait, it kills, keep in mind…if you are lucky, Black Bird,you won’t find out my bad habits…” and with that he toke all four of the mugs two in each hand and they walked back to the table. What had happened there while they were gone, was unclear and Amelia didn’t feel like finding out, not by the table at least.

She was about to think up a diversion, a way to distract the men so she could speak with Eada, but instead, her mind was caught by a familiar tune…the song of Ravok… an idea came up in her mind and she hummed, then slowly began singing along to the voices of the tavern…a bit of a drunk cat choir, but still did the job.

” There’s an ear in the shadow and an eye in the lock,
and the words you said are rumors new
‘cause we all want to see what She’ll do to you
in ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

Amelia clapped her foot against the floor in the rhythm as she pulled Eada by the arm, ”oh, come dance with me!” her voice was only half true, as the main idea was to get her far away from the table to talk.

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[The Silver Sliver]You're new at this, aren't you?[Eada]

Postby Eada Vine on November 23rd, 2013, 11:31 am

Eada watched the woman head to the bar with Kaname and Damien lent closer into her. His finger trailed over her cheek, sending shudders down her spine. She wondered if anyone was watching the encounter, but she knew it was nothing unusual in a place like this. She also wondered if she looked uncomfortable.

"You've suddenly gone shy," he breathed, tucking her hair behind her ear before she could reach up to do it. Eada smiled and said, "Well you have enough confidence for the both of us." He grinned and Eada wondered if he could get any closer if he wanted to. He seemed to want to as he shuffled beside her and his hand reappeared on her leg, she bit the corner of her lip. He didn't need to say anything for Eada to know what he wanted.

She turned to him and swallowed. He must be able to tell how suddenly her mood had changed, but maybe with the alcohol he didn't care. Damien glanced at the bar where the woman and Kaname had disappeared to. "We'll be alone for a few more minutes," he whispered with a smile in his voice and Eada swallowed, but before she could react he had his hand behind her head and was kissing her. Her eyes widened and her body tensed. The kiss was rough and tasted of alcohol, but she didn't much mind that; it was his hand slowly sneaking higher up her leg... She jumped back.

"What...?" Damien frowned and Eada chewed her lip, knotting her fingers on her lap. "I'm sorry," She said. "I didn't... I didn't know what to do." Damien sighed and moved closer to her again. Eada was too warm now and her pulse was hammering. She hadn't wanted this to happen. She had just wanted a drink.

"It's alright," his hand slipped onto her hip and Eada shuffled - uncomfortable again. But there was something less patient in his expression and she was suddenly slightly afraid. He probably wouldn't hurt her, but he knew what he wanted and with the alcohol in his system, he wasn't afraid to get it. "Damien, I don't want..." He wasn't smiling anymore, but Kaname and the woman returned to the table, carrying drinks. Kaname had a strange expression, perhaps slightly suspicious, but maybe Eada was just imagining that. Damien didn't remove his hand from her hip or even move to create a few more millimeters between them.

Eada let the woman pull her into the dancing crowds, smiling at Damien as she left; she didn't want to completely hurt him. They began to to move with the rest of the people. Eada had no idea how to dance, but she glanced at the people around her and copied the way they swung their hips slightly and moved their legs. It wasn't exactly a show of grace or beauty, but she sensed that wasn't the main reason the woman had pulled her away from the table.
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