Race: Kelvic
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: 29, Spring, 490 AV
Starting City: Syliras
Birthplace: Forest Wilderness. Exact Location Unknown.
Appearance: Just like Most Regular Humans with a small difference
Height= 6 foot, Dark Black Hair, Moves very gracefully like he is doing some kind of dance. His Teeth are Sharper then usual because of his animal Part. But different from most kelvic who often have the eyes of there animal parts.
Pathur was Born with cold blue eyes.
Personality= Patient, calm, stealthy , sneaky , Fast, Quick, Agile,
A little uneasy around humans and in Close spaces. Doesn't like Small rooms.
My character will probably end up being a thieve and or assassin

Born in the forest somewhere in mizahar. Like Most animals do his parents left him when he was 4 years old. From there on he survived by himself hunting in the woods where he grew up and where he knew he was safe. But as he grew older he started to grow curious and wanted to see the world. So he set out to find a city where he would start his Journey.
Ability= Speaks Panther
Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Isur
Poor Language: Nari
Hunting 10 [Racial Boost]
Unarmed Combat 10 [Racial Boost]
Stealth 20
Poison 10
Running 10
Dual Wield 5
Climbing 5
[Skills i Want to Learn]
Helpful Lores: (Pick 2)
Lore of Syliran Geography
Lore of Syliran Culture
1 Set of Clothing
-Flaxen Shirt
-Flaxen Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Flaxen Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
-Black Leather boots
-Silver Chain
- 2 Fur Coats
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Food is given out daily
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
102 Gold Mizas
Heirloom: Polished Dagger with ruby engraved in its Hilt
Housing: Single Room 20x20 cottage in Syliras
Location: Where in Mizahar are you living? Syliras
House: Housing comes mostly in the form of apartments and townhouses. These are all small and cramped, and everyone has a neighbor. Religious art and offerings of food and money hang from the walls, both inside and out. The housing comes with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.
Balance = 102 gm 2 sm 1 cm
+ 2gm +2cm +1cm [ Robbing People in the Street ]
Starting +100 GM
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